Szczepionki HPV (wg. farma-propagandy przeciw rakowi szyjki macicy) należą do najgroźniejszych. Zgłoszenia powikłań poszczepiennych dowodzą, że szczepionki te nie  tylko nie chronią przed rakiem, ale wręcz mogą go wywoływać i to u bardzo młodych kobiet. Naturalnie ten rodzaj raka występuje głównie u zaniedbanych starszych kobiet iw USA jest bardzo rzadki, a teraz coraz częściej zdarza się wśród zaszczepionych dziewcząt i młodych kobiet.

Szczepienia HPV także zabijają i ciężko okaleczają młode kobiety. Od 2007 r. do lipca 2013 do bazy VAERS w USA zgłoszono ponad 30 000 poważnych powikłań po tych
szczepieniach, w tym 140 zgonów i 963 przypadków trwałego kalectwa poszczepiennego (encefalopatie, paraliż, choroby demielinizacyjne, padaczki, etc.).
(Załączona Tablica 1 pokazuje przypadki głównych zgłoszonych powikłań). Ponieważ do bazy VAERS zgłaszanych jest nie więcej niż 5% wszystkich powikłań, liczby te
trzeba pomnożyć przez co najmniej 20. Tzn. szczepionki HPV mogły zabić ok. 2800 dziewcząt i młodych kobiet oraz trwale okaleczyły prawie 20 000 (w USA). Wywołały
też ok. 1300 przypadków raka macicy oraz ponad 4300 stanów przedrakowych. W najlepszym przypadku, nie uchroniły one kobiet przed rakiem szyjki macicy, więc nie
spełniają reklamowanej roli ochronnej.
Tablica 2 ilustruje rozkład powikłań po szczepieniach HPV w różnych grupach wiekowych. Widać, że 137 przypadków zgłoszonych powikłań (czyli ponad 2700 prawdopodobnych) było wśród niemowląt i dzieci poniżej 5 roku życia, co dowodzi, że szczepionki HPV podstępnie i nielegalnie wstrzykuje się już maleńkim dzieciom, dla których nie były one przeznaczone.
Do opisanych powyżej powikłań należy dołączyć poszczepienną sterylizację dziewcząt. W opublikowanej niedawno pracy naukowej włosko-izraelscy badacze opisują trzy
przypadki młodych, uprzednio zdrowych kobiet, u których szczepienia HPV spowodowały nieodwracalne uszkodzenie jajników. Szczepienia te zaindukowały u nich
choroby autoimmunologiczne i pojawienie się przeciwciał przeciw komórkom jajników (i tarczycy), które spowodowały sterylizację w dodatku do innych schorzeń
autoimmunologicznych (Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.).
Prawdopodobnie jest to dopiero początek tego typu doniesień i wielka fala bezpłodności w wyniku poszczepiennego uszkodzenia jajników wkrótce nadejdzie. To się niebawem okaże, gdyż pokolenie zaszczepionych dziewcząt niedługo wejdzie w fazę rozrodczą.
Obserwacje te uzupełniają dane zebrane w VAERS, gdzie zgłoszono 396 przypadków poronień i uszkodzeń płodów u kobiet po szczepieniach HPV, co znaczy było ich w USA prawdopodobnie ponad 7900.
Po tym jak rząd japoński nakazał wycofanie szczepionek HPV z Japonii (a rząd Chin przygotowuje podobną decyzję), kartele szczepionkowe gwałtownie poszukują nowych
ofiar. Przygotowują agresywne kampanie korumpowania urzędników państwowych i medycznych różnych krajów, nakłaniając ich do przymusowego szczepienia tymi
szczepionkami także niemowląt obojga płci. Należy oczekiwać, że Polska, która ma bardzo spolegliwych i ignoranckich posłów oraz urzędników medycznych (o czym
dobitnie świadczy jednogłośne przegłosowanie faszystowskiej ustawy o przymusie szczepień, jakiej nie ma w żadnym kraju europejskim), będzie jednym z głównych celów
tych sterylizacyjnych i ludobójczych ataków. Wielką tragedią naszych czasów jest to, że dziś tysiące skorumpowanych lekarzy, urzędników medycznych i polityków
„demokratycznie” prowadzą politykę systemowej medycznej eksterminacji własnych narodów. Trzeba przyznać, że do zbrodni na taką skalę nie posunęli się nawet
hitlerowscy naziści. (Po doświadczeniach hitleryzmu, dzisiejsze Niemcy mają najbardziej liberalną i humanitarną politykę szczepień w Europie, czyli nikogo do nich nie zmuszają, a nawet nie zachęcają, dzięki czemu mają bardzo niskie wskaźniki umieralności niemowląt).

Tablica 1. Powikłania po szczepieniach HPV zgłoszone do bazy VAERS w USA do lipca 2013 (to tylko ok. 5% wszystkich prawdopodobnych powikłań).


Tablica 2. Zgłoszone powikłania po szczepieniach HPV w różnych grupach wiekowych


HPV Vaccines Can Kill And They Do!
My Daughter, Cervarix and Scleroderma: What do they have in common?
Reframing cervical cancer prevention. Expanding the field towards prevention of human papillomavirus infections and related diseases.

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HPV Vaccines Can Kill And They Do!

On every packet of cigarettes sold, there is a warning, Smoking Kills, to deter people from damaging their health by smoking. Governments around the world decided to put this warning on every packet of cigarettes due to the high death rate caused by the toxic effects of nicotine and other additives.

It is a great pity that these governments do not apply the same forward-thinking standards to HPV vaccines and the information sheets offered to parents. Based on the evidence, these vaccines should also carry a government-issued heath warning, stating HPV Vaccines Can Kill.

The latest statistics published on the United States VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) in June 2013 show a staggering 140 lives have been lost due to the HPV Vaccine.

Tens of Thousands of Adverse Reactions, or Hundreds of Thousands?

The VAERS statistics show that HPV vaccinations have caused the following adverse reactions in the US:

  • Deaths: 140
  • Disabled: 952
  • Did not recover: 6,032
  • Abnormal pap smear: 531
  • Cervical dysplasia: 214
  • Cervical cancer: 64
  • Life-threatening: 562
  • ER visit: 10,557
  • Hospitalized: 3,065
  • Extended hospital stay: 234
  • Serious: 4,091
  • Adverse events: 30,352

These figures were provided by Leslie Carol Botha on July 15, 2013, on her insightful website Holy Hormones Journal. She wrote:

“It is estimated that only 1 to 10% of the HPV vaccine-injured are reporting.  So start adding zeros on to the reports of 140 deaths.  And then ask yourself – are the HPV vaccines deadly?  For 140 families they are.  And that’s just what is being reported.” [1]

If she is correct, HPV vaccines may have potentially injured over three hundred thousand people in the USA in just seven years, which I am sure you will agree is a colossal number of casualties. Despite this estimate, no official action of any kind against the HPV vaccine has been taken. Why not?

If any other product caused this number of casualties, there would be a public outcry demanding that governments ban the product. Instead, the world stays silent and the damage continues.

If these figures were not bad enough, the two pharmaceutical companies responsible for manufacturing these vaccines, Merck (Gardasil) and GlaxoSmithKline (Cervarix), along with governments worldwide, are now looking for a new age group to vaccinate with these lethal vaccines – newborn babies.

Will Newborns Be the Next Victims?

On August 1, 2013, an article by Heidi Stevenson sent shock waves around the world when she announced:

“If you can push the most dangerous vaccines in use today on teen and pre-teen girls, and later on boys of the same age, without any proof that they work, then why not give them to newborn infants—plus another ‘booster’ later on? That appears to be planned for Gardasil and Cervarix, along with a slick new marketing program, thanks to the vaccine-industrial complex.” [2]

In Ms. Stevenson’s well-written and well-referenced article, she cites a paper titledReframing Cervical Cancer Prevention: Expanding the Field Towards Prevention of Human Papillomavirus Infections and Related Diseases, written by FX Bosch et al. Ms. Stevenson points out that the authors did not even consider the fact that the two HPV vaccines currently in use cause some of the worst and most common adverse reactions of any vaccines. She also revealed that the paper was financed by major government agencies. These include the European Commission and Institute of Health “Carlos III” of the Spanish government.

The abstract of the paper by Bosch et al., which can be found on PubMed [3], suggests that the hepatitis B vaccination program offers a good model to introduce the HPV vaccine to infants. The authors state that newborn and infant immunization of the hepatitis B vaccine achieves a rapid reduction in the prevalence of the HBV carrier rates in immunized cohorts of children, reducing liver cirrhosis and liver cancer decades later.

It appears that these authors are actually suggesting that parents have their newborn babies vaccinated with not just one, but two vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases. Babies do not catch sexually transmitted diseases unless the mother has them, so why not screen the mother?

Why are Babies Given STD Vaccines?

Dr. Judith Reisman believes that she has the answer, which she presents in her paperSTD Vaccinations Aid Global Child Sex Traffic? Does Mandating Pediatric Hep B [and HPV] Vaccinations Aid the Global Child Sex Traffic? She wrote:

“Research by Risbud et al. in Sexually Transmitted Infections in 1992 and a steady stream of studies confirm that Hepatitis B is a venereal disease. ‘[C]ommercial sex work and history of a genital ulcers were independently associated with [Hep B] underscor[ing] the need to provide HBV vaccine to commercial sex workers and their clients.’

Newborn babies are hardly ‘sex workers’ or their ‘clients.’ Yet, in 1991 USA hospitals (covertly—as without public debate or discussion) mandated hepatitis B vaccinations of neonates born to normal, married, uninfected mothers.” [4] (emphasis added)

Her paper is extremely disturbing, but in my opinion, well worth considering, because the pharmaceutical industries and governments must have a good reason to even consider giving two vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases to babies at birth. After all, if governments insist on vaccinating newborn babies with toxic vaccines, then wouldn’t giving newborn babies the MMR or the DPT vaccinations be more beneficial, as babies are more likely to come into contact with measles or tetanus than an STD?

So, is the sex trafficking of children the reason that governments are now considering vaccinating newborns with the HPV vaccine or is the real reason population control?

Will You Risk Your Child’s Fertility for This Vaccine?

Dr. Deirdre Little has recently linked the Gardasil vaccine to a sixteen year-old patient under her care entering an early menopause. Her report states that before the sixteen year-old received the Gardasil vaccine during the fall of 2008, her menstrual cycle was perfectly normal. However, by January 2009, her cycle had become irregular, and over the course of the next two years, her menses (bleeds) had become increasingly irregular. By 2011, she had ceased menstruating altogether. Later examinations of the girl confirmed that her ovaries had ceased producing eggs. [5, 6]

Dr. Little is not alone in her concerns.

The Japanese government has become so concerned about the HPV vaccine causing adverse reactions that they have decided to withdraw their support for the HPV vaccine schedule altogether. Their decision came after they received approximately 2000 reports from women and girls suffering severe adverse reactions after receiving HPV vaccinations, including long-term pain, numbness, paralysis and infertility. [7]

If all this was not worrying enough, one mother, Ms. Linda Stewart, told Sane Vax how the HPV vaccine Cervarix destroyed her daughter’s life completely. She wrote:

“Shannon basically spent the summer of 2011 in her room reading a book or sleeping, shutting herself off from the rest of the world. She had never had a problem with her menstrual cycle before, but her periods stopped in April. Her menstrual cycle did not resume until November, when it came back with a vengeance. In the end, she had to be put on medication to help control the heavy flow. Even so, it took five months for her cycle to return to normal. So far she has had no further problems in this area.

By this time Shannon was in such pain she would not participate in PE at school (I must add that the PE teacher was very understanding). I then returned to the GP who referred her for another course of physiotherapy, despite the lack of success with the first round.” [8]

This is just one example of the many personal stories that can be found on the Internet, and yet nothing has been done to protect this from happening to others. In comparison, in the USA, in 2009 Maclaren recalled one million strollers after twelve children had fingers amputated by their pushchairs’ folding mechanism. [9]


Just from the evidence that I have provided, HPV vaccines clearly are not safe, and yet no government to date has ever banned these vaccines. Other products have been banned for far less dangers, so why is a vaccine that has killed 140 women and children and maimed thousands of others been allowed to stay on the market?

To offer the HPV vaccine to newborn babies along with the hepatitis B vaccine is pure evil. Many babies are born prematurely and we have to ask ourselves what the impact of these two highly dangerous and toxic vaccines given at the same time will be. We also need to question why newborn babies need to have two vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases. Surely these are diseases that babies are very unlikely to come into contact with.

If a major company such as Maclaren is willing to recall one million strollers from the market because twelve children have had their fingers amputated, then why are governments refusing to acknowledge that a vaccine that they recommend is reported to have been responsible for the death of 140?









