This is mirror of Vaccines Uncensored website recovered from web archive.
The aim of this website is to encourage the public to question deeply entrenched assumptions regarding the necessity, safety, efficacy and historical record of vaccination through the views of professionals whose concerns and criticisms are rarely heard in the mass media. This includes some startling admissions from key figures in vaccine development and public policy including: Dr. Jonas Salk, Dr. Albert Sabin, Dr Maurice Hilleman and Dr. J. Anthony Morris. Quotes are divided into broad catagories (a few repeating) and again, subdivided to offer a sampling of views on various aspects of the subject at hand. While a sampling of scientific studies are also cited, (usually in italics except for intros/insertions) the material presented at Vaccines Uncensored is but the tip of the needle. Those wishing to explore this critical issue with greater depth and scrutiny are encouraged to read, “Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners” by Neil Miller which cites over one thousand studies, and to visit the websites listed in the rights and resource section.
F.Y.I. And Disclaimer: Before You Start
Before you begin to explore ‘Vaccines Uncensored’, please note the following:
- ‘Vaccines Uncensored’ has been independently compiled by a concerned professional who has witnessed too much vaccine damage and subsequent denial and dismissal by the medical system, and hence felt compelled to give a voice to criticisms largely censored by mass media sources.
- Some quotes applicable to more than one category may repeat.
- Information pertaining to a study is usually in italics.
- Italics is used in brackets to insert information for clarification or to add an editorial comment.
- Text highlighted in bold and put in italics is used editorially to emphasize key words within a quote.
- All other highlights are part of the original quote cited.
- Dates cited such as 5/31/ 99, place the month first, followed by the day of the month.
- Quotes are sourced from practitioners past and present covering those who are currently practicing, retired and deceased.
- Initials used to denote medical qualifications may vary country to country. See Doctor of Medicine at Wikipedia
- In most cases, qualifications indicated are those during the quoted individual’s active career
- The compiler of ‘Vaccines Uncensored’ has exercised editorial discretion in deciding to include the qualifications of practitioners who’ve suffered professional repercussions due to what the editor firmly believes is their unfavourable research findings/view/criticisms of vaccination.
- While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of quotes, ‘Vaccines Uncensored’ is an ongoing work in progress and revisions and new information may be modified and added as required.
Disclaimer: The content of ‘Vaccines Uncensored’ is for information purposes only and is not to be construed as providing medical advice. The decision whether or not to vaccinate is a personal one that should be individually formulated based on due research, consultation and careful consideration. While the majority of those quoted at ‘Vaccines Uncensored’ do not advocate the vaccine modality, individuals quoted here within may or may not endorse vaccination and may or may not endorse other views expressed here within.
The Big Picture: Your Right to a Critical View
” … The system contains 244,424 total reports of possible reactions to vaccines, including 99,145 emergency rooms visits, 5,149 life-threatening reactions, 27,925 hospitalizations, 5,775 disabilities, and 5,309 deaths … ” – United Press International Investigates the Vaccine Conflict, 7/20/03 citing a database at the U.S. CDC tracking reports from doctors between 1991-2002.
“A confidential study by a major vaccine indicated … a fifty fold under-reporting of adverse events” (perhaps only 2% of vaccine reactions are reported!) Institute of Medicine, Vaccine Safety Committee Proceedings, National Academy of Science, Washington DC, 5/11/92
“There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good.” – Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
“No batch of vaccine can be proven safe before it is given to children” – Dr. Leonard Scheele, former U.S. Surgeon General, 1955

“Vaccines by their very nature, with or without mercury are inherently dangerous.” – Dr. Arthur Evangelista, former FDA Investigator
“Our children face the possibility of death or serious long-term adverse effects from mandated vaccines that aren’t necessary or that have very limited benefits.” – Jane M. Orient MD Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
“We and our children have been and are the victims of a carefully orchestrated, programmed propaganda campaign in which maximum publicity is repeatedly given to rare complications from one of the childhood diseases while actively suppressing the cases of morbidity and death caused by vaccines. This active suppression is used to quietly terrorize any professional who does honest research and reports negative or adverse effects from mandated vaccines.” – Thomas Stone, MD Pediatrician

“My thirty years of experience as a family doctor has convinced me the single greatest threat to our health today is vaccination – particularly the horrific procedure of injecting foreign protein into newborn infants.” – Dr. Dan Duffy Sr., Geneva, Ohio

VIDS – Vaccine Induced Diseases
Naturally, there are multitude of factors that determine individual health and susceptibility to disease, and a vaccine that may take a severe toll on one person may seemingly have negligible impact on others. However, given the increase in vaccines administered to children over the last several decades, surely we must question what role vaccines play in the soaring rates of chronic, degenerative and auto-immune disease especially in younger and younger patients…conditions that may not show up for years after a seemingly routine inoculation. Another troubling question, amongst many, is what are the implications of inadvertently shifting infections that would otherwise occur in childhood to infancy or adulthood via inoculation when they could pose a more serious threat. (see: measles, mumps etc. later in this section)
Topics on this page:
- Increasing Vaccines… Decreasing Health?
- Autoimmune Disease
- Cancer… Voices Then and Now
- Cancer & the SV40 Contamination of the Polio Vaccine
- Diabetes: Diet and Genetics Aren’t the Only factors
- Asthma: Is Vaccination a Contributing Factor?
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
- The HPV: ‘Cervical Cancer’ Vaccine
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- The ‘P’ in the DPT Shot
- ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’… Are Parents always guilty?
- The DPT Vaccine versus the DTaP Vaccine
- Ear Infections
- The Danger of Shifting Childhood Disease to Infancy or Adulthood
- Injecting Measles, Mumps and Rubella: Health Consequences
- Vaccine Induced Meningitis?
- The Tetanus Vaccine
- The Flu Shot… Who’s Tracking the Casualties?
- Gulf War Syndrome
Increasing Vaccines… Decreasing Health?
“A critical point which is never mentioned by those advocating mass vaccination is that children’s health has declined significantly since 1960 when vaccines began to be widely used. According to the National Health Interview Survey conducted annually…a shocking 31% of US children today have chronic health problems… In my medical career, I’ve treated vaccinated and unvaccinated children, and the unvaccinated were far healthier and more robust. Allergies, asthma, and behavioral and attention disturbances were clearly more common in my young patients who were vaccinated.” – Philip Incao MD, Testimony on the Hepatitis Vaccine, Ohio 3/1/99
“I see many children in my practice. I see the difference between the immunized and the non-immunized. The non-vaccinated are much healthier and have less infections, colds, otis media and tonsillitis.” – Peter Baratosy MD, PhD, Australia
“I’ve been practicing for forty years and in the past ten years, the children have been sicker than ever.” – Doris J. Rapp MD, Pediatric Allergist
“If a person has a tendency towards a disease, at a certain age, a vaccine might make him/her more susceptible later when other challenges come along.” – Dr. Howard Weiner, Immunologist, Harvard Medical School
“We don’t know the long-term effects of vaccines. It will take several generations before we see some genetic alterations.” – Glen Dettman AAM, PhD, FAPH, Australia, 1992
“If vaccine suppresses visible symptoms of a disease like measles, everyone assumes the vaccine is a success. But under the surface, the vaccine can harm the immune system and cause other diseases…The fact is masked because no one believes the vaccine could do that. The connection is overlooked.” – Dr. Mark Randall (pseudonym) former NIH Researcher and Vaccine Developer in interview with investigative journalist Jon Rappoport.
Autoimmune Disease
“Studies are increasingly pointing to the conclusion that vaccines represent a dangerous assault to the immune system leading to autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Juvenile Onset Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, and Cystic Fibrosis as well as previously rare disorders like brain cancer, SIDS, childhood leukemia, autism and asthma.” – Rona Zoltan MD, ‘Natural Alternatives to Vaccination’
“There are multiple articles in the medical literature demonstrating how chronic illnesses like allergies, asthma, eczema, diabetes mellitus, lupus, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, ADD,/ADHD and autism all exhibit skewed production and over-activity of the TH2 arm of the immune system…” – Lawrence B. Palevsky MD, FAACP, Pediatrician, ‘Aluminum and Vaccine Ingredients: What do we know? What don’t we know?’
“Since the routine vaccines introduce live viruses and other highly antigenic material into the blood, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that a significant harvest of autoimmune diseases will automatically result.” – Richard Moscowitz MD, ‘The Case against Immunizations’

Cancer… Voices Then and Now
“Cancer was practically unknown until vaccination began to be introduced” – Dr. W.B. Clark, NY Press 1/26/1909
“I am convinced the increase in cancer is due to vaccination.” – Dr. Forbes Laurie, Medical Director, Metropolitan Cancer Hospital, London
“I have no hesitation in stating that in my judgment the most frequent disposing condition for cancerous development is vaccination and re-vaccination” – Dr. Dennis Turnbull, 30 year Cancer Researcher, ‘Vaccines: Are They Really Safe & Effective’ N. Miller
“Vaccination also causes leukemia to break out.” – Dr. B. Duperrat, Presse Medicale , Paris, France 3/12/55
“Certain vaccines called “recombinant”, “subunit” and “naked DNA” use methods of genetic engineering in their productions. These techniques pose major concerns because of the unknown interaction of the vaccine and human proteins/DNA. The FDA actually acknowledges this concern where mutations take place through the activation of oncogenes or inactivation of tumour suppressor genes allowing cancers to thrive… A detailed and technical report which details the many cancerous and genetic consequences of vaccine contamination notes that each vaccine dose is allowed 100,000,000 allowable pieces of DNA, not including the DNA in the viral and viral-contaminated portions. We believe that any allowable piece of DNA is a risk.” – Harold Buttram MD, FAACP, ‘Vaccines and Genetic Mutation’
Cancer & the SV40 Contamination of the Polio Vaccine

“Within a few years of the polio vaccine we started seeing some strange phenomena like the year before the first 300,000 doses were given in the United States childhood leukemia had never struck children under the age of two. One year after the first onslaught they had the first cases of children under the age of two that died of leukemia…Dr. Herbert Radnor observed that in a small area of this little town, in an area where no cases of leukemia had been expected or at the most one in 4 years according to previous statistics, they suddenly had a rash like epidemic within a few blocks” – Eva Snead MD, San Antonio, Texas
“Despite official denials of any correlation between polio vaccines, SV-40 and increased cancer rates, by April 2001, 62 papers from 30 laboratories around the world had reported SV-40 in human tissues and tumours.” – San Francisco Chronicle 7/15/2001
“A study of 59,000 women found that children of mothers who received the Salk vaccine between 1959 and 1965 had brain tumors at a rate 13 times greater than mothers who did not receive those polio shots.” – New England Journal of Medicine 1988; 318; 1469
“I just think this virus may have some long-term affects…cancer. Three, four weeks after that we found tumours popping out of these hamsters.” – Dr. Maurice Hilleman, Chief Vaccine Developer, Merck relating comments made to Dr. Albert Sabin, developer of the live virus polio vaccine, in interview with Edward Shorter, Medical Historian, 2/6/87
“It cannot be ruled out that two million New Zealanders cold be suffering in thirty years’ time from cancerous brain tumours as a result of vaccination.” – Dr. A. Malcome, Minister of Health, New Zealand, 1983
“Despite the polio vaccine’s long history of animal-virus contamination, today’s inactivated shot is manufactured in much the same way as earlier versions: The viruses are grown in cultures of continuous line monkey kidney cells… supplemented with newborn calf serum… The vaccine also contains two antibiotics (neomycin and streptomycin) plus formaldehyde. In Canada the inactivated polio vaccine is produced in human fetal tissues…” – ‘Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective’, Neil Miller
Diabetes: Diet and Genetics Aren’t the Only factors
“Mumps vaccination may not provide protection against diabetes mellitus, it may provoke it.” – Otten A, et al, Behring Inst. Mitt; (75); 83-8 7/1/84
“Four children…developed diabetes mellitus shortly after active mumps vaccination.” – K. Helme, et al Diabetogia, Vol. 29, Number 1/30-33, 1/1/86
“The rise in IDDM (juvenile onset diabetes) in different age groups correlated with the number of vaccines given.” – Dr. J. Bart Classen, former Researcher, National Institute of Health
“Hepatitis B vaccine and Haemophilus influenza type b vaccine have been respectively suspected to be responsible for neurological demyelinating disease and insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.” – Ovetchkine P., Arch Pediatr, 8(3):316-20 3/101
“Classen showed that Finland’s incidence of diabetes increased 147% in children under five after three new vaccines were introduced in the 1970’s and that diabetes increased 49% in children age five to nine after the addition of the MMR and Hib vaccines in the 1980s.” – 10/22/97 Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice

Asthma: Is Vaccination a Contributing Factor?
“Fifty percent of diagnosed asthma cases in U.S. children and adolescents would be prevented if the DPT or tetanus vaccination was not administered…” – Hurwitz, E.L. et al, ‘Effects of Diptheria-tetanus-pertusis or tetanus vaccination on allergies and allergy related respiratory systems amongst children and adolescents in the United States’, 2000

Hepatitis B Vaccine

“Genetically engineered Hepatitis B vaccines contain polypeptide sequences that are present in human neurologic tissues such as myelin, and that by a mechanism called molecular mimicry, these polypeptides can act as autoantigens which can induce autoimmune demyelinating disease of the brain such as Multiple Sclerosis…. One wonders how the CDC continues to reassure the public about the safety of the Hepatitis B vaccine when they must be aware of thousands of reports to the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System following vaccination including Multiple Sclerosis, Guillan Barre, and autoimmune arthritis; and when there are at least twenty articles in peer reviewed journals medical literature of diseases such as MS and optic neuritis that occurred after Hep. B Vaccanation.”‘A Mortatorium Should Be Placed on This Experiment’, Burton Waisbren MD, FACP, Cell Biologist, Infectious Disease Specialist

The HPV: ‘Cervical Cancer’ Vaccine
(For more details on the politics, promotion, questionable claims and science behind Gardasil and adverse reactions and deaths,,
“The National Vaccine Information Centre is getting reports every week mostly from mothers of what is happening to their 11 year old girls after receiving Gardasil. 9HPV Vaccine)” – CBS4-TV Miami, May 7, 2008
“Gabby got sicker after each shot progressing to seizures, strokes and heart problems. It was her neurologist who suspected Gardasil was to blame. ‘I think that there’s too many people having serious long-term side-effects’ (Dr. Dwight Lindholm)… The National Vaccine Information Center… compared Gardasil to anther vaccine, one also given to young people but for meningitis. Gardasil had triple the number of emergency room visits (5,021 versus 1,667) Reports of side effects were up to thirty times higher. Emily Tarseil’s daughter Chris died three weeks after her third Gardasil shot one of twenty-nine fatalities reported in two years (now higher). Meanwhile, Merck has asked the FDA to approve the vaccine for boys…” – Sharyl Attikison, CBS News Investigates, 2/6/09
“In fact, they have only admitted that Gardasil can cause a sudden loss of consciousness and warn the ‘FDA and the CDC continue to receive reports of traumatic injuries of individuals fainting and falling after receiving Gardasil…” But government health officials have told doctors and the American public that ALL of the other serious Gardasil reaction reports, including seizures, paralysis, brain inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, heart attacks, blood clots, strokes and deaths in young girls and women are just a coincidence.” – Barbara Loe Fischer, National Vaccine Information Center
“I certainly think it is wrong to give Gardasil to young teenage girls and what are the risks? We won’t know until it’s given to millions of women.” – Dr. Catherine De Angelis, former Editor in Chief, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
“Vaccinating a female who knowingly or unknowingly has already been exposed to or infected with HPV16 or HPV18 virus, can increase that girl’s chances of getting cervical cancer by 52%.” – Gardasil HPV Vaccine Warning
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
“Crib death was so infrequent in the pre-vaccination era that it was not even mentioned in the statistics, but it started to climb in the 1950s with the spread of mass vaccination against diseases of childhood.” – Harris Coulter PhD, Medical Historian

“Can you imagine the economic and political import of discovering that immunizations are killing thousands of babies?” – William Campbell Douglass MD (writes ‘The Douglass Report’)

The ‘P’ in the DPT Shot
Administration of pertussis vaccine causes a variety of reactions…encephalopathy and neurological disturbances which have been occasionally observed and in rare cases produces severe brain damage and ever death. – Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology, 1985

“Sweden stopped whooping cough vaccine in 1979, Germany stopped routine use of the vaccine in 1982: the declines of the diseases continued. This vaccine is, arguably, the most dangerous of the current routine jabs, being a whole cell vaccine and largely unpurified or refined. It has probably done more damage, per shot, than any other, with the obvious exception of the smallpox vaccine.” – Pat Rattigan, ND, ‘Assault on the Species’
‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’… Are Parents always guilty?
Also google the documentary ‘Vaccine Nation’ which investigates the very troubling link between vaccination and ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’ and the devastation that it takes on families wrongly accused of abusing their babies.
“The death of a young child is devastating to any parent. But Lois Scoon’s grief has been compounded by the fact that her husband is not at home to share it with her. A few months after Mariah died from a brain hemorrhage in March 1996, Malcolm Scoon was accused to causing her injuries by shaking her violently. Convicted of second degree manslaughter, Scoon, once a practicing anesthesiologist is now serving two to six years in a medium-security prison in upstate New York. To those who knew Malcolm As a gentle man who never lost his temper, the idea that he caused his daughter’s death was unacceptable…” – ‘Vaccine? It’s a question that is tearing families apart, as prosecutors blame parents for the short-comings of common vaccines.’ by Jan Goodwin
“Many infants who suffer the so-called ‘shaken baby syndrome’ may be victims of undiagnosed vaccine damage. Ever since mass vaccination of infants began, reports of serious brain, metabolic and other injuries started filling pages of medical journals…In fact, pertussis vaccine has been used to induce encephalomyelitis (in lab animals) which is characterized by brain swelling and hemorrhaging which is characterized by brain swelling.” – Viera Scheibner PhD, Vaccine Researcher and Author

The DPT Vaccine versus the DTaP Vaccine
Ear Infections
“An Australian living in England told me that her father told her to ‘go to Viera’s seminars and do not vaccinate your children. All those ear infections and problems like glue ear, are caused by vaccination.’ When I asked her who her father is, she said, ‘He is an ENT (ears, nose, throat) specialist in Brisbane, Australia” – Viera Scheibner PhD, Author ‘Vaccinations: 100 Years of Orthodox Research Shows Vaccines Represent an Assault on the Immune System’
The Danger of Shifting Childhood Disease to Infancy or Adulthood

“What the vaccines have done is cause the various childhood diseases to become adulthood diseases (or to babies) – with far more serious implications, mumps in men and rubella for women.” – William Douglass MD (The Douglass Report)
Since the widespread use of the mumps vaccine the incidence of the disease has shifted to adolescence and adults who are much more susceptible to complications of testicular and ovarian infections which can lead to sterility.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly, Mumps United States, 1985-1988, 38; 101-105
“Vaccination stops children from having their childhood diseases at beneficial age (3-4 years). Children are now susceptible to rubella and mumps at the age when girls can conceive and boys can become sterile.”
“The greater danger of the rubella vaccine is the possibility that it may deny expectant mothers the protection of natural immunity from the disease. By preventing rubella – a non-threatening disease- in childhood, immunization may actually increase the threat that women will contract rubella in their childbearing years.”
Robert S. Mendelsohn MD, Pediatrician, ‘The Medical Time Bomb of Immunizations’
Our results suggest that infants whose mothers are born since measles vaccine licensure in 1963 are significantly more susceptible to measles than are infants of older mothers and that the risk of measles increases incrementally with each year increase in the maternal year of birth.
‘Increased susceptibility in Infants in the United States,’ Pediatrics, 11/5/99
“It is now feared that when these mothers, for instance, who no longer have any antibodies , have children, they can’t pass across any natural immunity to measles and that would then leave then a population of babies under a year of age more vulnerable to measles. And we know from experience that measles in a younger age-group is much more devastating than is measles at a slightly later age-group.”
David Ritchie MD, New Zealand, 1992
“Vaccinating against measles is not just useless, but harmful. In the past, infants would get protection from their mothers who used to have measles themselves. Mothers who were vaccinated against measles cannot pass on the protection to their infants, so infants now get measles.”
Gerhard Buchwald MD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Germany
“Women who are vaccinated against measles in childhood do not confer adequate passive immunity onto their infants. So one unforeseen and paradoxical consequence of vaccinating is increasing measles susceptibility in infants.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath
“Research published in 2006 found that people born before the introduction of immunization were more likely to have high levels of antibodies to measles, mumps and rubella than those born in the vaccine era. After twenty, thirty or forty years a lot of vaccinated people are likely to become susceptible to the illness against again as their own protection from vaccines wears off. Only this time the disease could be different from what we knew before vaccination… there are two things to worry about; the first is that the illness will affect older people in whom side-effects are likely to be serious, the second is less certain but more concerning; the wild measles virus has been changing or mutating so that it becomes less like the measles vaccine virus… The worst case scenario is that we will have changed measles, as a direct result of vaccination from a relatively harmless illness to which we’ve adapted successfully to a more dangerous illness, with unknown consequences for future generations.”
Richard Halvorsen MD, author of ‘The Truth About Vaccines, How We Are Used As Guinea Pigs Without Knowing It’
Injecting Measles, Mumps and Rubella: Health Consequences
(Although measles, mumps and rubella can be administered in single dose vaccines, for the most part they are administered together in the MMR vaccine. Also see: Neurological Disorders and Autism)
Measles vaccination produces immune suppression which contributes to an increased susceptibility to other infections.
Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 5/1996; 79(2): 163-170.
“The MMR vaccine contains live measles viruses and recent studies have shown that immune suppression after vaccination with this virus suppresses immunity in a profound way that last as long as six months. In fact, the CDC recommends separating tis vaccine from other live virus vaccines… Yet they combine it with tow other live viruses – rubella and mumps… Yet, they never address the obvious question – wouldn’t this vaccine also make the child more vulnerable to other naturally occurring infections such as Haemophilus B, influenza meningitis, meningococcal meningitis, persistent measles infection, influenza…? This has been strongly suggested by a number of studies. Not only would they be more susceptible, but severe complications and even death would be more common as well. When death and severe complications and even occur due to these infections, physicians, the CDC, the American Academy Pediatrics use this as a justification for more vaccines, never admitting that the increase incidence of these infections and complications was caused by the previous vaccine recommendations.”
‘Vaccination, Neurodevelopmental and Autism Spectrum Disorders’, Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon 3/12/08
“A typical measles has been known about for almost as long as the measles vaccine has been around and is ONLY found in the vaccinated.” (According to Dr. V. Scheibner the chances of dying from wild measles are .03% while the chances of dying from a typical measles are between 12-15%….While it was previously thought that only the inactivated vaccine could cause Atypical measles, it’s now known that any measles vaccine can.) ”
‘Altered Reactivity to measles Virus’, Fulginiti, V.A. et al: JAMA 12/67 (According to Dr. V. Scheibner the chances of dying from wild measles are .03% while the chances of dying from a typical measles are between 12-15%….While it was previously thought that only the inactivated vaccine could cause Atypical measles, it’s now known that any measles vaccine can.)
The HEW reported in 1970 that as much as 26% of children receive rubella vaccination in national testing programs developed aathal or arthritis…
Science, U.S. 3/26/77
In a study of adult women vaccinated against rubella, 55% developed arthritis or joint pain within four weeks.
Annals of Rheumatic Diseases 1986; 45:119-114 Separate studies
The New England Journal reported that it is possible to isolate the rubella virus from affected joints in children vaccinated against rubella. It also told of the isolation of viruses from the peripheral blood of women with prolonged arthritis following vaccination.
Catherine O’Driscoll, ‘Science of Vaccine Damage’ citing NEJM, volume 313, 1985
“I have always believed that the most reliable way to determine what people really believe is to observe what they do, not what they say. If the greatest threat of rubella is not to children, but to the fetus yet unborn, pregnant women should be protected against rubella by making certain that their obstetricians won’t give them the disease (via a live virus rubella shot). Yet, in a California survey reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than 90% of obstetricians-gynecologists refused to be vaccinated. If doctors themselves are afraid of the vaccine, why on earth should the law require that you and other parents allow them to administer it to your kids.”
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, MD, Author, Professor of Pediatrics, Community Health and Preventative Medicine, University of Illinios, College of Medicine
Vaccine Induced Meningitis?
“Since the widespread use of the mumps vaccine the incidence of the disease has shifted to adolescence and adults who are much more susceptible to complications of testicular and ovarian infections which can lead to sterility.”
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly, Mumps United States, 1985-1988, 38; 101-105
“The Japanese proved that this particular mumps vaccine caused meningitis in one of six hundred recipients of the vaccine a month later…you try to tell a GP that what happened to your child was due to a vaccine a month earlier, he’ll laugh in your face.”
David Richie MD, Documentary, ‘Vaccination: The Hidden Truth’
“In 1993, Lancet 341:979 published data confirming aseptic meningitis as a well recognized complication of the mumps vaccine”
“Every time you hear of the tragic death of an infant carried off in the first weeks of life ‘viral meningitis’, you have the right to suspect to suspect the BCG is at work…The autopsy revealed the tubercular nature of the ‘viral meningitis’ following a BCG inoculation, but all the assistants and nurses received very clear instructions to say nothing or risk terrible consequences.” (BCG stands for Bacille Calmette Guerin and is a tuberculosis vaccine that has not been used in the U.S. but has been used with severe reactions and dubious efficacy in other parts of the world. For more info on BCG, also google Dr. Jayne Donegan)”
Jean Elmiger, MD, France, Author of ‘Rediscovering Real Medicine’
The Tetanus Vaccine
A report on the study of eleven healthy individuals to determine the effects of routine tetanus booster vaccine showed that the vaccine weakened the immune system of the recipient.
New England Journal of Medicine, 01/19/84
Fifty percent of diagnosed asthma cases in U.S. children and adolescents would be prevented if the DPT or tetanus vaccination was not administered…
Hurwitz, E.L. et al, ‘Effects of Diptheria-tetanus-pertusis or tetanus vaccination on allergies and allergy related respiratory systems amongst children and adolescents in the United States’, 2000
It is unnecessary to give a routine booster of diphtheria and tetanus vaccine every ten years. The benefits do not justify the risks.
Lancet, Mathias, R.G. & Schechter M.T., 5/11/85
“Wounds that bleed will not result in tetanus because the tetanus bacillus is anaerobic.”
Gerhard Buchwald MD, Internal Medicine, Germany
“How can the tetanus vaccine induce immunity, when contracting the disease naturally does not give immunity?”
National Vaccine Information Center, Virginia
“Tetanus is a very rare disease in developed countries: there are only twelve cases of tetanus a year in Australia, and half of those who got it were vaccinated… Perhaps the most interesting thing about tetanus is that those who get it do not develop immunity to it. Far from immunizing, tetanus vaccine injections make the recipients more susceptible to diseases… The New England Journal of Medicine published in 1984 that tetanus booster injections result in the same derangement of T4 and T8 cells as seen in AIDS patients. A ‘mysterious’ new syndrome emerged in the U.S.: thousands of children are developing AIDS symptoms (with deranged T4 and T8 cells) without being HIV positive. My well-considered opinion is that it comes from that T in the DPT vaccine.”
Viera Scheibner PhD, Author of several books on vaccination
“We have no test to prove the person has tetanus. Good wound care is far and away your best treatment for injuries… The tetanus vaccine is one vaccine I get many emails on from people telling me of damage that doesn’t go away – tetanus – like symptoms. The vaccine is so extremely toxic it’s been diluted and diluted… and is still causing problems in some. And does it even work? Questionable.”
Sheri Nakken RN (Health Within)
The Flu Shot… Who’s Tracking the Casualties?
“The following additional adverse reactions have been reported during post-approval use of FLUVIRIN. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency.”
( Partial List Only taken from FLUVIRIN – Insert Warning and Precautions)
- Pain limiting limb movement, hot flashes, facial edema
- Immune system disorders… in rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions have lead to anaphylactic shock and death
- Cardiovascular disorder: Vasculitis (in rare cases with transient renal involvement)
- Digestive disorders, Vomiting; abdominal pain
- Blood and lymphatic disorders; transient thrombocytopenia
- Musculoskeletal : Arthralgia, myalgia, myasthenia
- Nervous system disorders:.. febrile convulsions; Guillain-Barre Syndrome; myelitis (including encephalomyelitis and transverse myelitis, neuropathy; paralysis (including Bell’s Palsy)
- Respiratory Disorders: Dyspnea; chest pain; pharyngitis; rhinitis
“According to Hugh Fudenberg M.D., a world leading immune-geneticist, if any individuals has had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied) her chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease is ten times higher than if they had one, to or no flu shots. ”
Information recorded from, Dr. Fudenberg’s speech at NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington VA, Sept. 1997 (Did Dr. Fudenberg choose not to publish the study due to concerns of political ramification? See the sections on politics, and on doctors)
“In 1976 I was working in the Gulf Country around Cape York, in a aboriginal community of about 300 people. The Health Department sent around a team and vaccinated about 100 of them against flu. Six were dead within twenty-four hours or so and they weren’t all old people, one man being in his early twenties. They threw the bodies in trucks to take to the coast where autopsies were done. It appeared they had died from heart attacks.”
Archie Kalokerinos MD, PhD, AMM, MBBS, FAPM
“People should have been advised to ask their doctor if the shots were safe for them, especially if they’d have heart attacks or high blood pressure – but this was not done.”
Dr. Cyril Wecht, County Coroner, Allegheny, Pa
“With the elderly already having inflammatory cytokine levels both systemically and in their brain, stimulating these primed microglia so that chronic overstimulation of the brains immune system is triggered, will not only increase their risk of developing one of their neurodegenerative diseases, but will also significantly increase their risk of developing major depression.”
‘Vaccines, Depression and Neurodegeneration after 50: Another Reason to Avoid Recommended Vaccines’ Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon
“After inoculations, elderly people and the chronically ill are particularly predisposed to have certain stress reactions such as heart attacks.”
Dr Hans Selye, University of Montreal, 12/21/76
“I tell my clients not to take the Pneuvax vaccine and under no circumstances take the flu vaccine, just don’t bother. There is no evidence that these vaccines work with people in AIDS. But there’s a lot of evidence that the vaccines are very detrimental.”
Joan Priestly MD, Anchorage, Alaska
“Any and all flu vaccines are capable of causing Guillan Barre.”
Dr. John Seal, National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
“Influenza vaccination, although promoted extensively by the authorities, is probably ineffectual ( I base this on twenty years of personal experience as provider of this vaccine) and certainly has been associated with nasty neurologic complications such as Guillian-Barre syndrome.”
Thomas Dorman MD, ‘Fact, Fiction and Fraud in Modern Medicine’
(Studies show) a” 7 to 1 increase in relative risk of injury for children born to mothers who got a thimerosal-preserved flu shot in the first four lunar months of their pregnancy over matched mothers who did not.
‘Birth Defects and Drugs in Pregnancy, Heinonem, Slone, Shapiro, 1983
“A study of 800 children with asthma found that those receiving a flu vaccine had a significantly increased risk of asthma-related doctor and emergency room visits; the odds ratios were 3, 4 and 1.9 respectively. This was confirmed in a report published in 2009 which showed children with asthma who received FluMist had a 3-fold increased risk of hospitalization.”
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Geneticist, Institute of Science in Society, London, England and Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus of Genetics, ‘Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine Under Fire..’
“There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless but they go on selling them anyway.”
Dr. J. Anthony Morris, (former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, FDA) (This raises a number of questions including whether the publicized stats regarding flu deaths can be substantiated. Also see: Safe and Effective: Fact or Fiction? Section)
Gulf War Syndrome
“This is the worst cover-up in the history of the military. It’s not the shot from the gun but a shot from a syringe that is leaving some servicemen and women on the brink of death.”
‘Secret Shots’ Target 5 TV Investigative Report
“Gulf War Syndrome may be due to the number of shots the recruits receive…The evidence? Some soldiers got Gulf War Syndrome and did not leave our shores.”
Joyce Riley, Military RN, Documentary,’Beyond Treason’
“In August 1991, Anthony Principi, Secretary of Veterans Affairs admitted that soldiers vaccinated with the anthrax vaccine from 1990 to 1991 had an increased risk of 200 % in developing the deadly disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig’s disease. The soldiers also suffered from a number of debilitating and life-shortening diseases, such as polyarteritis nodosa, multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, transverse myelitis (a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart’s inner lining), optic neuritis with blindness and glomerulonephritis (a type of kidney disease).”
Russell Blaylock MD, ‘Vaccination May Be More Dangerous Than Swine Flu’, 7/7/09
Neurological Disorders And Autism
Topics on this page:
- The Impact of Vaccination on the Brain
- Autism: The Controversy that Won’t Go Away
- Vaccines Before and During Pregnancy… What Are The Risks?
- Autism And Historical Observations
- Taking on the Vaccine Holy Cow
- Autism… A Question of Better Diagnosis and Genetic Factors?
- The Role of MMR Vaccine… Just a Coincidence?
- What about Thimerosal?
- What about the Studies Refuting the Vaccine-Autism Link?
- Is the Proof in the Pudding…Why is Autism so rare in the non-vaccinated?
- Dr. Andrew Wakefield… The Price Paid for Speaking Out
- The Power of the Media to Crush a Story and Discredit a Respected Doctor
- Standing Up in the Face of Medical Tyranny
- The Struggle Continues…
The Impact of Vaccination on the Brain
“Vaccination can, as has been proven, cause encephalitis.”
Dr. med Steintl, Berlin writing in an article ‘International Medical Policy’,1932
“There is no doubt in my mind that in the U.K. alone some hundreds, if not thousands, of well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly (due to being vaccinated).”
Professor Gordon Stewart, University of Glasgow, Dev. Biolo. Stand. Vol. 61:pp395-405. 1985
“Anyone having read the research on the effects of excessive vaccines on the developing brain would know that the present crowded vaccine schedule is extremely destructive… Pediatricians and health authorities are on the opinion that they can give an unlimited number of vaccines to babies and small children without risk. Our neuroscience proves this is insane.”
Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon
“For every vaccination minimal encephalopathy destroys brain cells.”
Gerhard Buchwald, MD, Specialist Internal Medicine, Germany
“The Court ruled in favour of the family …Little Ben would not have experienced the seizure disorder but for the administration of the MMR vaccine.”
WPTV reporting on the Benjamin J. Zeller Case, 5/16/09
“Probably 20% of American children –one youngster in five- suffers from ‘development disability’. This is stupefying figure we have inflicted on ourselves…’development disabilities’ are nearly always generated by encephalitis. And the primary cause of encephalitis in the USA and other industrialized countries is the childhood vaccination program. To be specific, a large proportion of millions of US children and adults suffering from autism, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia… owe their disorders to one or another of the vaccines against childhood diseases.”
Harris Coulter PhD, Author, ‘Vaccination, Social Violence & Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain
“Childhood diseases are a far less serious threat than having a large fraction of a generation afflicted with learning disability and/or uncontrollable aggressive behavior because of a crusade for universal vaccination…”
Association of American Physicians & Surgeons
“Down Syndrome is probably the first disease caused by vaccinations… as a result of the vaccinations carried out by Jenner in 1796.”
Gerard Buchwald, MD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Germany
Autism: The Controversy that Won’t Go Away
No aspect of the vaccine debate is as contentious as the question of whether or not autism is linked to vaccination. While recent headlines and assurances from officialdom have refuted any such link, noticeably absent from media coverage is any discussion of the role played by powerful interests in framing, dominating and proclaiming the outcome of the debate. Lost in the discrediting of those who dare suggest a possible link, are the voices of thousands of parents who’ve witnessed firsthand the descent of their child into autism spectrum disorders post vaccination. Equally absent from sensationalistic headlines is any mention of studies that have replicated findings supportive of such a link or conversely, any criticism of studies that refute such a link.
Vaccines Before and During Pregnancy… What Are The Risks?
“Vaccinations of women with live vaccines around conception has always been contraindicated…Nevertheless this dangerous practice occurs and is associated with maternal health problems and a very high incidence of early – onset autism…Postpartum vaccination wit live virus vaccines is also associated with many health and obstetrical problems, with autism in both current and future children…The report describes mothers who receive live virus vaccines…and one who received a Hepatitis B vaccine during pregnancy after an MMR booster five months prior conception. All of the children who resulted from these pregnancies have had developmental problems, six out of seven children were diagnosed with autism, and the seventh seems to exhibit symptoms often associated with autism spectrum disorders.”
F.E Yazbeck MD, FAACP, ‘Live Virus Vaccination near a Pregnancy, Flawed Policies, Tragic Results’
(Studies show) a” 7 to 1 increase in relative risk of injury for children born to mothers who got a thimerosal-preserved flu shot in the first four lunar months of their pregnancy over matched mothers who did not.
‘Birth Defects & Drugs in Pregnancy’, Heinonem, Slone, Shapiro, 1983
Autism And Historical Observations
“Vaccination programs were instituted in the late 1930s… In the 1940s a new mental syndrome which Dr. Leo Kanner called autism ,was noted. It appeared in the wake of the U.S. pertussis vaccine schemes. When vaccination programs were expanded after the war, the number of autistic children increased greatly… (When) the U.S. occupied Japan and forcibly vaccinated the children: their first case of autism was diagnosed in 1945. In England the shot was subject to large scale promotion in the late fifties: a society for autistic children was founded in 1962. In the U.S. at first the malady was noticed in higher income families. This was before the free or forced pertussis vaccine programmes; only the better-off parents could afford the ‘latest medical advance’ later…parents from across the socio-economic spectrum gained equal access… Thus, autistic children were now being discovered within every kind of family and in dreadfully greater numbers than ever before imagined.”
Harris Coulter PhD, Medical Historian, Author of several books on vaccination
“…the condition differs markedly and uniquely from anything reported so far…”
Dr. Leo Kanner, Child Psychiatrist, introduced the term, ‘Early Infantile Autism’
“First described by American psychiatrist Leo Kanner in 1943, the neurological condition he called “autism” has never been satisfactorily explained. Just as it could have been mere coincidence that this first case appeared soon after the DPT vaccine was introduced in 1942, no strong evidence for a vaccine link emerged until the late 1990’s. In 1995, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a British Gastroenterologist compared 3550 adults vaccinated against the measles as infants with 11,400 peers who had not been and found that the vaccinated group were three times more likely than their unvaccinated controls to develop Crohn’s disease in life and twice more likely to develop ulcerative colitis. These oddities led Wakefield to study children who react adversely to the MMR many of whom develop normally during the first year but then regressed to an autistic state following the vaccine, suffered from digestive symptoms and food and environmental allergies or both. Detailed comparisons of these children with age-matched controls revealed inflammatory lesions in the small intestines of autistic children that microscopically resemble those of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, circulating antibodies in the blood of the autistic children that were specific to measles…”
Richard Moscowitz, MD, ‘The Role of Vaccination in Childhood Disease’
“Our database includes thousands of cases of previously healthy children who began exhibiting autistic behavior soon after getting a routine vaccination.”
Bernard Rimland PhD, Director, Autism Research Institute
Taking on the Vaccine Holy Cow
“There are over one million children and even adults with autism and the numbers continue to grow. This is a medical disaster of monumental proportions. The link to the vaccine program is scientifically and logically compelling but these same medical elitists refuse to listen.”
Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon
“When I first heard there was a link between vaccines and autism I thought that was silly. Really, I tended to dismiss it just on the superficial kind of reading that was in the newspapers…The more you delve into it… what I came away with is a question that has not been answered… I don’t think you should ever turn your back on a hypothesis because you’re afraid of what it might show.”
Dr. Bernadine Heely, former Director, National Institute of Health, 5/12/08, CBS (Dr. Heely received a lot of heat for simply suggesting there is a need to look closer at the issues)
“The vaccine-autism controversy persists because the appointed watchdogs are willfully ignoring evidence concerning vaccine safety issues. The American Academy of Pediatrics’ response to parents’ concerns has been to just insist more and more vociferously that vaccines are safe. But denial will not dispel the controversy.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath
“Let me, or anyone else suggest that excessive vaccination can increase the risk of not only autism but also schizophrenia and neurodegenerative diseases, and they will scream like banshees – Where is the evidence? Where is the evidence? When we produce study after study, they always claim them to be insufficient evidence or unacceptable studies. More often they completely ignore the evidence. This is despite the fact that we produce dozens of studies that not only demonstrate the link clinically and scientifically, but also clearly show the mechanism by which the damage is being done – even on a molecular level. These studies include cell cultures, mixed cell cultures, organotypic tissue studies, in vivo animal studies using multiple species and even human studies. To the defenders of vaccines – our evidence is never sufficient and if we face reality, never will be.”
Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon
“Today vaccines are largely an untouchable subject…Any hint of dissent concerning their clinical effectiveness and social value is met with bitter resentment. A former President of the U.K. Academy of Medical Science actually threatened to get me sacked for publishing work that raised questions about the MMR vaccine.”
Robert Moskowitz MD, ‘Hidden in Plain Sight, The Role of Vaccination in Childhood Disease’
“The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) leadership knows very well that vaccines cause autism. We need not waste anymore efforts in trying to educate them. We need to INDICT them. They may be morally bankrupt, but they are not stupid. They have lied to legistators, they have lied to journalists, they have lied to pediatricians and worst of all, they have lied to you and your children.”
David Ayoub MD, ‘Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda
Autism… A Question of Better Diagnosis and Genetic Factors?
“We have increased the number of vaccines and the combinations of vaccines (initially rejected) given to babies and children. Adequate testing has not been done. I have seen a huge rise in the number of children with autism. Neither I nor other doctors are hundreds of percent better at diagnosing this spectrum of developmental delay than tenor twenty years ago. The dramatic rise of autism spectrum disorders is attributable to something other than re-classification or better diagnosis. Vaccines may play a large role in triggering autism in susceptible children or they may play a minor role… Let’s all remember that it took fifty years or more, thousands of court cases and a lot of money to finally prove the connection between cigarettes and cancer. These court cases showing (rulings) no connection between vaccines and autism should make no headlines and should be an impetus to honest and investigative journalism.”
Jay Gordon MD, FAAP, FABM, IBCLC Emeritus, 3/31/09 (While these rulings have been given maximum publicity, the ruling that neurological disorders or autism were caused by vaccination receive negligible publicity.)
“If the epidemic is truly the artifact of poor diagnosis, then where are all the 20-year old autistics?”
Boyd Haley PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky
“As a pediatrician, who has been a fellow of the American Academy of pediatrics (AAP) for two decades, I find the AAP’s approach to the autism epidemic to be deeply disturbing. Not only have they allowed the myth of better diagnosing (as the reason for all the notice given to affected children) to be perpetuated, but when they were put on notice at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’S) Simpsonwood meeting in 2000, that the mercury in the preservative thimerosal was causing speech delays and learning disabilities, they obfuscated and hid that information. For all above reasons, I will no longer enable the AAP to be party to the damage that is being done to the world’s children by sending in my dues for a third decade. It is a token protest, but it has to begin with someone.”
Kenneth P. Stoller, MD ‘My Open Letter to The American Academy of Pediatrics’
“While specific genetic differences associated with autism are well documented, such deficiencies are rare and cannot explain more than a very small proportion of ASD cases.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath
“They attempted to say it (soaring rates) was genetic, but geneticists were quick to respond the genetic disorders do not suddenly increase in such astronomical proportions. The they say its been better diagnosis despite the fact that the diagnosis is obvious in virtually every case and the criteria for diagnosis has become more restrictive not less. When trapped by a lack of evidence, defenders of a nefarious position resort to their old standby – the epidemiological study. Statisticians will tell you that this is the least reliable type of study is an epidemiological study because it is easy to manipulate the data so that the study tells you anything you wish it to…Every defense offered by vaccine defenders is based on such studies and never the actual science. Then they announce that the issue is settled and no further studies need be done. After the media has been informed that the issue has been settled, those who continue to present the evidence are considered kooks…”
Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon, “Vaccines, Neurodevelopment and Autism Spectrum Disorders’
“Despite the large-scale genetic studies to pinpoint the “autism” gene, to date, only a small percentage of those with a diagnosis of autism have been found to have identified genetic abnormalities… Furthermore, public health officials and vaccine apologists ignore the genetic reality that thimerosal is a proven teratogen and mutagen that for decades has been known to induce genetic harm.”
‘Key Realities about Autism, Vaccines, Vaccine Injury Compensation, Thimerosal & Autism Related Research’, Gary S. Goldman PhD
The Role of MMR Vaccine… Just a Coincidence?
Contrary to the impression given by official and media sources, concern over the impact of the triple antigen MMR existed well before the recent MMR vaccine – autism controversy. While the MMR vaccine has been the main vaccine of concern, probing the vaccine-autism link is broader and more complex than any specific vaccine or ingredient.
“Clues that the component viruses of MMR could interfere, one with another, were provided in the very first pilot studies of this vaccine in 1969 (Buynak, et Al, Journal of the American Medical Association 1969; 207; 2259-62) However, despite providing compelling evidence of the potential for dose-and strain-dependent interactions between the component viruses in the MMR vaccine, both in the context of adverse reactions and anti-viral immune responses, the matter was left in abeyance.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath
“In 1995, Dr. James Oleske, a pediatric immunologist, tested an autistic child thought to have been damaged by an MMR vaccine and found that his measles titers were three times higher than normal. Dr. Oleske continued his research and discovered this same Pattern in other autistic patients…”
Neil Miller, ‘Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practioners’
“In 1996, Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, director of the NeuroImmuno Therapeutics Research Foundation… published a pilot study o infantile onset autism and noted that 75% of his subjects exhibited their initial symptoms within one week of vaccination. That same year Dr. Sudhar Gupta, world-renowned immunologist, also noted an apparent associationbetween the onset of autistic synptoms and vaccination, especially MMR…”
Neil Miller, ‘Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practioners’
“Last weekend Dr. Vijendra Singh of Utah State University told the International Public Conference on Vaccination in Virginia that this lab experience has shown that the MMR jab causes autism in some chidren…’Wakefield and I are looking at this from different angles but both coming to the same conclusions.”
‘Second Study Links Autism to MMR Jab’, Kate Templeton, Sunday Times 9/17/00
“Because of my ongoing research, I became interested in examining a virus link with autoimmunity in autism…This was most probably the first laboratory-based evidence to link measles virus and/or MMR vaccine to autoimmunity in children with autism… As I made scientific presentation of my initial findings, a vaccine-autism connection became even more apparent. I compiled a non-scientific, anecdotal survey of vaccine-injured children with ‘autistic regression’ or autistic disorder as reported by families. Surprisingly, up to 93% of the reported cases had autistic symptoms shortly after vaccination (52% post MMR, 33 % Post DPT and 8% post MMR and DPT).”
Vijendra K. Singh PhD, Dept. of Biology and Biotechnology Center, Utah State University; testimony at Congressional Hearing: 4/ 6/00, ‘Autism –Present Challenges, Future Needs: Why the Increased Rates?’
“One direction that’s been largely ignored are the laboratory studies. There have been at least seven laboratory studies, clinical studies of blood, cerebral spinal fluid, biopsises of autistic children which show huge differences between autistic children and normal children in terms of the presence of measles vaccine virus in their intestinal tract, or from their neurons…”
Bernard Rimland PhD, Autism Research Institute
“The MMR immunization was introduced in the UK in 1988… Most children received the vaccine with no obvious serious side-effects, but it grew increasingly apparent that some became seriously ill within a few weeks … These children began behaving strangely, stopped talking and became socially withdrawn, staring into space for hours on end. Many developed a raging thirst, bizarre eating habits, multiple food allergies, hyperactivity and sleep disorders. This was usually accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating and bowel disturbances… Now we all know coincidences happen, but here are thousands of children who had developed normally until receiving the vaccine after which they became unwell in a remarkably similar pattern. Most of the parents felt sure that the cause of these devastating changes in their children was the MMR vaccine, but if they mentioned this concern to their doctors it always met with dismissive re-assurance that it must have been a coincidence because the MMR was safe. One doctor instead of dismissing the relationship with the MMR vaccine listened to the worried parents and studied some of the affected children. Dr. Andrew Wakefield from The Royal Free Hospital in north London published a paper in Feb. 1998 in the medical journal ‘The Lancet’ suggesting that the MMR vaccine could be the cause of the children’s autism and bowel disturbances… Dr. Wakefield was vociferously attacked for causing unnecessary worry in parents and the MMR vaccine was vigourously defended as “safe and effective”… I was concerned to find out that safety trials on the MMR followed children up for only three weeks. This could not possibly detect side effects that appeared after three weeks…Based on what I now know, I would not give my children the combined MMR vaccine. I would consider either using the vaccines singly or not vaccinating at all. It may be safer for children to catch these illnesses rather than run the risk of immunization.”
Richard Halvorsen MD, ‘As a GP I gave kids the MMR jab. Now I wouldn’t give it to my own.’ Sunday Express, 5/21/00
“When I was training, one in 2,500 children were autistic. Now it is one in 250. At the moment, the only logical explanation for this is the MMR vaccine.”
Dr. Kenneth Aitken, ‘British Autism Spectrum’, The Telegraph, UK, 4/2/02
“There has been a tenfold increase in autism and related forms of brain damage over the past 15 years, roughly coinciding with the MMR’s introduction, and an extremely worrying increase in childhood inflammatory and bowel diseases and immune disorders such as diabetes…Clinical and scientific data is steadily accumulating that the live measles virus in the MMR vaccine can cause brain, gut, and immune system damage in the subset of vulnerable children… It is entirely possible that the immune systems of a small minority simply cannot cope with the challenge of the three live viruses in the MMR jab and the ever-increasing vaccine load in general.”
Dr. Peter Fletcher, former Chief Scientific Officer, Department of Health, Britain
“Last week Dr. L Hewitson…at The University of Pittsburg told the International Meeting for Autistic Research in London that in the double blind placebo-controlled study (five years), vaccinated animals (monkeys) showed increased aggression, impaired cognitive skills and developmental delay. The unvaccinated animals in the study developed normally…’There was a significant difference between the two groups’ said Hewitson. “The vaccinated group had trouble developing reflexes…They also became more insular and there was an increase in aggressive behavior after they had their surroundings as much.”
‘MMR: The Debate That Won’t Go Away’ The Telegraph, 5/26/08
“We have data fro thousands of parents who testify, often with videotapes, photographs and eyewitness reports that their child was perfectly normal… And they can demonstrate it, as I say, very conclusively with tapes until after the vaccine… The child retreated into autism. There’s just converging evidence from many directions.”
Bernard Rimland PhD, Autism Research Institute
“One of the fundamental rules of clinical medicine is to listen; to listen to the patient or the patient’s parents, and then to investigate the presenting symptoms, without prejudice… In this context the Committee should be aware that the parents’story is remarkably consistent whether, for example, they come from the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Europe, Asia, or Australia. The pervasive features Include development of regression and gastro-intestinal symptoms following MMR vaccination.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS,FRCPath
“Many in the medical community continue to dismiss this as mere happenence because autism often coincides with the time of vaccination and state there is no scientific evidence to back this up… My question to you is how often does it take for coincidence to surface time and time and time again in case after case before it can become a viable hypothesis.”
Shelley Reynolds, parent, Documentary,’Vaccine Nation’
What about Thimerosal?
Thimerosal is a highly toxic mercury preservative that has had a long and disturbing history in vaccine usage and has been shown to have a devastating impact on the neurological development of young children. (see: vaccine ingredient section) What role thimersol may or may not play in relation to autism spectrum disorders is complicated by the fact that while thimerosal has reportedly never been used in the MMR vaccine and has been officially phased out of most childhood vaccines, the flu vaccine (largely thimerosal containing) has been added to pediatric schedules. In addition, in the interim, there has been a significant increase in aluminum exposure through vaccine schedules.
Hence, it’s important to realize that the vaccine-autism equation is a complex one that demands examining the role of all heavy metals, the injection of multiple live viruses, and the very method of delivery via injection – the vaccination modality itself
“Many vaccine manufacturers voluntarily began producing ‘supposed’ mercury-free vaccines in 1999. The June 2006 lab result from Doctor’s Data run counter to vaccine manufacturers’ claims. For example, some product inserts currently claim that a trace amount of mercury exists in the final product but the amount has been greatly reduced. Others claim to be producing completely mercury-free products. All four vaccine vials tested contained mercury despite manufacturer claims that two of the vials were completely mercury-free. All four vials contained aluminum, one contained nine times more than the other three, tremendously enhancing the toxicity of mercury.”
Health Advocacy in the Public Interest, 8/12/04
(Studies show a)” 7 to 1 increase in relative risk of injury for children born to mothers who got a thimerosal-preserved flu shot in the first four lunar months of their pregnancy over matched mothers who did not.
‘Birth Defects & Drugs in Pregnancy’, Heinonem, Slone, Shapiro, 1983
“No preference is indicated for use of vaccine that does not contain thimerosal… for any group recommended for vaccination including pregnant women.”
“There is no safe levels of a poison for a child. There is a growing consensus among parents, clinicians and researchers who are treating children with complementary medicine that cumulative toxicity occurs with each vaccine until the body cannot excrete the toxins and begins to express toxicity through neurodevelopmental damage, including mental retardation and speech disorders.”
Barbara Brewitt, PhD, ‘MMR Vaccine And ‘Helpers’ as Toxic Agents’
“Within ten days of receiving his vaccines, Christian was locked into the world of autism. Is it related to the MMR vaccine? Is it related to mercury toxicity? Is it in the environment, including food allergies? Some would have us believe that a child’s regression into autism within a short time of vaccination is purely coincidental. I ask those individuals to show me the science proving their theory.”
Dan Burton, former Congressman and Chair, ‘Autism: Why the Increased Rates? A One Year Update’ Congressional Hearings April 25-26, 2001(Congressman Burton’s grandson regressed into autism after receiving DtaP, OPV, haemophilus, hepatitis B & MMR all at one visit.)
“If you inject thimerosal into an animal, it’s brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you put it in a petri dish the culture dies. Knowing thee things, it would be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage.”
Boyd Haley, PhD, Professor and Chair , Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky
“A review of medical literature and U.S. government data suggests that (i) many cases of idiopathic autism are induced by early mercury exposure from thimerosal (ii) this type of autism represents an unrecognized mercurial syndrome, and (iii) genetic and non-genetic factors establish a predisposition whereby thimerosal’s adverse effects occur only in some children.”
Neil Miller ‘Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practioners
“Although the symptoms of mercury poisoning have been described as identical to autism, it should be noted that most children who descend into autism do so after the MMR vaccine which does not contain mercury. Thus it is self-evident that the removal of mercury from vaccines will not make vaccines “safe”- NO vaccine is safe.”
Rebecca Carley MD, General Surgeon. Court Qualified VIDS Expert, ‘Inoculations: The True Weapon of Mass Destruction’
“I personally not only “think” but I am positively certain that vaccinations contribute to autistic regression in some pre-disposed Children, like my oldest grandson. I know that my big boy regressed after his first MMR, Improved for a while and regressed again much more seriously following his second MMR… I was contacted over the last ten years by a number of MDs, PhDs and scientists Who were just as positive that their child or grandchild had regressed following one or more vaccinations… Although my primary interest has always been the MMR – autism connection, I have become informed about thimerosal and actively participated in efforts To convince the Rhode Island and Massachusetts state legislators to remove it from vaccines… I do believe that:
- Thimerosal is a third class preservative that should have never been added to pediatric vaccines
- Ethyl and Methyl mercury are both toxic
- All thimerosal should be removed like it was removed from all eye drops and hemorrhoidal ointments
- The complete removal of thimerosal from all vaccines – if that ever happens –will NOT stop the autism high speed train
Since we started removing the mercury preservative from vaccines in 1999, we have added to the recommended pediatric primary vaccination Series three doses of a seven – valent pneumoccal vaccine, three doses of pentavalent vaccine (DTaP + IPV + Hep B) and three doses of a new rotavirus vaccine that “may” prevent diarrhea… The simultaneous administration of a dose of HIB, pneumoccal and peutavalent vaccines means the injection of 1,200 mcg of aluminum salts in a few seconds at 2,4, and 6 months of age…”
‘The Unconvincing Thimerosal Epidemiollogical Studies: How and Why They Were Produced, Published and Protected’, F. Edward Yazbak, MD, FAAP, Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist
“The MMR vaccine contains no “reported” mercury (also see: ingredients). The potential injury from this vaccine may arise from the high titers of live viruses…Many parents have described their child becoming autistic after the MMR vaccine… Another factor is that the MMR booster is frequently given on the same day as three other vaccines;(DTaP or DTP), (HbCV) and (OPV) (thereby increasing the load of both live viruses and heavy metals) Live viruses are as potentially damaging to immune and nervous system development as are heavy metals such as mercury.”
Barbara Brewitt, ‘MMR Vaccine and ‘Helpers’ as Toxic Agents’
What about the Studies Refuting the Vaccine-Autism Link?
The media often refer to studies that refute any link between vaccination and autism. Rarely, do they question any conflicts of interest nor poor study design flaws related to these studies. Additionally, defenders of the MMR vaccine often claim that autism spectrum disorders ordinarily show up at eighteen months which just happens to coincide with the timing of the MMR vaccine. This begs the question WHY does autism usually show up at this age. After all, autism is not a normal part of human development and maturation such as teething or the menstrual cycle in females.
For a critique of these studies please see:
Suggested additional articles re. the vaccine-autism connection include:
‘Vaccination, Neurodevelopmental and Autism Spectrum Disorders’ by Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon
‘Response to Ari Brown and the Immunization Action Coalition’ by Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath
‘Autism, Vaccines and Immune Reactions’ by Vijendra Singh PhD
More links/articles re. Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s findings: Google: Andrew Wakefield
“The studies that have been published and held up by the public health community as “proof” against Dr. Wakefield hypothesis can never answer the question of whether or not MMR vaccine is linked to autism in some children.”
Dan Burton, former U.S. Congressional Representative
“During the past few years the Autism Research Institute has been flooded with an upsurge in pleas for help from parents throughout the world from wherever World Health Organization guidelines are followed. The majority of these parents say their children were normal until getting MMR –another triple vaccine. Let me dispel myths provided by those who deny the autism-vaccine connection. 1) They say the vaccines are safe but physicians are indoctrinated to disbelieve claims of harm and are not trained to recognize nor required to report any adverse reactions. From 90% to 99% of the adverse reactions reported to doctors are never reported by those doctors to the governments’ extremely lax Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, known as VAERS. 2) They say that the suspected link between the MMR vaccination and autism ahs been disproved by a study conducted by Brent Taylor and his colleagues and published last year in the Lancet (the same journal in which Wakefield’s Research was published). The Taylor study is seriously flawed in many ways, as had been noted in a number of letters to the editor of The Lancet And in a number of additional letters on the internet. It was subject to strong attack at a recent meeting of the British Statistical Society. I have been a full-time researcher my entire professional life, for almost 50 years, and I respectively asked Dr. Taylor for a copy of the data so that I could re-analyze them. He refused this ordinary professional courtesy… 3) They say that autism has a large genetic component and therefore vaccines must play a minimal, if any, role in the causation of autism, so I am certainly not hostile to that idea. However genes do not begin to account for the huge increase in the incidence of autism, ranging from 250% to 500% in various palaces. I might add that we have just reviewed all of the recent genetic studies for the next issue of the Autism Research Review International which I edit. They claim that autism naturally occurs at about 18 months, when MMR is routinely given, so the association is merely coincidental and not causal. But the onset of autism at 18 months is a recent development. Autism starting at eighteen months rose very sharply in the mid-1980s, when the MMR vaccine came into wide use. A coincidence? Hardly!”
Bernard Rimland PhD, Director, Autism Research

“There were many significant defects in the study design: (It should be added that the Danish study was funded by the U.S. CDC – hardly an impartial body in the vaccine debate)
- The study did not differentiate between classical (early onset) autism and regressive autism, the type associated with the MMR.
- Data regarding when the first autistic symptoms were noted (how soon before or after MMR vaccination) was omitted from the analysis.
- Data on the number of children with autistic spectrum disorders (in contrast to a strict diagnosis of autism) was underreported and incomplete.
- Only psychiatric records were used, not medical records, so there was no data on the presence or absence of measles virus in the gastrointestinal tract. Biological-not epidemiological – research will provide the best evidence either supporting or disputing an MMR-autism link.
- The study covered eight birth cohorts, but two of these included babies only one or two years old, too young in most cases to have received NNR. This could skew the data in favour of “no MMR causality”.
Another important consideration is Denmark removed mercury-based vaccines from the market prior to the birth dates of the children studied. In contrast children in the United States and England were repeatedly exposed to neurotoxic levels of mercury before receiving the MMR. Thus U.S. and U.K. children may have had more debilitated immune systems with less ability to effectively respond to the measles or rubella viruses in the MMR vaccine.”
Neil Z. Miller, Vaccine Safety Manual
“The Taylor Study is often cited without scrutiny to refute Wakefield’s findings… There was a crucial omission from the paper by Taylor, et al. In 1988 – with the introduction of the MMR in the U.K. – a ‘catch-up’ campaign was instituted which targeted pre-school children of one to four years of age who had not previously received monovalent measles, mumps, or rubella vaccines… Such were the anxieties of the quality of this study that it was recently the subject of a special, and highly critical debate at the Royal Statistical Society in London. The conclusion reached was that Taylor et al’s study design was wrong.”
Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s response to The Taylor Study
“Data that has been presented as showing no association the MMR and autism in fact show just the opposite. A case in point is that CDC’s own study looking at age-at-first MMR vaccine-autism link. The study found a statistically significant association between younger age of MMR vaccine and an increased risk of autism…”
Dr. Andrew Wakefield MD citing the DeStefano F. Bhasin? TK, Thompson WW et al Pediatrics 2004, 113(2): 259-66
“I am no longer trying to dig up evidence that vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence. This debate is not scientific but political.”
David Ayoub MD, ‘Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda
Is the Proof in the Pudding…Why is Autism so rare in the non-vaccinated?
If the health “experts “ and “authorities” in charge of public policy regarding vaccination are so certain that there is no connection between vaccination and autism, then why do they steadfastly refuse to conduct studies comparing vaccinated versus non-vaccinated children who reportedly have negligible autism rates?
“I have not seen autism with the Amish.”
Frank Nooran MD, Lancaster County, Pa
“We have 30,000 children that we’ve taken care of over the years and I don’t think we have a single case of autism in children delivered to us who have never received vaccines.”
Mayer Einsenstein MD, JD, MPH, Medical Director, Homefirst Health Services, Chicago
“In my practice I don’t see autism.”
Dr. Paul Schattauer MD, a twenty year Practioner with Homefistt Health Services
“The reason behind the drive for high vaccination levels is to make sure there are no groups of healthy unvaccinated kids to show up vaccination.”
Dan Olmstead, Age of Autism
Dr. Andrew Wakefield… The Price Paid for Speaking Out
When Dr. Andrew Wakefield published his findings in the Lancet in 1998 suggesting a possible link between the MMR vaccine and autism in a vulnerable subset of children , little did he realize he’d become the target of false allegations, professional persecution, and media smear campaigns the residue of which other other doctors would also feel./em>
“My colleague Andrew Wakefield published the first paper in 1998 in the …Lancet saying that these vaccines are associated with something caused with autism colitis? It cost him his job. Ten doctors were threatened if you do not remove your name from that paper were going to take away your job and your job security. Ten of them dropped down.”
Andrew Moulden MD, PhD 6/14/08
“The essential clinical findings remain unchallenged as far as their accuracy is concerned.”
Dr. Richard Horton, Editor, Lancet, 4/19/06 (Dr. Horton reiterated this statement at GMC hearings, 8/8/07 but this fact, like so many others, is conveniently ignored in the media)
“Richard Horton, Editor of The Lancet felt the sting of censorship himself after publishing an article linking cases of infantile autism and colitis to the MMR vaccine…His only “mistake”, lay in permitting the author, a well known British gastroenterologist to publish his findings without regard for their political correctness. Needless to say, the snubs and threats he faced for rocking the boat were less serious than the reprisals exacted against the author whose work was officially repudiated without testing…”
Richard Moscowitz MD, ‘Hidden in Plain Sight, The Role of Vaccination in Disease’
“Wakefield performed a great service. His correlation between vaccination and autism are stunning.”
Dr. Mark Randall, former Vaccine Developer and Researcher, NIH, in interview with investigative journalist Jon Rappoport
“The fact that sooner or later Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s theory will be accepted and the vaccine-autism link will be proven. As the New Year comes around, Wakefield’s research is being duplicated in prestigious centers in the United States. (Many believe that Wakefield’s research was officially discredited due to the explosive implications of his findings)”
F. E. Yazbak MD, FAAP, Pedriatic Infectious Disease Specialist
The Power of the Media to Crush a Story and Discredit a Respected Doctor
The treatment by the media of the vaccine-autism issue and particularly Dr. Wakefield’s research raises some serious questions of how information is framed, filtered, packaged and regurgitated for mass consumption to the public. Why has the media largely parroted stories denouncing Dr. Wakefield and his research without any independent investigation Into the power and politics imbued in this story? What constitute the basic tenants of journalistic integrity and have disturbing conflicts of interest violated such?
Documentary: ‘Selective Hearing, Brian Deer and the GMC’ by Alan Golding
‘An Open Letter to Brian Deer Rebutting His Article…’ Martin J. Walker
Go to for more background and updates
“We are appalled that these doctors have been the subject of a protracted inquiry in the absence of any complaint from any parent about any of the children reported in the Lancet paper…We have been following the GMC hearings with distress as we the parents have had no opportunity to refute the allegations… For the most part we’ve been excluded from giving evidence to support these doctors who we all hold in very high regard.”
Rosemary Kessick, Parent of Child in the Lancet Study
“Families duped by Sad Smearmaster of MMR Fabrication and Hatred” by Brian Deer, The Sunday Times
(Do such headlines fairly represent the situation at hand?)
On March 12, 2009 Stephen Strauss a writer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation wrote:”Promoting the vaccine – autism hypothesis is the modern equivalent of falsely crying “fire” in a crowded theatre.”
(Such inflammatory statements are typical of how the media misrepresent Wakefield’s work and the vaccine-autism debate at large. Read for yourself Wakefield’s statement below in Lancet in 1998 and ask yourself if Wakefield was crying “fire!” …)“We have identified a chronic enterocolitis in children that may be related to neuropsychiatric dysfunction in children. In most cases, onset of symptoms was after measles, mumps, rubella immunization. Further examinations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath
“It has been an absolute witch hunt. All he was guilty of was listening to what parents said, clinically investigating the children and then reporting his findings. All he did was hold up a red flag and say, ‘There’s something going on that needs to be investigated further.”
Jackie Fletcher, Director, JABS, a U.K. support group for vaccine damaged children
“In February 2009, James Murdoch, Senior Executive of News, International which owns the Sunday Times (Brian Deer’s employer) accepted a place as non-executive of GlaxcoSmithKline – a manufacturer of the MMR vaccine.”
Documentary, ‘Selective Hearing: Brian Deer and the GMC’
“The Sunday Times of London, a Rupert Murdoch News Corporation paper has defied direction from the U.K.’s Press Complaints Commission to remove from its website controversial stories it has failed to substantiate, which allege Wakefield ‘fixed’ data relating to the MMR vaccine.” 7/7/09
Standing Up in the Face of Medical Tyranny
“Whistleblowers are more often executed than honoured for their courage… By refusing to recant his scientific findings to save his license to practice medicine, Dr. Wakefield is facing the tyranny of medical power.”
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, DO, ‘The MMR Vaccine is Not Holy Water’
“I have been asked to go because my research results are unpopular…I did not wish to leave but I have agreed to stand down in the hope it will take political pressure off my colleagues and allow them to get on with the job of looking after the many sick children we have seen.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath
“During the past 25 years of work to prevent vaccine injuries and death through public education and defend the informed consent ethic, I have seen doctors who tell the truth about vaccine risks be viciously attacked by their colleagues in government, industry and academia…From the moment Andrew Wakefield stood his ground, I knew he would make history but pay a terrible price for it…”
F.E. Yazbak, MD FAAP, Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist
“Anyone who dates to tell the truth would never be on another panel nor would they ever get another research grant… Look what happened to Dr. Wakefield when he discovered that the vaccine caused changes in the gut which in turn could trigger autism. How many scientists are going to sacrifice their entire career and any future research grants by reporting the truth about these increasingly dangerous vaccines?”
Thomas Stone MD. ‘Open Letter to Pediatricians on Flu Vaccines’
“My husband has been persecuted by extremely powerful forces for asking questions that his research findings made it morally and ethically essential for him to ask…I used to believe that this country was a bastion of academic integrity and intellectual freedom. So this whole process of isolation and vilification has sickened and disillusioned me… There is simply no way he could ever work here again. Of course, I’m sorry to leave Britain but it would be much harder if I didn’t leave feeling such disgust about the sinister forces of censorship and government propaganda at play here.”
Carmel Wakefield, Oct 15, 2006 discussing her persecution and unfounded allegations launched against her husband Andrew Wakefield for his research implicating the MMR Vaccine with autism.
“… There are very powerful people in positions of great authority in Britain and elsewhere who have staked their reputations and careers on the safety of the MMR vaccine and they are willing to do almost anything to protect themselves… The refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medical history.”
Dr. Peter Fletcher, former Chief Scientific Officer, Dept. of Health, Great Britain
The Struggle Continues…
“It is unfortunate that they are so frightened of the scientific truth Dr. Wakefield is pursuing that they find it necessary to score a hit… Parents around the world are not fooled by the ignorant, inhumane behavior of a one-size-fits-all vaccine policies which injure and kills children… The truth will shine bright and clear in the end.”
Barbara Loe Fischer, President, National Vaccine Information Center
“We must continue, no matter how difficult the road, no matter how serious the consequences… because if we put down the flag and Surrender who else will do it…. There will be no one and the next generation and the next will be lost forever.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath, 11/2003
Vaccine Ingredients and Contaminants
Topics on this page:
- Unknown Consequences
- Vaccines…Sterile and Safe?
- Vaccine Ingredients: A Toxic Stew?
- Would we give an adult thirty vaccines at once?
- Thimerosal in Vaccines: A Disturbing History
- Thimerosal –Free or Not?
- Mercury: Ingestion versus Injection
- Adjuvants and Auto-Immune Disease
Unknown Consequences
“In 1993 a high court judge in the UK decided that is was impossible to know the exact contents of vaccines and that science had no idea what the cocktail of chemicals, contaminants and heavy metals contained in vaccines could do to the human body, or why they would work to prevent disease.”
British Medical Journal, 1993
“No one knows the long term consequences of injecting foreign proteins into the body. Even more shocking is the fact that no one is making any structured effort to find out.”
Robert S. Mendelsohn MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Illinios, ‘The Medical Time Bomb of Immunization Against Disease’
“When we eat protein it is broken down into its constituent amino acids…if a foreign animal protein makes it into our bloodstream without having being broken down this can set up an autoimmune type response…By injecting things never meant to be in the body we are not only bypassing body defenses but wrongly activating other defenses.”
Robyn Cosford MD, Documentary ‘Vaccination:The Hidden Truth’
Vaccines…Sterile and Safe?
“I think no person would permit anybody to get close to them with an inoculation if they would really know how they made and what they carry…When you go to the doctor you may see a very clear liquid in an injection or the pink brew that was given to us on sugar cubes. And we may think it is very sterile and very purified but it is not…”The testing cell cultures used in vaccines is commonly done 14 to 21 days after cells are planted, the usual period for most virologic studies. At that time, only 2-4 percent show viral infections, but if the same lots are examined 29 to 55 days after plating, a significantly higher percentage of cultures show viral infection.”
Eva Snead MD, San Antonio, Texas
“In the Rimavexmeasles vaccine we found various chicken viruses. In polio vaccine, we found acanthomeba which is so called ”brain-eating” ameba. Simian cytomegatovias in the polio vaccine, simian foamy in the rotavirus vaccine, bird cancer viruses in the MMR vaccine.various organisms in the anthrax vaccine, dangerous enzyme inhibitors in several vaccines. Duck, dog and rabbit viruses in the rubella vaccine. Avian leucosis virus in the flu vaccine, postivirus in the MMR vaccine… Also, most don’t know that some polio vaccines, adenovirus vaccines, rubella, Hepatitis A measles vaccines etc. have been made with aborted human fetal tissue.”
Dr. Mark Randall (pseudonym) former NIH researcher and vaccine developer for major pharmaceuticals, interviewed by investigative journalist John Rappoport
“Federal inspectors documented unwanted fibers on the stoppers of vaccine vials at Merck & Co. Inc.’s vast vaccine plant in Montgomery County… Inspectors… cited 49 areas of concern including a failure to follow good manufacturing practices… The report comes as demand for Merck’s vaccines is surging. The company began selling four new vaccines in 2005 and 2006, pushing up total vaccine sales from 1.1 billion in 2005 to $4.3 billion in 2007. The findings are detailed in an unpublished twenty-one page FDA report and accessed by The Philidelphia Inquirer under the Federal Freedom of Information Act.”
Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/30/08
“BayGam is made from human plasma. Products made from human plasma may contain infectious agents such as viruses, that cause disease.”
Immuno Globulin Insert, Bayer Corporation
Vaccine Ingredients: A Toxic Stew?
“Some additional ingredients (as listed by the CDC in their website) include antibiotics which you could be allergic to; aluminum which when combined with silicon deficiency results in neurofibrillary tangles seen in Alzheimers; formaldehyde – a toxic carcinogenic substance used to preserve dead people; MSG – a potent excitotoxin which like aspartame can cause seizures and brain tumours; egg protein to which you could have life threatening anaphylactic reaction; and sulfites another toxin injected directly into blood stream. What the CDC does not admit is that 13 vaccines at present are cultured on aborted fetal tissue (human diploid cells). They also fail to mention the ethyl mercury containing preservative thimerosal which has been the ONLY dangerous substance in vaccines to received mainstream media attention…”
Rebecca Carley MD, VIDS Expert, ‘Inoculations: The True Weapon of Mass Destruction’
“All vaccine ingredients are poisonous, carcinogenic, or potentially harmful to the skin, gastro-intestinal, pulmonary, neurological and immune systems…What about formaldehyde? Are we going to wait until another brave physician or scientist writes about the damaging effects of formaldehyde on our children’s brains before we are called to demand that formaldehyde be removed? Or about Problems associated with having Polysorbate 80 in the vaccine? Polysorbate-80 is used in pharmacology to assist in the delivery of certain drugs or chemotherapeutic agents across the blood-brain barrier. What bacterial, yeast, heavy metal or other vaccine containing ingredients need to pass into the brains of our children?”
Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD, FAAP, Pediatrician, ‘Aluminum and Vaccine Ingredients: What Do We Know? What Don’t We Know?’
“Aluminum, a common adjuvant, has known toxicity on the kidneys with causal relationship to encephalitis, bone disease and anemia… Aluminum hydroxyl induces inflammatory reaction of the immune cells, releasing aberrant signaling proteins.”
Barbara Brewitt, PhD, ‘MMR Vaccine and ‘Helpers’ as Toxic Agents’
“Alum or Aluminum hydroxide can cause vaccine allergy and anaphylaxis and macrophage myofascitis a chronic inflammation syndrome.”
Dr. Mae Wan Ho Geneticist and Biophysicist, Director, Institute of Science in Society London, England
“Chicken pox vaccine is produced in lung tissue obtained from two surgically aborted human fetuses… Merck’s own literature states the vaccine contains ‘residual components’ of fetal lung cells… Informed consent, a basic tenant of ethical medical practice, dictates citizens should have a choice whether or not they are injected with another person’ body cells.”
Kristine Severyn, RPhD, PhD, ‘Profit not Science Drives Vaccine Mandates’
“Aspartame (artificial sweetener) is a neurotoxin. Who cares what the vaccine tastes like? Why are they putting aspartame in vaccines?”
Rebecca Carley MD, General Surgeon, Court Qualified VIDS Expert
Would we give an adult thirty vaccines at once?
“A single vaccine given to a six pound newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180 pound adult 30 vaccinations on the same day. Include the toxic effects of high levels of aluminum and formaldehyde contained in some vaccines, and the synergist toxicity could be increased to unknown levels…Bilary transport is the major biochemical route by which mercury is removed from the body, and infants cannot do this very well. They also do not possess the renal (kidney)capacity to remove aluminum. Additionally, mercury is well-known inhibitor of kidney function.”
Boyd Haley PhD., Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky
“I challenged a fanatical pro-vaccinator to go on TV and allow himself to be injected with baby vaccines adjusted to his body weight… We haven’t heard back from him. I think this is a reasonable request to be issued to all vaccinators”
Viera Scheibner PhD, Author of Several Books on Vaccination
Thimerosal in Vaccines: A Disturbing History
“Thimerosal was tested only once, by Eli Lilly on the 22 adult patients suffering from meningitis. There was no chance for follow-up to observe long-term effects, as all the patients in this “study” died. Even if follow-up had been possible, damage to the developing brains of very young children would have remained unknown. Eli Lilly said it was safe and the medical community accepted it. After the creation of the FDA, its use was simply continued. The federal government has never tested the type of mercury in vaccines for toxicity. This is an unconscionable oversight failure at best, at worse it is an example of how we have left consensus reality to be created by the liars junk scientists employ.”
Kenneth P. Stoller, MD. ‘My Open Letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics’
“You mean to tell me that since 1929 we’ve been using thimerosal (in vaccines) and in the only test that you know of…everyone of those people had meningitis and they all died?”
Congressional Representative Dan Burton, Congressional Hearing, 7/18/2000
“Dr. Maurice Hilleman of Merck who drew attention to safety concerns over thimerosal… In a memo to his colleagues, Dr. Gorden Douglas in March 1991 not only reported these concerns but presented his estimate that the mercury load to a fully vaccinated U.S. infant would be fifty-seven times the Swedish daily allowance. In the memo he bemoaned the lack of any science that identified the safety of using thimerosal. It appears his warnings went unheeded. Hilleman’s key document was to remain in a company box.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath
“We began to learn that the greatest problem with the meeting (Simpsonwood) is that, they know virtually nothing about what they are doing. On page 15, for example, they admit that there is very little pharmacokinetic data on ethyl mercury, the form of mercury in thimerosal, In fact, they say there is no data on excretion, the data on toxicity is sparse, yet it is recognized to cause hypersensitivity, it can cause neurological problems and even death, and it is known to easily pass the blood-brain barrier and placental barrier. Therefore, what they are admitting is that we have a form of mercury that has been used in vaccines since the 1930s and no one has bothered to study the effects on biological systems.”
Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘The Truth Behind the Vaccine Cover-Up’
“If you inject thimerosal into an animal, it’s brain will sicken. If you apply it to living tissue, the cells die. If you put it in a petri dish the culture dies. Knowing these things, it would be shocking if one could inject it into an infant without causing damage.”
Boyd Haley PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Kentucky
(Studies show) a 7 to 1 increase in relative risk of injury for children born to mothers who got a thimerosal-preserved flu shot in the first four lunar months of their pregnancy over matched mothers who did not.
‘Birth Defects & Drugs in Pregnancy, Heinonem, Slone, Shapiro
“The medical literature is abound with studies on the deleterious effects of mercury on numerous enzymes, mitochondrial energy production, synaptic function dendritic retraction neurotubule dissolution and excitotoxicity, yet he sees only a “theoretical concern”…It is a misnomer to say “removal of thimerosal” since they are not removing anything. (Just what will they be replacing it with?) They just plan to stop adding it to future vaccines once they use up existing stocks, which entails millions of doses. And incredibly the government allows them to do it. Even more incredibly, the American Academy of Family Practice similarly endorse this insane policy.”
Russell Blaylock, MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘The Truth Behind the Vaccine Cover-up’
“It’s important to remember when you hear from vaccine safety promoters that ethylmercury (in thimerosal) disappears from the blood in several days, that the mercury leaves the plasma and enter the brain where it de-ethylated and remains for a lifetime…What they fail to mention is that only 7% of methylmercury is converted to ionic mercury whereas 34% of ethlymercury is converted in a short time.”
Russel Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘Vaccines Neurodevelopment and Autism Spectrum Disorders 3/12/08
“This study provides strong epidemiological evidence for a link between increasing mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopment disorders and heart disease.”
Mark Grier MD, PhD; ‘Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines, Neurodevelopment Disorders and Heart Disease in the United States
“Mercury is one of the most dangerous substances known to man. It should not have a place in any vaccine for anyone of any age.”
Richard Halvorsen MD, Author, ‘The Truth about Vaccination’
Thimerosal –Free or Not?
“Out of about 120 million doses of the worthless (1) flu vaccine shipped for the 2007-08 flu season, no more than about 15 million doses, including the less than 4 million live-virus doses, were no thimerosal doses. That means that about 87% contained some level of thimerosal and at least 42% contained the maximum level (0.01%) of thimerosal….Today in some states, the flu vaccine given to those under 3years of age is supposed to contain no more than a trace level of thimerosal, but with no government agency testing vaccines for mercury, the only ones who know whether a preservative-free vaccine (flu or otherwise) actually is mercury free are the manufacturers themselves.”
Kenneth P. Stoller MD, ‘My Open Letter to The American Academy of Pediatrics’
“No preference is indicated for use of vaccine that does not contain thimerosal… for any group recommended for vaccination including pregnant women.”
“Many vaccine manufacturers voluntarily began producing ‘supposed’ mercury-free vaccines in 1999. The June 2006 lab result from Doctor’s Data run counter to vaccine manufacturers’ claims. For example, some product inserts currently claim that a trace amount of mercury exists in the final product but the amount has been greatly reduced. Others claim to be producing completely mercury-free products. All four vaccine vials tested contained mercury despite manufacturer claims that two of the vials were completely mercury-free. All four vials contained aluminum, one contained nine times more than the other three, tremendously enhancing the toxicity of mercury.”
Health Advocacy in the Public Interest, 8/12/04
Mercury: Ingestion versus Injection
“In eating, a complex food containing tissue-bound mercury species, the person’s digestive system containing metallothionen compounds reduce the amount of mercury that enters the body to some fraction of mercury in that food. In contrast all the mercury in a vaccine enters the body… Mercury in breast milk has been exposed to the protective proteins in the mother’s human toxic protection system… the 360 micrograms/180 days or 2 micrograms/day of methyl mercury delivered over a twenty-four hour period. A vaccine contains 12.5 to 25 micrograms of ethyl mercury- a six to twelve fold increase is injected instead of ingested within one minute. In some vaccines, it is also combined with polymeric aluminum hydroxyl materials… which has been shown to raise the potential toxicity of thimerosal.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath
“It is clear from our analysis shown in Table 1 that US infants are exposed to mercury levels from their childhood immunization schedule that far exceed the EPA and FDA established maximum permissible levels for the daily oral ingestion of methyl mercury. The fact that mercury in vaccines is given by injection rather than oral ingestion only makes the exposure levels worse because Grier et al. showed that the distribution of foreign particles in mice reached several logs higer concentration in organs following intraveneous or intramuscular injection than via oral ingestion.”
Mark Geier, MD, PhD, ‘Thimerosal in Childhood Vaccines, Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Heart Disease in the United States, Grier et al
Adjuvants and Auto-Immune Disease
“What’s terrifying is that these pandemic vaccines contain ingredients called immune adjuvants (such as squalene) that a number of studies have shown cause devastating autoimmune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus… What most people don’t know, even the doctors who recommend the vaccines, is that most studies by pharmaceutical companies observe the patients for only one to two weeks after vaccination-these kinds of reactions may take months or years to manifest.”
Russell Blaylock, MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘Vaccine May Be More Dangerous than Swine Flu’, 7/17/09
“According to a recent review… most newer adjuvants including MF-59, ISCOMS, QS21, ASO2 and ASO4 have “substantially local reactogenicity and systemic toxicity…”
Dr. Mae Wan Ho, Geneticist and Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario, ‘Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine Under Fire’
“Squalene is a natural substance found in most plants and animals. Your body uses it to help synergize cholesterol as well as vitamin D… However, when commerical squalene is injected, the body identifies it as threat and creates antibodies to attack it… In fact, when scientists from Tulane University tested blood samples from vets suffering Gulf War Syndrome, they found that 100% of them had abnormal antibodies to squalene… Syptoms of GWS were subtle to start: headaches, fatigue, generalized aches and pains… this is what worries me about the H1N1 vaccube… Reactions can take years to appear making it difficult to connect the dots.”
Allan Spreen MD, Senior Member, Health Sciences Institute Advisory Panel, Baltimore MD, ‘Serious Reasons to Skip the H1N1 Vaccine Part II.’
“This adjuvant (squalene) contributed to the cascade of reactions called Gulf War Syndrome documented in soldiers in the Gulf War… The symptoms they developed included: arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus erythematosus, ALS, chronic fatigue, neuropsychiatric problems, seizures, chronic headaches,, memory loss, anti-thyroid effects, rashes…”
Viera Scheibner, PhD, Vaccine Researcher
“In animal studies of oil-based (vaccine) adjuvants in rats, the animals were rendered crippled and paralyzed. Squalene brought on severe arthritis symptoms in rats, and studies in humans given from 10-20 ppb(parts per billion) of squalene showed severe impact and development of autoimmune disorders.”
Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario and Dr. Mae Wan Ho, Geneticist, ‘Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine Under Fire’
Safe And Effective: Fact Or Fiction?
Topics on this page:
- Who Should Bear the Burden of Proof?
- The Big Picture
- The Vaccinated versus the Non-Vaccinated… Why No Official Studies?
- Long-term Effects- Is Anyone Looking?
- Faking Placebos
- Adverse Events… Don’t Look, Don’t Ask
- Vaccine Schedules
- What’s in a Definition?
- Vaccine Efficacy and ‘Herd Immunity’
- The Flu: Disease Prevalence and Vaccine Efficacy?
Who Should Bear the Burden of Proof?
Vaccine proponents repeatedly say “the benefits outweigh the risks” But on what basis can this claim be substantiated if: a) there are no long term controlled studies comparing vaccinated versus non-vaccinated children b) vaccine trials are short-term and do not use an inert saline placebo c) vaccine trials are not designed to detect carcinogenic, mutagenic, neurological or autoimmune potential and d) diseases/reactions are redefined to rule out a vaccination link thereby further skewing the statistics.
“The burden of proof for vaccine reactions should not rest on parents, as it does now in our medical-legal system. The burden of proof for the safety of vaccines, that is, that the vaccines are NOT causing adverse genetic changes, should rest on the manufacturers, federal and state Government health agencies, and the schools who are now mandating the vaccines. Until this matter is settled, does anyone at any level truly have the right to force vaccines in ever growing numbers on a generation of children?”
Harold Buttram, MD, ‘Vaccines and Genetic Mutation’
The Big Picture
“Only about 15% of medical interventions are supported by solid scientific evidence…This is partly because only 1% of articles in medical journals are scientifically sound and partly because many treatments have never been assessed at all.”
Richard Smith MD, Editor, British Medical Journal, 1/1/91
“The medical establishment has created a set of terms which they use constantly to boost their egos and firm up their authority as the unique holders of medical wisdom – the mantra is “evidence-based medicine”, as if everything outside their anointing touch is bogus and suspect. A careful examination of many of the accepted treatments reveals that most have little or no scientific “evidence-based” data to support them. One often reported study found that almost 80% of medical practices had no scientific backing.”
Richard Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘Vaccines, Neurodevelopment and Autism Spectrum Disorders’
“The propaganda dispensed by Public health care and vaccine apologists is, at best, a weak attempt to rationalize the healthcare establishments positions using all the tools of doublespeak or, as George Orwell’s called it in his book ‘1984’, “newspeak”, to: mislead (b) distort reality (c) pretend to communicate (d) make the bad seem good (e) avoid and/or shift responsibility (f) make the negative appear positive (g) create a false verbal map of the world and (h) create dissonance between reality and what the narrative said or did not say. Such propaganda often relies on half-truths and/or superficially logical but foundationally flawed and based on pseudo- science or non reviewable statistical studies of medical records, where, contrary to ethical science the study design, data selection/rejection criteria, exact approach used to evaluate the data, and/or the original data itself are kept confidential, making independent evaluation/verification of the published findings impossible.”
Gary S. Goldman PhD, ‘Key Realities about Autism, Vaccines…’
“I find it interesting that there exists an incredible double standard when it comes to ‘our’ evidence versus ‘theirs’. The proponents of vaccination safety can just say they are safe, without any supporting evidence what-so-ever, and it will be accepted without question. They can announce that mercury is not only safe, but that it seems to actually increase the IQ and we are to accept it.”
Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘Vaccines, Neurodevelopmental and Autism Spectrum Disorders’
The Vaccinated versus the Non-Vaccinated… Why No Official Studies?
“The public is surely entitled to convincing proof, beyond any reasonable doubt, that artificial immunization is in fact a safe and effective procedure, in no way injurious to health, and that the threat of the corresponding natural diseases remain sufficiently clear and urgent to warrant mass inoculation of everyone, even against their will if necessary. Unfortunately, such proof has never been given.”
Richard Moscowitz MD, ‘The Case against Immunization’
“Incredible as it sounds a controlled study comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated children has never been done in America for any vaccination… The only explanation for this is bias and political pressure… This means that vaccination is essentially a large scale experiment in our nation’s children.”
Dr. Philip Incao MD Hepatitis B Vaccine Testimony, 1999
“There has never been a single vaccine in this country that has ever been submitted to a controlled scientific study. They never took a group of 100 people who were candidates for a vaccine, gave 50 of them a vaccine and left the other 50 alone, and measured the outcome. And since that’s never been done, that means if you want to be kind, you will call vaccines an unproven remedy. If you want to be accurate you will call people who give vaccines quacks.”
Robert S. Mendelsohn MD, Pediatrician, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Illinios, College of Medicine
“There is a wider problem because of the failure to carry out long-term, randomized, controlled studies properly conducted scientific investigations which would monitor the effects of multiple, early vaccination versus non-vaccination into adulthood.”
Michel Odent MD, London
Long-term Effects- Is Anyone Looking?
“The CDC immunization policy is a scientific disgrace because vaccines only get short-term tests, NOT controlled tests for long-term side effects.”
Dr. Roger Schlafy, PhD ‘Official Vaccine Policy Flawed’
“Evaluation of side-effects in most studies was restricted to 48-72 hours. Needless to say, many serious side effects show up long after that time span. Nevertheless, most of these studies pretend to prove the safety of the vaccine.”
Dr. Kris Gaublome, MD Belgium
“Safety studies on vaccinations are limited to short periods. For this reason, there are valid grounds for suspecting that many delayed type vaccine reactions may be taking place unrecognized.”
Dr. Harold Buttram MD, FAACP (wrote ‘Vaccines and Genetic Mutations’)
Faking Placebos
“One of the flaws in studies of vaccines is that there are no true placebo groups. The vaccine is tested in one group of immunized children and is compared to another group of immunized children.”
Peter Baratosy MD, PhD, Australia
“By comparing groups of children with apparently different vaccination status, this study suggests that measles vaccination reduces mortality by 30%. However, their comparisons in this study would lead one to have serious misgivings about their conclusions. This group used as a “non-vaccinated” group were in fact vaccinated between certain dates. They were found to have undetectable levels of antibody and therefore it was assumed that the vaccine did not work, hence this was used as a ‘control’ non-vaccinated group. Most of a second group of 123 individuals, vaccinated at another time were found to have responded and were therefore used as the vaccinated group. However fifteen of this vaccinated group did not seroconvert and they were excluded from the results! Three of these children died.”
Trevor Gunn LCH, RSHon critiquing measles vaccine study by P. Aaby et al, Pediat. Infec. DisJ 8:197-200, 1989
“In clinical trials designed to test the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccine the FDA allowed the manufacturer to compare women who received “placebo” injections containing aluminum. These aluminum containing injections are not true placebos, which should be harmless substances. This tactic improves safety data by making the vaccine appear less reactive than it is.”
‘Vaccine Safety Manual’, Neil Miller
Adverse Events… Don’t Look, Don’t Ask
“A small but growing minority of physicians and scientists are becoming aware that safety testing for the various vaccines have been woefully inadequate. As one of many examples, in 1994, a special committee of the National Academy of Sciences published a comprehensive review of the vaccine safety of the hepatitis B vaccine. When the committee investigated five possible and plausible adverse effects, they were unable to come to any conclusion for 4 of them, because to their dismay, they found that relevant safety research has been done.”
Harold Buttram MD, Author of ‘Our Toxic World-Who is Looking After Our Children’
“Prevnar has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impaired infertility…Immune response elicited by Prevnar among infants born prematurely have not been studied.”
Two Statements from Product Monograph for Prevnar Vaccine
“Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Fluzone vaccine. It is also not known whether Fluzone vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity … Fluzone vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or for impairment of fertility.”
Vaccine Package Insert for Sanofi Pasteur’s Fluzone
“Carcinogenicity – We have done no testing for the carcinogenicity of MF-59or any of our vaccines. We haven’t done it and we don’t plan to.”
Dr. Novicki, Scientist, Novartis Pharmacheuticals, F.D.A.-N.I.H. Meeting 12/2008
“Not a single vaccine has ever been tested for (links to) cancer.”
Rebecca Carley MD, Surgeon, Court Qualified VIDS Expert
“Vaccine trials are flawed because they are not designed to detect associations between vaccinations and autoimmune diseases.”
Dr. J. Bart Classen MD, former researcher, National Institute of Health
“There is no credible scientific data to demonstrate that the injection of multiple antigens into a body is safe and effective. There is no credible scientific to negate the hypothesis that vaccines cause immune or delayed damage to the immune system as well as neurological disorders.”
Stephen C. Marini PhD, DC, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
“How can you have a product on the market where you do not provide proper liver toxicity data?”
Vijendra Singh, Ph D Research Associate Professor, Neuroimmunology, Dept. of Biology, Utah State University
Vaccine Schedules
“Today’s immunization schedules calls for children to get fifty-five vaccines by age six.”
CBS, ‘How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders?’ 7/25/08
“Today children are given different vaccines at a stage when their immune systems are developing. This blanket immunization raises different issues the most important of which are how these different vaccines interact with each other and the long-term effects on health.”
Michel Odent MD, Obstetrician, London
“Americans naively assume that CDC’s vaccine policies are backed by numerous medical studies proving that vaccines always work and are safe. Nothing could be further from the truth. Vaccine recommendations for rubella are a prime example. CDC experts admit there really is no evidence supporting the current requirement that seventh grades receive a second dose of rubella. In February 1996 the director of CDC’s National Immunization Program, Dr. Walter Orenstein even commented, “We don’t have the data to support a second dose of rubella…To bolster its view that rubella vaccine is harmless, the CDC cites studies funded by rubella vaccine manufacturer Merck & Co.”
Kristine M. Severyn RPh, PhD, Director of Vaccine Policy Institue
“Newborns are not likely to engage in intravenous drug use of promiscuous sex. Nor are they likely to suffer an accidental needle stick… In view of this lack of scientific and medical information of neonatal immunology, it is remarkable to me that newborn infants, especially those not at risk for Hep B disease itself (born to an infected mother) are being administered multiple injections of the vaccine and there have been fe if any, clinical trials to adequately evaluate potential long-term effects of neonatal immunity.”
Bonnie Dunbar PhD, Professor of Immunobiology, Baylor College of Medicine
“I would challenge any colleague, clinician, or research scientist to claim we have a basic understanding of the human newborn immune system. It is well established in studies in animal models that the newborn immune system is very distinct from the adolescent or adult. In fact, the immune system in humans can be easily perturbed to ensure it cannot respond properly later in life.”
Bonnie Dunbar PhD, Professor of Immunobiology, Baylor College of Medicine
What’s in a Definition?

A: “There are many ways. For example, suppose 25 people who receive the Hepatitis B vaccine come down with hepatitis. Well Hepatitis is a liver disease. But you can call liver disease many things. You can change the diagnosis. Then you’ve concealed the root of the problem.”Dr. Mark Randall, (pseudonym) former NIH Researcher and Vaccine Developer in interview with investigative reporter, John Rappoport
“My first lesson in vaccine propaganda is when I learned, back in the forties, that the “epidemics” of meningitis amongst military recruits were not epidemics but clusters, and the second thing I learned was that only the freshly vaccinated recruits “caught” meningitis. The mess sergeant didn’t, the drill sergeant didn’t, only the recruits did. Not even the girls who worked at the base exchanges and service clubs, with whom recruits played kissy face “caught” meningitis – only the fresh vaccinated recruits “caught” it…”
Dr. Daniel H. Duffy Sr. Geneva, Ohio
“Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospitalization… two examinations at least twenty-four hours apart was all that was required… In 1955 the criteria were changed …residual paralysis was determined ten to twenty days after onset of illness and again fifty to seventy days after onset…This change In definition meant that in 1955, we started reporting a new disease… Furthermore, diagnostic procedures have continued to be redefined. Cocksackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis have been distinguished from poliomyelitis…Thus simply in the change of diagnosis criteria, the number of paralytic cases was pre-determined to decrease.”
Dr. Bernard Greenberg, Chairman of the Committee on Evaluation & Standards of The American Policy Health Association during 1950s testifying before Congressional Hearings, 1962
“After vaccination was introduced, cases of aseptic meningitis were reported as a separate disease from polio, but such were counted as polio before the vaccine was introduced. The Ministry of Health admitted that the vaccine status of the individual is a guiding factor in diagnosis…If a person who is vaccinated contracts the disease, the disease is simply recorded under a different name…Those who contracted polio after the first inoculation were placed on the non-inoculated list…It’s obvious that this practice of screening statistics, apparently in order to suppress facts unfavourable to immunization, invalidates most of the evidence brought forward by the supporters of immunization.”
Maurice Meadow Bayly MRCS, LRCP, ‘The Case Against Vaccination’
Vaccine Efficacy and ‘Herd Immunity’
“The big secret amongst ‘vaccinologists’ is that anywhere from 20 to 50% of children are not resistant to the diseases for which they have been immunized.”
Dr. Russell Blaylock MD, ‘The Truth Behind the Vaccine Cover-up’
“Whooping Cough infections are common in an immunized population.”
Journal of the American Medical Association, 1998
“In 1979 Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine. Out of 5,140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been vaccinated three times.”
British Medical Journal 283:696-697, 1981
“For an individual child the risk is greater from the whooping cough vaccine than the disease.”
Dr. Joanne Hatem, Medical Director, Vaccine National Information Center, Virginia
“In the USA in 1978, they mandated vaccination it resulted in a three fold increase in the reported incidence of whooping cough.”
Viera Scheibner PhD showing graphs from Tokai Journal of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1988
In The New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study found that over 80% of children under five years of age who had contracted whooping cough had been fully vaccinated.
“Dutch scientists are struggling to identify the exact cause of an epidemic of whooping cough that has swept throughout the country despite vaccination rates as high as 96% (“despite” or because of?) Similar problems are being reported in Norway and Denmark.”
British Medical Journal, 1998
“Measles transmission has been clearly documented amongst vaccinated persons. In large outbreaks over 95% of cases have a history of vaccination.”
Admission by Dr. William Atkinson, Senior Epidemiologist, CDC
“Among school age children, measles outbreaks have occurred in schools with vaccine levels greater than 98%. These outbreaks have occurred in all parts of the country, including areas that have not reported measles for years.”
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2/19/89
“In 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association had an article stating, “Although more than 95% of school-aged children in the U.S. are vaccinated against measles, large measles outbreaks continue to occur in schools and most cases in this setting occur among previously vaccinated children.”
JAMA, 11/21/90
“The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.”
Review article: 50 REFS. Dept. of Internal Medicine, Mayo Vaccine Research Group, Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN./ Archives of Internal Medicine. 154 (16):1815-20, 8/22/94
“By the government’s own admission, there has been a 41% failure rate in persons who were previously vaccinated against the measles virus.”
Dr. Anthony Morris, ‘Occurance of Measles in Previously Vaccinated Individuals.’ 1979
In the 1970s a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.
The Lancet, 1/12/80 p. 73
In Oman between 1988 and 1989, a polio outbreak occurred amongst thousands of fully vaccinated children. The region with the highest attack rate had the highest vaccine coverage. The region with the lowest attack rate had the lowest vaccine coverage.
The Lancet, 9/21/91
“When WHO officials discovered a polio outbreak in Nigeria was sparked by the polio vaccine itself they assumed it would be easier to stop than the natural “wild” virus. They were wrong…The virus in the vaccine can mutate into a deadlier version that ignites new outbreaks.”
‘Polio Surge in Nigeria after Vaccine Virus Mutates’ Associated Press, 8/14/09 (also see: Vaccines: Helping or Harming The Third World)
“Since the passing of the Compulsory Vaccination Act in (Britain) 1853 we have had no less than three distinct epidemics. In 1857-9. We had more than 14,000 deaths from small pox. In the 1863-5 epidemic the deaths increased to 20,000 and in the 1871-2 they totaled up to 44,800.”
Walter Hadwen MD, MRCS LRCP, LSA
“In the Cologne epidemic of 1870, 173 vaccinated persons were attacked before the first unvaccinated one. In Liegnite in 1871, the first unvaccinated to suffer was 225th on the list.”
William T. Collins MD, MRCS 1883
“How is it that smallpox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated? How is it that in some of our most highly vaccinated towns, smallpox is rife whilst in some of our most poorly vaccinated towns such as Leicester, it is almost unknown? How is it that something like 80% of the cases admitted into the Metropolitan Board Smallpox Hospital have been vaccinated, whilst only 20% have not been vaccinated.”
Dr. L. Parry, British Medical Journal, 1/21/28
The Flu: Disease Prevalence and Vaccine Efficacy?

A: “Hold on! These figures are nothing more than estimates. You have to distinguish between an influenza-like illness and a genuine flu, the real influenza. Both of them have the same symptoms… but real flues, real influenzas are only caused by influenza viruses while there are more than 200 viruses that cause influenza-like illnesses. When it comes to figures related to so-called flu deaths, you always get other causes of death caused by other viruses mixed in. Approximately 7% of influenza-like illness cases are caused by influenza viruses. What I know is that influenza is systematically over-estimated.”Dr. Tom Jefferson, Epidemiologist in interview with Der Spiegal Magazine (Germany) 7/21/09
“The CDC claims that influenza causes 36,000 deaths a year. But how does the CDC determine the number…Where’s the tangible, annual report in the CDC database with an actual number of deaths among adults?…Upon investigation I discovered a startling truth…the off-repeated “36,000” is nothing more than a computer generated ominous sounding guesstimate.”
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny D.O., Emergency Medicine, ‘What CDC Documents and Science Reveals’
“They use lies and scare tactics into frightening the elderly into getting shots, such as the bold lie that 36,000 die of the flu every year.”
Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon ‘Vaccines, Depression and Neurodegeneration after 50…’
“The CDC states every year in the United States, on average, 36,000 people die from the flu? But this is a deliberate deception by the CDC…The actual number of flu associated deaths from the CDC Vital Statistics Reports are 753 deaths in 2002. How does the CDC get from 753 flu deaths to its statement that 36,000 flu deaths occur annually? By combining flu deaths with pneumonia deaths with the statement that influenza leads to pneumonia. But the facts do not support this frequent broad misstatement by health professionals. The American Lung Association describes pneumonia as having over thirty different causes. We know that influenza is not the major cause…Keep in mind that the influenza vaccine provides no protection from bacterial infections. So it stretches credibility to assert the flu causes pneumonia when, in fact, the data shows it only causes a small minority of cases.”
Lorraine Jeanette Day MD, 12/17/07
“From Aug. 28, 2005 to April 22, 2006 Health Canada received 68,439 laboratory confirmed lab tests from across the country… 10.4% confirmed the presence of the influenza virus. The rest, 89.6% involved pathogens against which the vaccine is useless”
‘Flu Vaccines “Not Worth the Bother” says Researcher Dr. Tom Jefferson’
“Numerous studies have documented that flu shots give little or no protection against infection and illness… A review of fifty-one separate studies in 2006 concluded that flu vaccines worked no better than a placebo in 260,000 children ragning in age from six months to twenty-three months. A report published in 2008 found flu vaccines in young children made no difference in the number of flu-related doctor and hospital visits. On the other hand, a study of 800 children with asthma found that those receiving a flu vaccine had a significantly increased risk of asthma-related doctor and emergency room visits; the odds ratios were 3, 4 and 1.9 respectively. This was confirmed in a report published in 2009 which showed children with asthma who received FluMist had a 3-fold increased risk of hospitalization. Flu vaccines are equally useless for adults, including the elderly, giving little or no protection against infection or illnesses including pneumonia.”
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Geneticist, Institute of Science in Society, London, England and Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus of Genetics, ‘Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine Under Fire’ (Google article for footnotes also Google; Cochrane Database of Systematic Review – ‘Vaccines for Preventing Influenza’)
Vaccination: A Flawed, Outdated Modality?
“Never in the history of medicine has there been produced s false a theory, and such fraudulent assumptions, such disastrous and damning results as have followed the practice of vaccination; it is the ultimate of learned quackery and lacks even the faintest shadow of scientific basis.”
Dr. E. Ripley, Connecticut Practitioner, ‘Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective’, N. Miller
Topics on this page:
- The Germ Theory- an Outdated Paradigm?
- Natural Immunity versus Inoculation
- Antibody Theories… Flawed Assumptions?
- Childhood Diseases… Necessary for Immune Maturation?
The Germ Theory- an Outdated Paradigm?
“Bernard was right. The microbe is nothing. The soil (body’s internal health/environment) is everything.”
Dr. Louis Pasteur, French Chemist and Bacteriologist
“If the germ theory were founded on facts, there would be no living being to read what’s written.”
Dr. George White, ‘Beauchamp or Pasteur’ Hume, R. Douglas 1989
“Dr. Beauchamp proved that our bodies became hostess to a germ only after chemical and mechanical changes have damaged our immune systems and that as long as our bodies and tissues retain high vitality, a germ, infection will not make progress. For example, if we see flies on a manure pile which do we think is more intelligent – to fight disease be swatting flies or to remove the pile of manure.”
Dr. J. Baldor, Surgeon, Florida
“We still mistakenly cling to the germ theory…For example, the bacteria that causes pneumonia called streptococcus pneumonia is a normal bacteria residing in all our throats. Since we all don’t get pneumonia from it, the determining factor is not the virulence of the bacteria. The bacteria multiplies without restraint only when our immune systems become compromised.”
Stephen Kuprowsky, ND, Nanaimo, BC
“If I could live my life over again, I’d devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat – disease tissue – rather than being the cause of disease tissue.”
Dr. Rudolph Virchow, renowned scientist, considered the ‘Father of Pathology’
“What is true of smallpox is true of every disease. We are not all equally subject to diseases that occur…(if) an epidemic of influenza sweeps over the country, why doesn’t everyone have it? The germ is ubiquitous. They’re everywhere. You can’t hide from them. And yet perhaps but 10% of the population of any region will be infected. What protects the 90%? Natural immunity.”
Dr. William Howard Hay (1866-1940)
“Death from germs doesn’t happen in a vacuum. If you took a group of say a thousand people who died and you examined their backgrounds carefully, you would fine other factors: prior use of toxic medications in large amounts, environmental toxicity, gross malnutrition, contaminated water supplies, toxic vaccines and so forth… You have to understand that the germs would never gain a foothold in most cases, unless one or several of these factors were present… But most people are not tuned into this model. They prefer to believe something much simpler.”
‘Swine Flu Myths for the Gullible’ from
Natural Immunity versus Inoculation
“The best immunity is natural immunity. Contamination from vaccines, on the other hand, short circuits all the body’s first line of defense. It is dangerously misleading and indeed the exact opposite of the truth to claiming vaccines make is “immune” or protect against disease. In fact, it only drives disease deeper and causes us to harbor it chronically.”
Richard Moscowitz MD ‘The Case against Immunizations’
“While natural “wild” measles and mumps produce life-long immunity, the vaccine strains induce weaker responses to these viruses leading to susceptibility to more severe disease later in life.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FRCS, FRCPath
“The mechanics of vaccination to build immunity is quite unnatural. Rather than space exposure to a relatively minuscule level of micro organisms in a gradual manner, quantities of antigens are introduced into the body through a series of vaccinations that are given in a row over a short period of time. All vaccines with the exception of the oral polio vaccine are injected directly into the bloodstream, by-passing the mucosal immune system know as the secretory IgA which is the first in a series of defensive levels within the immune system. It serves as a buffer, filtering microbes so that the impact of these invading organism is greatly reduced once it reaches the bloodstream. The IgA allows the antigen to be removed the same manner it arrived – through the mucosal barrier by sneezing, coughing and sweating. So a vaccine that has been injected gives the body no warning, no generalized inflammatory response, no chance to recognize, duplicate or defend itself against future challenges from typical antigens.”
Robert Mendelsohn, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, ‘How to Raise a Healthy Child in spite of your Doctor’
“What the promoters of vaccination fail to realize is that the respiratory tract of all mammals contain secretory IgA within the respiratory tract mucosa. Bypassing this mucosa aspect of the immune system directly injecting organism leads to a corruption of the immune system. As a result pathogenic viruses or bacteria cannot be eliminated by the immune system and remain in the body where they will further grow and/or mutate as the individual is exposed to ever more antigens and toxins in the environment. This is especially true with viruses grouped under the term “stealth adapted”…The mechanism by which the immune system is corrupted when you understand the two poles of the immunes system (the cellular and the humoral mechanism) have reciprocal relationship. Thus when one is stimulated the other is inhibited. Since vaccines activate the B cells to secrete antibody, the T cells are subsequently suppressed. This suppression of the cell mediated response is a key factor in the development of cancer and life threatening infections…”
Rebecca Carley MD, VIDS Expert, ‘Inoculations: The True Weapon of Mass Deception’
“Naturally acquired immunity by illness evolves by spread of a virus from the respiratory tract to the liver, thymus, spleen and bone marrow. When symptoms begin the entire immune response has been mobilized… Vaccination, in contrast, results in the persisting of live virus or other foreign antigens within the cells… a situation that may provoke auto-immune reactions as the body attempts to destroy its own infected cells.”
James Howenstine MD, 12/7/03
Antibody Theories… Flawed Assumptions?
“The term immunization gives a false sense of security. The rise in the antibody titer is only a part of the body’s response; other parts of the immune system have not been activated. Years of experimenting with the immune systems of humans have proven nature does it best. ‘Immunity’ derived from vaccination is not complete, temporary at best and for many is dangerous, even lethal.”
Lendon Smith MD, Professor, Clinical Pediatrics, Oregon Health Services University
“The fallacy of this (antibody theory) was exposed nearly 50 years ago…A report published by the Medical Research Council entitled ‘A Study of Diptheria in Two Areas of Great Britain’, Special Report series 272, HMSA 1950 demonstrated that many of the diphtheria patients had high level of circulating antibodies, whereas many of the contacts who remained perfectly well had low antibody.”
Magda Taylor of ‘Informed Parent’, U.K.
“When they say immunogenicity what they actually mean is antibody levels. Antibody levels are not the same as immunity. The recent mumps vaccine fiasco in Switzerland has re-emphasized this point. Three mumps vaccines…all produced excellent antibody levels but those vaccinated with the Rubini strain had the same attack rate as those not vaccinated at all. There were some who said that it actually caused outbreaks.” (Many have raised the question of whether, indeed, it’s the vaccinated who threaten the unvaccinated.)
Jayne Donegan, MBBS, DRGOG, DCH, DFFP, England
“From repeated medical investigations, it would seem that antibodies are about as useful as a black eye in protecting the victim from further attacks. The whole subject of immunity and antibodies is so extremely complex…We can obtain some idea of complexity from ‘The Integrity of the Human Body’ by Sir Macfarlane Burnet. He calls attention to the fact the mystery – that some children can never develop antibodies at all, but can nonetheless go through a typical attack of say, measles, make a normal recovery and show normal continuing resistance to re-infection. Furthermore, we had heard for years of attempts made to relate the amount of antibody in patients to their degree of immunity to infection. The results have often been so farcically chaotic, so entirely unlike what was expected, that the scandal had to be hushed up or put into a report, which is much the same thing. ” (M. R. C. Report, No. 272, May 1950, ‘A Study of Diptheria in Two Areas of Great Britain’ now out of print)
Lionel Dale, Author ‘The Blood Poisoners’
“We were taught that antibodies means protection against disease. When AIDS started, the antibodies meant instead of being protected you were doomed. Suddenly people had to change their concept. You can be loaded with antibodies and still get the disease you may have no antibodies and not catch the disease, so this concept to antibodies we were taught as students was wrong.”
Archie Kalokerinos MD, PhD, AMM, MBBS, FAPM, Documentary, ‘Vaccination: The Hidden Truth’
Childhood Diseases… Necessary for Immune Maturation?
“There are doctors who believe that childhood illnesses are important to maturation and development of the immune system to protect against more serious life threatening conditions. Suppressing normal childhood illness could very well backfire.”
Dr. Zoltan Rona MD, ‘Natural Alternatives to Vaccination’
“There is a school of thought that the so-called childhood illnesses of former times, including measles, mumps, chicken pox and rubella which entered the body through the mucous membranes served a necessary and positive purpose in challenging and strengthening the immune system of these membranes. Vaccines, in contrast, are injected directly into the body, consequently bypassing the mucous membranes, leaving the mucosal immunity relatively weak and stunted.”
Harold Buttram MD, FCCP ‘Vaccines and Genetic Mutation’
“A growing body of medical research supports the common-sense idea that children who experience frequent infections and inflammations in early childhood will strengthen their immune systems and will be less prone to allergies and asthma that children who rarely experience such infections…Just like everything else in nature, illness exists within a larger context of a balance system. There is an ecology of human illness, and if we attempt to eliminate a single element of nay ecological system, we disturb the balance of the whole in ways which can lead to unforeseen consequences.”
Philip F. Incao, MD, Denver, Colorado
“Modern vaccinations, fear of germs and obsession with hygiene are depriving the immune system of the information input upon which it is dependent. This fails to maintain the correct cytokine balance and fine-tune T-cell regulation, and may lead to increased incidences of allergies and autoimmune diseases.”
Rook G. A. Stanford JL Dept. of Bacteriology, UCLA Medical School
“I would challenge any colleague, clinician or research scientist who claims that we have a basic understanding of the human newborn immune system.”
Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, Professor of Immunobiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston has worked in vaccine development
Politics, Power And Public Relations
Topics on this page:
- The Big Picture
- The Food and Drug Administration
- The Centers for Disease Control
- A Word about Health Canada
- The Revolving Door… Who are some of the Players?
- “Troublemakers”… Then and Now
- Confidential: Do Not Release
- Public Relations: Pushing the Flu Shot and Other Vaccines
- Authoring Research and the Role of Academia
- Media… Researched Challenged?
- Behind the Scenes
The Big Picture
For most people it’s hard to fathom that any product that posed a serious public risk would not be removed by our regulatory bodies. After all, most of those who work for CDC, the FDA, Health Canada etc. are decent professionals concerned about the public’s welfare. This raises serious issues about the extent to which government, industry, academia etc. are controlled at the highest levels by powerful vested interests. To better grasp the extent to which non-patentable modalities are suppressed consider reading: ‘The Politics of Healing: Manipulation of American Medicine‘ by former New York State Assemblyman Daniel Haley; ‘The Medical Mafia‘ by Guylaine Lanctot MD and ‘Rotten to the Core: Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower‘ by Dr. Shiv Chopra. Also consider viewing the revealing documentaries: ‘When Healing is a Crime‘ and ‘Sweet Misery‘ which documents the disturbing revolving door between industry and regulators. Lastly, consider visiting (link to persecuted doctors.)
“The combined profits for the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 ($35.9 billion) were more than the profits for all the other 490 businesses put together ($33.7 billion) in 2002…Now, primarily a marketing machine to sell drugs of dubious benefit, this industry uses its weight and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way, including the US Congress, the FDA, academia, medical centers and the medical profession itself.”
Dr. Marcia Angell, former Editor, The New England Journal of Medicine
“The annual global market for vaccines is expected to go from $6 billion today to $10 billiion by 2006. With this kind of money to be made, it’s not surprising that health officials are recommending mor and more vaccines.”
‘Health Official Have Close Relationship With Vaccine Maker’, United Press International, 11/23/03 (imagine 2009 pandemic profits)
The Food and Drug Administration
“The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks its doing are as different as night and day.”
Dr. Herbert Ley, former Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
“Only about one percent of serious events (adverse drug vaccine reactions) are reported to the FDA.”
Dr. David Kessler, former Head, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
“Ninety-two percent of FDA advisory meetings had at least one member with a conflict of interest.”
David Ayoub MD, citing USA Today, ‘FDA Conflicts of Interest’ 9/25/2000
The Centers for Disease Control
“The CDC routinely allows scientists with blatant conflicts of interest to serve on influential advisory committees… for which they are supposed to be providing unbiased oversight.”
Dan Burton, former U.S. Congressional Representative
“Members of the CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Committee get money from vaccines manufacturers. Relationships include: sharing a vaccine patent; owning stock in a vaccine company, payments for research getting money to monitor manufacturer’s tests and funding academic departments.”
UPI (United Press International) Investigates the Vaccine Conflict
“At CDC National Immunization Conferences, Merck and other vaccine manufacturers wine and dine thousands of attendees who make their living promoting and administering vaccines… Drug company lobbyists can wear different hats. While collecting between $50,000 to $100,000 from vaccine maker Wyeth for Texas lobbying activities, the same lobbyist collects $25,000 – $50,000 from the Texas chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics to encourage new vaccine mandates in Texas.”
Kristine M. Severyn RPh, PhD, Director, Vaccine Policy Institute
“The vaccination lobby shamelessly takes the children of the world as hostages…They relentlessly abuse our concern about health to promote their gigantic business…no matter how many more vaccine victims will suffer death or side-effects. Shockingly, health policy is no longer democratic control. Everything is setup and organized with scrutiny at the highest international level by those who profit from it: the pharmaceutical industry, the financial world, politicians.”
Kris Gaublome, MD, Belgium
“At the federal level the Center for Disease Control makes a project out of concealing its activities on how it crafts national vaccination policy. The Freedom of Information Act does not apply when it comes to trying to obtain this kind of information. Conflicts of interest, or shall we say paid drug industry consultants who populate key advisory committees are universal and even after Congress forced the CDC to provide written verbatim transcripts of public meetings of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to help to get to the bottom of things, the committee was being advised by other government officials on how to get around the federal law so they could avoid public meetings altogether while still being able to add more mandated vaccines.”
Carolyn Dean MD, ND, author of ‘Death by Modern Medicine’
“My fears are not without basis. Just last month at the National Vaccine Advisory Committee meetings which I attended, Dr. Hinman told committee members how they could get around the Federal Advisory Committee Act and not be bothered with public meetings to enact public policy… Citizens are confronted with obstacles when they try to research how vaccine policy is formulated. When the CDC is questioned about the rationale behind its vaccine recommendations, which one assumes would be public information, citizens find that the agency treats formulation of national vaccination policy as a top military secret…The way CDC currently withholds information, and cites studies which only support its views, ignoring those studies that don’t, one would think that the letters CDC stood for Cover-Up, Distortion and Coercion.”
Kristine M. Severyn RPh, PhD, Director, Vaccine Policy Institute
“I have minutes from a CDC Study Groups Meeting on Hepatitis B vaccine held in March, 1997. The minutes of the meeting show that it would take at least a 60 day study to show onset of MS. Clinical studies done by the two manufacturers were four and five days in length, respectively. It should be noted that the afternoon session of this meeting was chaired by Dr. Robert Sharrar of Merck. Can an employee of a pharmaceutical company that manufacture the vaccine be objective to show fault in a product that generates close to billion dollars in sales for his company?”
Betty Fluck RN, Testimony for U.S. House of Representatives, 5/18/99
A Word about Health Canada
“Health Canada is the most corrupt federal government agency in Canada. They are corrupt to the core and agents of the pharmaceutical lobby.”
Dr. Shiv Chopra, Microbiologist, 35 year Scientist with Health Canada (who paid a heavy price for becoming a whistleblower)
The Revolving Door… Who are some of the Players?
“Public policy regarding vaccines is fundamentally flawed. It is permeated by conflicts of interest, based on poor scientific methodology and insulated from independent criticism. It’s apparent that critical medical decisions for an entire generation of American children are being made by small committees whose members have incestuous ties with agencies that stand to gain power, or manufacturers that stand to gain enormous profits, from the policy made… We suspect financial ties between vaccine manufacturers and medical groups such as the American Medical Association and American Academy of Pediatrics…And the federal government pays the state bonus every “fully” vaccinated child. What’s their motive—money or medicine?”
Jane Orient, MD, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
“The Institute of Medicine … receives government contracts to evaluate which vaccines should be put on the fast track… While IOM is described as an independent scientific body, conflicts of interest betrays its independence. IOM’s corporate donor list reads like a who’s who of the medical industrial complex, including nearly all major drug and vaccine manufacturers, the American Medical Association, The American Hospital Association, the World Health Organization, Monsanto, the March of Dimes…”
Kristine M. Severyn RPh, PhD, Vaccine Policy Institute
“… State officials are provided financial bounties for each “fully” vaccinated child…Drug companies are knee deep in passing money around to vaccine policy makers such as the AAP and unknown amounts of cash, euphemistically called ‘campaign donations’ or soft money help legislators feel disposed towards supporting more and more mandates. Even pediatricians are more than happy to get on the gravy train by scheduling lucrative well baby visits every few months.”
Carolyn Dean MD ND
“The vaccine industry gives millions to the American Academy of Pediatrics for conference grants medical education classes, even to help build their headquarters. The totals are kept secret but public documents reveal pieces $342,000 was given by Wyeth maker of the pneumococcal vaccine; $433,000 was contributed to the Academy by Merck the same year the Academy endorsed Merck’s HPV vaccine… Then there’s Paul Offit perhaps the most widely quoted author of vaccine safety. He has gone so far as to say that babies can theoretically tolerate 10,000 vaccines at once… Dr. Offit holds a $1.5 million research chair at Children’s Hospital funded by Merck… The AAP, ‘Every Child by Two’ and Dr. Offit wouldn’t agree to interviews but all told us they’re up front about the money they receive and it doesn’t sway their opinion.”
CBS, ‘How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders’, 7/25/08
“The American Academy of Pediatrics, a major supporter of mandatory chickenpox and other vaccine mandates shares financial ties with Merck. When constructing its new headquarters in suburban Chicago, the AAP solicited funds from Merck and received $100,000 for its new building campaign … As a front for Merck’s campaign to enact a chickenpox vaccine mandate in Illinois, the company established and bankrolled the ‘Illinios Children’s Health Coalition’. Upon investigation, the ICHC was found to be no more than a public relations gimmick. Merck’s similar campaign moved to Ohio, this time using the name ‘Ohio Variella Vaccine Coalition’.”
Kristine M. Severyn RPhD, PhD, Vaccine Policy Institute
“One had 42 relationships with fourteen companies, when does he have time to practice… I mean this is unbelievable… Why isn’t this on the front page of the newspapers… You can sit there and vote on something that’s going to reap millions of dollars for you.”
David Ayoub MD, ‘Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda
“For the sake of your little patients, THINK CAREFULLY and CRITICALLY, evaluate this same propaganda, from the SAME agencies who are serving the SAME masters…These new vaccines have been ramrodded through these SAME kind of ‘EXPERT’ panels, with the SAME fraudulent assurances of effectiveness and safety…These are the SAME people who will manage the coerced vaccination of our babies and children…With their tiny immunologic functions and overwhelmed by these useless vaccines, their synthetic immune system will be unable to counter and organism of even low virulence…And these are the same people who have gone into the medical business to solve the “health-care crisis” – which they created…Our babies’ and children’s only hope is to have a rare pediatrician that uses his own capacity to critically evaluate and think…”
Thomas E. Stone MD ‘An Open Letter to Pediatricians on Flu Vaccines’
“Troublemakers”… Then and Now
(Also see sections on Autism, and on Why Most Doctors are Silent)
“Dr. Charles Creighton’s ‘History of Epidemics in Britain’ in two volumes, 1891 and 1894, was justly called ‘the greatest medical work ever written by one man.’ Having previously written for the Encyclopedia Britannica, he was asked to contribute the article on vaccination for the Ninth Edition. It’s appearance, in 1988, was such a profound shock to the advocates of, and vested interests concerned in vaccination that Creighton’s article was replaced as soon as possible by what was little more than an advertisement…Creighton, perhaps the greatest medical mind of the last century was virtually turned out of his profession.”
Lionel Dole, author of ‘The Blood Poisoners — Photo is of Creighton
“In 1954 Dr. Bernice Eddy (bacteriologist) discovered live monkey viruses in supposedly sterile inactivated polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk. This discovery was not well received by the National Institute of Health and Dr. Eddy was demoted. Later, Dr. Maurice Hilleman ( then chief vaccine developer, Merck) isolated SV 40 virus from both the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines… It has now been identified in 43% of cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 36% of brain tumours…”
Dr. James Howenstine, MD, ‘Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines’
“Bernice Eddy lost her labs pursuing and espousing the truth. Her treatment scandalized the scientific community and resulted in a U.S. Senate investigation during which she warned legislators that unless the vaccine contamination problems was addressed, slow monkey viruses would simply deliver human cancer epidemics around the world.”
Thomas E. Stone MD Pediatrician – Photo is of Bernice Eddy
“President Ford had been told by his health advisors that there was going to be a huge epidemic of ‘Swine Flu’… and that the only way to prevent the epidemic was to vaccinate the entire population of America… People were dropping dead in the buildings where they received their shots. Others became paralyzed… I was the only practicing doctor to speak out against it and warned of almost certain consequences. Dr. Anthony J. Morris, did try to speak out but was censored, and censored very hard.” ( Dr. Morris, Virologist and Chief Vaccine Control Officer of the Food and Drug Administration was fired)
Archie Kalokerinos MD, PhD, AMM, FAPM, ‘The Swine Flu Fiasco’
“Dr. Robert Reisinger upped his pressure on the National Cancer Institute providing data showing the DPT vaccine when injected into mice with aluminum adjuvant, caused cancer. He was concerned that this aspect of vaccination had not been tested in models appropriate to babies and that the increase in formula feeding as well as vaccines like DPT based on toxins or endotoxins paired with aluminum, may be part of the explaination for the increase in childhood cancers… Naturally his views were very unpopular. There was much correspondence between the National Cancer Instittute and Dr. Reisinger as not only was his work stifled, his salary increase ceased the day he started to pressure them. By August 1978, the situation was so bad with the NCI that Dr. Reisinger left…”
Hilary Butler, Founder, Immunization Awareness Society
“As a result of Dr. Erdem Cantekin’s efforts his data tapes were erased, he was taken off the department’s grants, fired as Director of the Ear Research Clinic and forbidden by the Chairman to publish the paper…”
Lendon Smith MD speaking on the price paid by Dr. Cantekins (Prof. of Otalarynygology, Internationally recognized authority on Otis Media…) for his critique of the Prevnar vaccine.
Confidential: Do Not Release
“I think to release certain information prematurely is not a public service. There is too much scaring the public unnecessarily. Oh, your children were injected by a cancer virus.”
Albert Sabin, Developer of the Oral Polio Vaccine
“They were obviously terrified that the information would leak out to the public. Stamped in bold letters at the top of each page of the study was the words – “DO NOT COPY OR RELEASE” and “CONFIDENTIAL” This is not the wording one would expect on a clinical study of vaccine safety… Why was this information being secreted? The answer is obvious – it might endanger the vaccine program and indict the federal regulatory agencies for ignoring this danger for so many years. Our society has been littered with millions of children who have been harmed in one degree or another by this vaccine policy.”
Russell Blaylock, MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘The Truth Behind the Vaccine Cover-up’
“The issue of possible simian cytomegalovirus (SCMV) contamination of live olio virus vaccines has been suppressed since 1972. (This is an issue aside from the SV 40 above that was supposed to be removed in the early 70s) On the eve of Nixon’s “war on cancer”, a joint Lederle Corporation/FDA Bureau of Biologics study showed that eleven test monkeys, imported for polio vaccine production tested positively for SCMV. The reluctance of the FDA to act on this matter was revealed in a corporate memo delivered the following year. Even in 1995, following a report to FDA officials concerning a patient infected with SCMV-delivered virus, no new in-house testing of polio vaccines for SCMV has occurred. Moreover, this authors request for vaccine material to undertake specific testing were denied on the basis of protecting “proprietary” interests.”
W. John Martin, MD, PhD, Founder, Center for Complex Diseases
“From 1995 through late 2002, I served as a Research Analyst in a program supported by a grant from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control designed to study the effects of this newly licensed vaccine…Several years after the program began positive aspects of vaccination program were allowed to be published. However, data I collected suggesting adverse events were being handled quite differently. A preliminary trend suggested that the vaccination itself might have the potential to spawn widespread epidemic among adults of a disease far more serious than the one being inoculated against. When CDC affiliated health authorities learned this, they began to take action, including legal steps to prevent my making these findings known to the public and scientific community.”
Gary Goldman PhD discussing his research findings on the Chickenpox Vaccine.
Public Relations: Pushing the Flu Shot and Other Vaccines
“A bill called The Flu Prevention Act which is now winding its way through Congress…aimed at preventing so-called vaccine shortages…and financial losses like the $120 million hit taken by flu manufacturers the year before when vaccine rates stagnated – gives tax breaks to flu manufacturers and guarantees that the federal government will buy up any unused doses of flu vaccine…It also mandates that the CDC conduct an annual campaign to increase flu vaccination…In exchange for all this which amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies for an industry already making double digit profits, the companies merely have to agree to give the government advance warning if they plan to stop making the flu vaccine.”
Tara Servatius, ‘The Great Flu Scam of 2003’
“Raising demand is key to raising supply.”
Howard Pien, President, Chiron Corporation (vaccine producers)
“I spoke to the head of the CDC, the person who actually put these programs in place and he told me specifically that he was terminated in job because he refused to make the annual public announcement that the influenza vaccine should be administered.”
James S. Turner, Chairman, Citizen’s for Health, Documentary ‘Vaccine Nation’
“The launching of the BCG vaccine was a model of economic gangsterism, a gigantic, commercial operation. Nothing was missing from the scenario: falsified laboratory experiments, a pseudo-scientific varnish, garbled statistics, shameless publicity, the purchased support of powerful magnates and the final touch, a ‘free’ product financed by the taxpayer.”
Jean Elmiger, MD, Author of ‘Rediscovering Real Medicine’, France
“There has been a tenfold increase in autism and related forms of brain damage over the past 15 years, roughly coinciding with the MMR’s introduction and an extremely worrying increase in childhood inflammatory bowel diseases and immune disorders such as diabetes, and no one in authority will even admit its happening, let alone try to investigate the causes… Why is the government not investigating it further – diverting some of the millions of pounds spent on advertising and PR campaigns to promote MMR uptake into detailed clinical research instead?”
Dr. Peter Fletcher, former Chief Scientific Officer, Dept. of Health, Great Britian
Authoring Research and the Role of Academia
“In 2002, the Guardian revealed that British and U.S. scientists are putting their names to papers they have not written. The papers are Ghosted or co-written by employees of the drug companies, then signed for a handsome fee by respectable researchers. In some cases, the researcher have not even seen the raw data on which the papers conclusions are based. A pharmacologist who has studied the practice told the Guardian: ‘It may well be that 50% of the articles on drugs in the major journals across all areas of medicine are not written in a way the average person expects…Three years ago, eleven of the biggest medical journals drew up a code on conflicts of interest. It is plainly not working. Since it was published an analysis of the Journal of American Medical Association revealed that 87% of the scientists who write the clinical guidelines used by doctors for prescribing drugs have financial ties to drug companies. Over half of them are connected to the companies whose drugs they are reviewing.”
George Monbiot, The Guardian, 2/24/04
“The stir four years ago has grown into a full blown movement by more than 200 Harvard Medical students intent on exposing and curtailing the industry influence in their classrooms and laboratories, as well as in Harvard’s seventeen affliated teaching hospitals and institutes… David Tian, a first year medical student said ‘Before coming here, I had no idea how much influence companies had on medical education…And it’s something purposely meant to be under the table providing information under the guise of education when that information is also presented for marketing purposes’…:The school was unable to provide annual measure of the money flow to its faculty, beyond the 8.6 million that pharmaceutical companies contributed last year… Most of the money goes to professors at the Harvard affliated teaching, and the dean’s office does not keep track of the total.”
‘Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandry,’ Duff Wilson, New York Times, 3/3/09
Media… Researched Challenged?
“One feels rage as well at the complicity of the “peer reviewed” journals which print these awful productions. It is abundantly clear, if further proof were needed, that “peer review” means simply preventing criticism of certain commercial interests and blocking the emergence of competing viewpoints. Finally, one feels total exasperation at the total inability of journalists – who are reputed to be professional skeptics – to see through, and expose, this duplicity.”
Harris Coulter PhD., Medical Historian, Researcher and Author of several books on vaccination
“Severe constraints are placed on the media in the name of “responsible journalism” with the result that the American public very seldom hears both sides of the vaccination story, and comes to have an unquestioning faith in vaccinations as our greatest hope against future imagined disease plagues. In this fear based scenario, the questioning voice of reason is drowned out amid the hysteria surrounding the emerging “killer infections” which are such a favourite media topic. The propagation of fear by the media and by its sources in the public health industry has resulted in a growth of power in this industry far beyond the usual checks and balances of our democracy.”
Philip F. Incao MD ( Gave Testimony re. Hepatitis B Vaccine, Ohio, 1999)
“It’s not too late to get your flu vaccine. The vaccine is 70% effective.”
Comment made after a BCTV news Reporter reporting on the flu overloading BC hospital emergency wards and that the 32 who caught the flu at a senior’s home, 30 were vaccinated. Jan. 11, 2000 (The reporter seems oblivious to the fact that not only was the vaccine ineffective in this case, but those that got the vaccine were clearly more prone to succumb to illness)
“Thirty-three of the victims had not been vaccinated. The CDC recommends vaccination for all healthy children 6 months and older.”
Lawrence Altman of The New York Times reports that the CDC recorded 93 infant deaths from the flu, Jan. 10, 2004 (ignoring that the majority who died 60 had been vaccinated)
“Natalie Morton died on a hospital Monday, a few hours after being vaccinated against the virus that causes cervical cancer. There Are no indications of any link between Morton’s death and the vaccine although Morton appeared to be healthy before being given the shot.”
Meera Selva, Associated Press 9/29/09 (Since when do 14 year old girls drop dead out of the blue?)
Behind the Scenes
“It’s hardly astonishing that in every major vaccine campaign, one finds the same tangled web: the World Bank, financiers, governments, the military, laboratories…”
Guyliane Lanctot MD, “Why Vaccination Continues” extracts from the Medical Mafia’
“The entire vaccine program is covertly owned and controlled by those directly and indirectly profiting from the mandated vaccines.”
Thomas E. Stone MD, Pediatrician, wrote ‘An Open Letter to Pediatricians on the Flu Vaccine’
“Take the profit out of the manufacture and administration of serums and vaccines and they would soon be condemned even by those who now use them.”
George Starr White MD
Why Are Doctors Silent?
Doctors care about their patients, so why aren’t they more critical of vaccination? Is it lack of awareness, an inability or unwillingness to connect the dots, years of indoctrination or fear of possible professional repercussions if they speak out…? Dr. Bernice Eddy, (see Politics of Power and Contol;) Dr. Robert Simpson, Dr. Rebecca Carley, Dr. Jane Donegan and Dr. Andrew Wakefield are but a few examples of doctors who’ve been professionally penalized for not towing the party line
Topics on this page:
- The Need to Alert Physicians
- The Power of Indoctrination
- Feeling the Pressure
- Denial… Refusing to Connect the Dots
- Professional Repercussions
- Doctors… Starting to Question and Taking a Stand
The Need to Alert Physicians
“Since vaccine development information is considered proprietary, government and researchers shield potential safety issues from public scrutiny. In essence, health care professionals and the general public know little about the possible dangers.”
Dr. W. John Martin MD, PhD
“Death from brain and spinal chord diseases resulting from immunizations sometimes are attributed to other causes because doctors are not alerted to the connection between immunizations and the deaths.”
H.S. Martland, former Chief Medical Examiner, Essex County, NY
“It is essential in my opinion that physicians are better educated on the potential risks of this vaccine, (Hepatitis B) as well as the interactions with other vaccines and the increased risks of vaccinations of sick children…”
Bonnie Dunbar PhD, Professor of Department of Cell Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas (worked in vaccine development for over 25 years)
“When we look at the symptoms that we see in a child that has been vaccinated – high ever, high pitched screaming…sometimes even almost hemapletic, these are symptoms that if they were seen in a child that had not just been vaccinated, all us doctors would be concerned…we wouldn’t simply sit back and say ‘that’s fine'”
Robin Cosford MD, Documentary, ‘Vaccination: The Hidden Truth’
“It’s important to understand that most practicing physicians have no idea of the pathological effect on the brain of giving multiple vaccines on a large scale… These affects are widely discussed in the neuroscience literature, but few practicing physicians, especially pediatricians, Ever read such articles… Older doctors have no concept of the newer discoveries in immunology especially neuroimmunology.”
Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘Vaccines, Neurodevelopment and Autism Spectrum Disorder
The Power of Indoctrination
“Physicians are indoctrinated to disbelieve claims of harm and are not trained to recognize nor required to report any adverse reactions. From 90-99% of adverse reactions reported to doctors are never reported to the government’s lax Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.”
Bernard Rimland, PhD, Director, Autism Research Institute
“The medical-industrial complex has neither wavered nor modified its posture of providing a white washed endorsement and promotion of what is largely an unproven, technological fix of dubious origin which carries within it seeds of disease and death.”
Raymond Obomaswin PhD, Author of ‘Immunization: Medical Miracle or Masterful Mirage?’
“Vaccinations hold the answering loyalty and support on numerous health professional once whom imprinted in their early training never allow new data or studies to sway their allegiances. If that data does not appear within the realm of a few specific journals, it is simply assumed that new information cannot exist.”
Thomas Levy MD, FACC ‘Vaccination – The Shot That Keeps on Shooting’
“In the publications of the pharmaceutical industry vaccinations are praised with prayer-like repetition…to instill the belief in the benefit and the necessity of vaccinations…Evidence which disproves such claims is conveniently ignored.”
Gerhard Buchwald MD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Germany
“Seventeen years in this domain has taught me that people believe what they want to believe. This applies to journalists, scientists, doctors and parents. Most of us believe what were trained to believe by the actions of our parents, and the dictates of the system. The majority believe rules by force of numbers. It’s only when something happens which turns your world upside down and rips your ‘belief” values open and forces you to admit that your beliefs were based on the shifting sands of convenience and ignorance. This was how I became involved. It was a painful process and once it happens in one area, you find that your conditioning starts to be stripped away in many others.”
Hilary Butler, Founder, Immunization Awareness Society
“What is a vaccinologist? Do you go to school to learn to be one? How many years of residency training required? Are there board exams? It’s a stupid term used to describe people who are obsessed with vaccines. They are very narrow in their thinking and wear blinders that prevent them from seeing the numerous problems occurring with large numbers of vaccinations in infants and children. Their goal in life is to vaccinate as many people as possible with an ever-growing number of vaccines.”
Dr. Russel Blaylock, MD Neurosurgeon
Feeling the Pressure
“We have pressure on doctors from every corner to push vaccination and never let people think the adverse reactions may outweigh the benefits. When problems arise after vaccination, doctors tend to play down the severity of the complaints and will often deny a connection with vaccination.”
Mark Donohoe, MB ‘Vaccination Roulette’
“I do believe that there is a problem in reporting the effects of vaccination on children… And one of the reasons that I believe there is, is that there is a great, great pressure put upon the medical hierarchy, by the drug companies to suppress an enormous amount of important information.”
Dr. Evan Lallemand, Osteopath specializing in vaccine damage rehabilitation, Austria, 1992
“Many physicians and medical students have told me that if this vaccine is recommended and mandated by government officials ‘Why should they look at it or discuss it with their patients?’ Others have said their colleagues do not report these incidences because they ‘don’t want to get involved.'”
Bonnie Dunbar PhD, Professor of Cell Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston Texas, (worked in vaccine development over twenty-five years)
“If a pediatrician fails to administer an officially recommended vaccine and the child gets a preventable disease, the pediatrician could be sued for malpractice. If a child is injured by a vaccine, no pediatrician can be sued.”
Roger Shafly, PhD ‘Official Vaccine Policy Flawed’
“Doctors automatically assume that people who get vaccines do not come down with the diseases they are now supposed to be protected from. They say the vaccine is safe. But what do they base this judgment on. They base them on definitions which automatically rule out condemnation of the vaccine. You see it’s circular reasoning. It’s a closed system. It admits no possible fault. If a person, who gets a vaccine for hepatitis, gets hepatitis or some other disease, the automatic assumption is this had nothing to do with the disease.”
Dr. Mark Randall (pseudonym) former NIH Researcher and former Vaccine Developer, in interview with investigative journalist, John Rappoport
“Once a vaccine is mandated, the manufacturer and the physician administering the vaccine are substantially released of liability for adverse effects. The relationship of the patient and physician is shattered: in administering the vaccine, the physician is served as an agent of the state. To the extent that the physician complies without an independent evaluation of the appropriateness of the vaccine for each patient, He is abdicating his responsibility under the Oath of Hippocrates to ‘prescribe regimen of the good of my patient according to my ability and my judgement and never do harm to anyone’.”
Jane Orient, Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
“I have found vaccines have far more problems than I was ever led to believe in nursing school or latter practice.”
Sheri Nakken, RN (Well Within)
“Because routine immunizations that bring parents back for repeated office calls, pediatricians continue to defend them to death. For a pediatrician to attack what has become the bread and butter of pediatric practice is equivalent to a priest denying the infallibility of the pope.”
Robert Mendelsohn, MD, Pediatrician, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Illinois
Denial… Refusing to Connect the Dots
“Thirty-five years of medical practice have convinced me that all vaccines carry an important risk of chronic disease that’s inherent In the vaccine process. Yet the growing concerns of parents…rarely, if ever, elicit anything beyond automatic denials by medical and public health authorities alike.”
Richard Moscowitz MD ‘Hidden in Plain Sight; The Role of Vaccination in Childhood Disease’
These are two of thousands of cases of vaccine damage that been dismissed by the medical authorities. Has blind faith in vaccine dogma become so entrenched, that even the most obvious of connections are denied? Have the so-called experts and the media who largely repeat official assurances without a modicum of critical investigation had all common sense vaccinated out of them? … Again, on what basis can the cliché “the benefits outweigh the risks” when the authorities repeatedly deny harm, even in the most blatant of cases?
- “My grandson had his 1st DPT shot and oral polio vaccine at his two month check up… After the shot he started projectile vomiting and continued the high-pitched crying… within 21 hours he was dead. The doctor did not report the reaction. He did not feel it was related to the vaccine.”
National Vaccine Information Centre, November 25, 1991, p23-34 - “My normal, healthy 12 month-old daughter was vaccinated with hepatitis B, polio and varicella. The next day she began to vomit and did not stop for two hours. She became completely lethargic and did ended up in the emergency room with IV fluid pumping through her to keep her alive. All the medical staff told me this could not be a reaction her vaccination. What do you think?”
‘Vaccines, Are They Really Safe and Effective’ Neil Miller (page 88)
“Like many who seek help this woman honestly believed her son was crippled for life by the MMR vaccine…yet such stories are routinely dismissed out of hand… That was the reaction of every doctor involved in Alan’s case, despite compelling evidence to the contrary, even after case reports were supplied by the drug company itself. Whether a strategy to defeat possible litigation simply the instinctive shielding of a cherished worldview from threat of change, this defensive and hostile stance is so pervasive in the medical profession as to merit careful study in itself.”
Robert Moscowitz MD ‘Hidden in Plain Sight; The Role of Vaccination in Childhood Disease’
“How accurate are our statistics on adverse reactions to vaccines when parents are still being told ‘No connection to the shot. No connection at all.”
Donna Gary, grandmother of DPT victim testifying before Congress regarding Vaccine Injury.
Professional Repercussions
Also see: Autism section and Politics section
“If a parent says, ‘I’m worried about safety of vaccinations,’ They are told, ‘You don’t understand you’re not a doctor.’ However, is a doctor says ‘I’m worried about the safety of vaccines’ they are told, ‘We’re charging you with serious professional misconduct.”
Jayne Donegan, MBBS DRGOG, DCH, DFFP, HRCGP ‘My Experience with the General Medical Council’
“Today vaccines are largely an untouchable subject…Any hint of dissent concerning their clinical effectiveness and social value is met with bitter resentment. A former President of the U.K. Academy of Medical Science actually threatened to get me sacked for publishing work that raised questions about the MMR vaccine.”
Robert Moscowitz MD, ‘Hidden in Plain Sight, The Role of Vaccination in Childhood Disease’
“I was investigated by the NY State Health Dept. to determine if there was any negligence in my treatment of patients… The whole case was quietly dropped without any official statement. It was a fishing expedition that came up with nothing. A friendly source within the Health Department confided to me that my position on vaccinations was the real impetus for the investigation.”
Philip F. Incao MD, Denver, Colorado
“Whenever a doctor questions a vaccine, he is discredited. Many doctors were afraid to talk to me during my research. Some had even signed the Official Secrets Act. This is very worrying. We’re not talking about national security. We’re talking about the health and wellbeing of our children.”
Richard Halvorsen MD, Britian, Author, ‘The Truth About Vaccines’
“During the past 25 years of work to prevent vaccine injuries and death through public education and defend the informed consent ethic, I have seen doctors who tell the truth about vaccine risks be viciously attacked by their colleagues in government, industry and academia.”
F.E. Yazbak, MD FAAP, Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist
“They say openly in the (medical) legal system that if you advise against vaccination, the AMA will push to deregister you.”
Robyn Cosford MD, Australia
“As a result of Dr. Erdem Cantekin’s efforts his data tapes were erased, he was taken off the department’s grants, fired as Director of the Ear Research Clinic and forbidden by the Chairman to publish the paper…”
Lendon Smith MD speaking on the price paid by Dr. Cantekins (Prof. of Otalarynygology, Internationally recognized authority on Otis Media…) for his critique of the Prevnar vaccine.
“I spoke to the head of the CDC, the person who actually put these programs in place and he told me specifically that he was terminated in job because he refused to make the annual public announcement that the influenza vaccine should be administered.”
James S. Turner, Chairman, Citizen’s for Health, Documentary ‘Vaccine Nation’
“Dr. Ratner refused to give the vaccine (Polio) to children under him and suffered a media blackout for his concerns. Because he spoke the truth as he saw it, Dr. Ratner was relieved of his post as editor of The Bulletin of the American Association of Public Health Physicians.”
Tribute to Dr. Herbert Ratner ( also see: polio section
Doctors… Starting to Question and Taking a Stand
“I once believed in Jenner. I once believed in Pasteur. But I changed my views as a result of hard thinking…Why is it that medical men for the most part follow the fashion of the day?…Is it that they dare not think?…A man is ’eminent’ as long as he is orthodox. When he begins to think for himself he becomes a ‘crank’.”
Walter Hadwen, MD MRCS, LRCP LSA (1925)
“Can physicians be so stupid as to trust these rubber stamp committees whose members have such questionable vested interests and conflicts of interest?… For the sake of your little patients, THINK CAREFULLY and CRITICALLY, evaluate this same propaganda, from the SAME agencies who are serving the SAME masters…These new vaccines have been ramrodded through these SAME kind of ‘EXPERT’ panels, with the SAME fraudulent assurances of effectiveness and safety…These are the SAME people who will manage the coerced vaccination of our babies and children…With their tiny immunologic functions and overwhelmed by these useless vaccines, their synthetic immune system will be unable to counter and organism of even low virulence…And these are the same people who have gone into the medical business to solve the “health-care crisis” – which they created…Our babies’ and children’s only hope is to have a rare pediatrician that uses his own capacity to critically evaluate and think…”
Thomas Stone MD, ‘Open Letter to Pediatricians on the Flu Vaccine’
“…This forced me to look into the question of vaccination further, and the further I looked the more shocked I became. I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instances of these diseases you will realize that this is not so…”
Archie Kalokerinos MD, PhD FAPM, author, ‘Every Second Child’
“Knowing what I know now, I would not vaccinate my children and run the risk of getting diabetes, asthma, eczema and becoming more susceptible to meningitis and ending up chronically disabled.”
Dr. Jayne Donegan, MBBS DRGOG, DCH, DFFP
“As a result of my experience in the military I was vaccine injured and I made a statement that I will never take another vaccine or give another vaccine as long as I live. I had no idea the damages that could be caused by vaccines.”
Joyce Riley, Military RN (Doc., ‘Beyond Treason’)
“I make one tenth of what I made as a surgeon but at least I can sleep at night.”
Rebecca Carely MD, Surgeon, VIDS Expert
“As a pediatrician, who has been a fellow of the American Academy of pediatrics (AAP) for two decades, I find the AAP’s approach to the autism epidemic to be deeply disturbing. Not only have they allowed the myth of better diagnosing (as the reason for all the notice given to affected children) to be perpetuated, but when they were put on notice at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’S) Simpsonwood meeting in 2000, that the mercury in the preservative thimerosal was causing speech delays and learning disabilities, they obfuscated and hid that information. For all above reasons, I will no longer enable the AAP to be party to the damage that is being done to the world’s children by sending in my dues for a third decade. It is a token protest, but it has to begin with someone.”
Kenneth P. Stoller, MD ‘My Open Letter to The American Academy of Pediatrics’
“This is what I’ve made my oath towards… what my life’s mission has been as a physician …That mainstream medicine continues to look the other way has been unbearable.”
William Redwood MD, father of a VIDS victim, Documentary, ‘Vaccine Nation’
“We must continue, no matter how difficult the road, no matter how serious the consequences… because if we put down the flag and Surrender who else will do it…. There will be no one and the next generation and the next will be lost forever.”
Andrew Wakefield MD, FCSP, FCPath, 11/2003
“You cannot take the ‘First do no harm medical oath and push vaccines at the same time. This is ludicrous.”
Dr. Omesh Bharati, India
Pet Vaccinations
Topics on this page:
The Big Picture
“Routine Vaccinations are probably the worst thing we can do for our animals. They cause all types of illnesses…”
Christina Chambreau, DVM, ‘Science Behind Vaccine Damage’ by Catherine O’Driscoll, 2/24/09
“I think that vaccinations are the leading killers of dogs and cats in America today.”
Mike Kohn DVM ‘Science Behind Vaccine Damage’ by Catherine O’Driscoll, 2/24/09
“From one’s experience in the medical field you can put one and one together and realize that when we do see ill animals, those Illnesses often occur right after vaccination.”
Michael Goldberg, DVM, ‘Vets Say Shots May be Deadly’ Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun
Vaccine Schedules… Where’s the Science?
“Dr. Jean Dodd, a veterinary hematologist and immunologist in greater Los Angeles says annual vaccines began to be prescribed in the 1950’s…Back then, she says, drug companies got together with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and decided without any scientific test to support their position that vaccines should be administered once a year. ‘When the public found out, they were horrified’ she said. ‘That this was never based on any scientific fact’.”
‘Vets Say Shots May be Deadly’ Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun
“According to the landmark 1992 study by veterinarians, Dr. Tom Philips and Dr. Ronald Schultz, the practice of giving animals vaccines lacks any scientific validity whatsoever. ‘Almost without exception, there’s no immunological requirement for annual re-vaccination’ they said in their study entitled Canine and Feline Vaccines.”
‘Vets Say Shots May be Deadly’ Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun
“Rob Ashburner, a former president of The BC Veterinary Medical Association is more blunt, ‘There is no hard scientific evidence To say if vaccines should be given every year or three years or five years or once in a lifetime (or at all?)… no one knows and it’s not in the interest of drug companies who billions manufacturing pet vaccines to find out.”
Vets Say Shots May be Deadly’ Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun
“I believe that before we continue to inject foreign substances year after year into our pets which I believe can cause them harm, that we should first make sure they absolutely need it. If they don’t, why do it?”
Michael Goldberg, DVM, ‘Vets Say Shots May be Deadly’ Nicholas Read, Vancouver Sun
Vaccine Induced Disease in Dogs and Cats
“Our ongoing studies of dogs show that following routine vaccination, there is a significant level of antibodies dogs produce against their own tissues…Some of these antibodies have been shown to target the thyroid gland, the connective tissue such as that found in the valves of the heart, red blood cells, DNA etc.”
Larry Glickman, DVM ‘Science Behind Vaccine Damage’ by Catherine O’Driscoll, 2/24/09
“The vaccinated but not the non-vaccinated dogs in the Purdue studies developed auto-antibodies to many of their own bio-chemicals including fibronectin, laminin, DNA, albumin, cytochrome C, cardiolipin and collagen.”
‘Science Behind Vaccine Damage’ by Catherine O’Driscoll, 2/24/09
“Introducing foreign material via subcutaneous or intramuscular injection is extremely upsetting… In response to the violation, there have been increased auto-immune diseases, epilepsy, neoplasia, as well as behavioral problems.”
Mike Kohn DVM, ‘Science Behind Vaccine Damage’ by Catherine O’Driscoll, 2/24/09
“Many veterinarians trace the present problems with allergic and immunological diseases to the introduction of MLV vaccines.”
Jean Dodds DVM, Veterinary Hematologist and Immunologist
“Immunization with an attenuated virus cannot prevent distemper. The author has treated many dogs which have developed distemper despite two or three injections of the preventative agent… He is of the opinion that fits, chorea, hysteria etc. in dogs have become more frequent since the use of distemper vaccine. Successful prevention will never be achieved by inoculation.”
Dr. J. E. R. McDonagh, Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Bacteriologist, 1987
“When the dog owners who took part in the Canine Health Concerns Survey reported that their dogs developed short attention spans, 73.1% of the dogs did so within three months of a vaccine event. The same percentage of dogs were diagnosed with epilepsy within three months of a shot but usually within days.”
‘Science Behind Vaccine Damage’ by Catherine O’Driscoll, 2/24/09
“… Canine Health Concerns 1997 study of 4,000 dogs showed a higher number of dogs developing mobility problems shortly after they were vaccinated.”
‘Science Behind Vaccine Damage’ by Catherine O’Driscoll, 2/24/09
“In August 2003, the Journal of Veterinary Medicine carried an Italian study which showed that dogs also develop vaccine induced cancers at their injection sites.”
Dr. Charles E. Loop DVM
“The American Veterinary Medical Association Feline Sarcoma Task Force initiated several studies to find out why 160,000 cats each year in the U.S.A. developed terminal cancer at their vaccine injection sites. The fact that cats can get vaccine induced cancer is acknowledged by veterinary bodies around the world…What do you imagine was the advice of the AVMA Task Force… ‘Carry on vaccinating’ … In America to mitigate the problem, they’re vaccinating cats in the tail or leg so that they can amputate when cancer appears… Great advice if it’s not your cat…”
‘Science Behind Vaccine Damage’ by Catherine O’Driscoll, 2/24/09
“Homeopathic veterinarians and other holistic practioners have maintained for some time that vaccinations do more harm than they provide benefits.”
Sr. Charles E. Loops DVM
For further information, suggested websites, articles and books include:
‘The Science Behind Vaccine Damage’ by Catherine O’Driscoll, 2/24/09
‘Vaccinations in Veterinary Medicine for Dogs and Cats’ Don Hamilton DVM
‘Vaccine Guide for Dogs & Cats…’ by Catherine J. M. Diodati
Historical Manipulation, Smallpox and Polio
Topics on this page:
- Historical Manipulation
- Smallpox Vaccine: Responsibe for Eradication or Epidemics?
- Smallpox Vaccine and VIDS
- Startling Admissions from the “Authorities”
- Vaccine Induce Paralysis
- The Polio Vaccine: A Public Relations Coup
- Polio Stats: Vaccine Miracle of Medical Manipulation?
- The Polio Vaccine- The Unreported Disasters
- The DDT Factor… Why No Publicity?
- The SV 40 Cover-Up
- The Polio Vaccine: Other Consequences
Historical Manipulation
The claim that vaccination has wiped out deadly scourges has reached legendary status. But are these claims backed by historical records or do they represent the most deceptive and successful public relations coup in the history of the medical industrial complex? And if vaccines-and not better sanitation etc. – saved humanity from disease, then where are today’s epidemic of Scarlet Fever victims for which no vaccine was ever administered? *** It is also imperative to understand that the definition + diagnosis of polio was dramatically changed when the polio vaccine was introduced, further manipulating statistics. For an overview of this critically pertinent information see:
“The ‘victory over epidemics’ was not won by medical science or by doctors – and certainly not by vaccines… The decline has been the result of technical, social and hygienic improvement.”
Gerhard Buchwald MD, Internal Medicine Specialist,Germany
“This history that has been cooked up to convince people that vaccines are safe and effective…The decline of disease was due to improve living conditions: cleaner water, advance sewage systems, nutrition a decrease in poverty. Germs may be everywhere but when you are really healthy, you don’t contact disease as easily.”
Mark Randall, (pseudonym) former NIH Researcher and Vaccine Developer in interview with investigative reporter, Jon Rappoport
“I went to the Office for National Statistics and got out all the old books when public records began to be kept in 1837 and wrote down the mortality figures for the diseases against which we vaccinate. I was shocked to discover that vaccines hadn’t made the great impact that I had been led to believe with graphs starting a few years before the vaccines were introduced. INSTEAD of showing the figures from fifty or a hundred years before when you would see that 95-99% of the reduction from measles, for example, already before vaccines were introduced.”
Jayne Donegan, MBBS DRGOG, DCH, DFFP
“The charts plotted by the epidemiologist McKeown should humble scientists and lead them to look into the question of health from a holistic point of view. He showed how improvement of environmental conditions by reformers in Britian during the sanitary revolution of the nineteenth century led to effective controls of several major diseases like TB, colera and whooping cough in the absence of conventional biomedical tools.”
Norshir Antia MD, Surgeon, India, ‘A Life of Change, The Autobiography of a Doctor’
From 1900-1935 before the pertussis vaccine was introduced the death rate from pertussis in the United States and England had already declined on its own by 79% and 82% respectively.
International Mortality Statistics
Figures published in International Mortality Statistics confirm that from 1915-1958 the measles death rate in the U.S. and U.K. declined by 98% (five years before the creation of the measles vaccine)
“We were told repeatedly that Professor Ramous toxoid ‘practically wiped out diptheria’ in Britain, yet compulsory use at the same time in France showed very different results. In Britain with mass inoculations there was an increase in cases and deaths of several months, but in France with compulsory inoculations, the increases were much greater and lasted for many years.”
Lionel Dole, ‘The Blood Poisoners’
The New Zealand Government’s statistics show that the average death rate per 10,000 fell from 6.08 to 0.20 before the use of diphtheria vaccine.
Southland Time 30-Sep-1998
The most phenomenal accomplishments in tuberculosis eradication have been achieved where little or no B.C.G. (vaccine) has been used, including in Iceland Hawaii and the Netherlands.
British Medical Journal, 6/6/1959
Smallpox Vaccine: Responsibe for Eradication or Epidemics?
“It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated.”
Dr. Glen Dettman PhD, Australia
“There is no question but that perfect sanitation has almost obliterated this disease (smallpox) and sooner or later will dispose of it entirely. Of course when that time comes, in all probability the credit will be given to vaccination.”
John Tilden MD (1851-1940)
“I have thought many times of all the insane things that we have advocated in medicine – one of the most insane – to insist on the vaccination of children or anybody else for the prevention of smallpox, when as a matter of fact, we are never able to prove vaccination saved one man from smallpox.”
Dr. William Howard Hay (1866-1940), New York Practitioner
“Smallpox was on the way out, indeed epidemics disappeared decades before the World Health Organization decided to conduct the final “eradication” campaign. It is also well-documented that the largest epidemics occurred in the most highly vaccinated populations, while the unvaccinated did not have the same epidemics.”
Viera Scheibner, PhD, Scientific Researcher and Author
“If vaccines are so effective in preventing disease why have epidemics occurred around the world following mass vaccination programs? In the Philippines for example, “after ten years of compulsory inoculation against smallpox (25 million shots) over 170,000 got smallpox and 75,000 deaths were recorded between 1911 and 1920″”
from the Townsend Letter for Doctors article “Are Vaccines Generally Detrimental to the Human Defence System” Feb/Mar 1994
“Early in this century, the Philippines experienced their worst smallpox ever after people received 24.5 million vaccine doses.”
Dr. William Howard Hay, Address to Medicial Freedom Society, 6/25/37
“From the time in which smallpox was practically eradicated in the city of Manila, to the year 1918 (about nine years) in which the epidemic appears – certainly in one of its severest forms – hundreds after hundreds of thousands were yearly vaccinated, with the most unfortunate result that the 1918 epidemic looks, prima facie, as a flagrant failure of the classic immunization towards future Epidemics.”
Report of the Public Health Service 1920 (discussing smallpox in Manila)
“Since the passing of the Compulsory Vaccination Act in (Britain) 1853 we have had no less than three distinct epidemics. In 1857-9. We had more than 14,000 deaths from small pox. In the 1863-5 epidemic the deaths increased to 20,000 and in the 1871-2 they totaled up to 44,800.”
Walter Hadwen MD, MRCS LRCP, LSA
“In the Cologne epidemic of 1870, 173 vaccinated persons were attacked before the first unvaccinated one. In Liegnite in 1871, the first unvaccinated to suffer was 225th on the list.”
William T. Collins MD, MRCS 1883
“How is it that smallpox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated? How is it that in some of our most highly vaccinated towns, smallpox is rife whilst in some of our most poorly vaccinated towns such as Leicester, it is almost unknown? How is it that something like 80% of the cases admitted into the Metropolitan Board Smallpox Hospital have been vaccinated, whilst only 20% have not been vaccinated.”
Dr. L. Parry, British Medical Journal, 1/21/28
“Millions of people died of smallpox which they contracted after being vaccinated.”
J. W. Hodge, ‘The Vaccine Superstition’
“At present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied the extermination of the human race by smallpox, on the contrary more people are now killed by vaccinations than by smallpox.”
George Bernard Shaw, The Irish Times, 8/9/44
Smallpox Vaccine and VIDS
“I am convinced that 80% of these cancer deaths are caused by the smallpox vaccinations.”
Dr. Herbert Snow, Surgeon, London Cancer Hospital
“I have studied the question of vaccination conscientiously for 45 years…As a preventative of disease, there is not a scrap of evidence in its favour. The injection of virus into the bloodstream does not prevent smallpox, rather, it tends to increase its epidemics, and it makes the disease more deadly.”…Cancer mortality has increased from 9 per 100,000 or fully 900% increase within the past 50 years, and no conceivable thing could have caused this increase but the universal blood poisoning now existing.”
Dr. Charles E. Page, Boston Practitioner
“In looking over the history of vaccination for smallpox, I am amazed to learn of the terrible deaths from vaccination which necessitated amputation of arms and legs and caused tetanus…and cerebro-spinal meningitis.”
Dr. R.C. Carter, Practitioner, ‘Vaccines: Are They Really Safe & Effective’, Neil Miller
Startling Admissions from the “Authorities”
“There can be no doubt that vaccination was a definite causal factor and no chance coincidence” Data confirming encephalomyelitis following smallpox vaccination.”
Lancet, September & October 1926
“It is now accepted that the risks of routine smallpox vaccination outweigh those of natural infection.”
British Medical Journal 1/5/76
“Immunization against smallpox is more hazardous than the disease itself.”
Ari Zuckerman, Advisory Panel, World Health Organization
“Primary smallpox immunization of persons with subclinical HIV disease poses a risk of vaccine-induced disease and multiple immunizations may accelerate the progress of HIV disease. This case raises concern about the ultimate safety of vaccinia-based vaccine in developing countries…”
New England Journal of Medicine, March 12, 1987
Vaccine Induced Paralysis
“In regions in which there is no organized vaccination of the population, general paralysis is rare…”
JAMA, July 1926
“Around the turn of the 20th century, people began reporting paralytic illness AFTER the smallpox vaccination. By the 1920s, infantile paralysis (later renamed polio) began to emerge as an important new disease that often afflicted the limb that had been vaccinated. And later when…vaccines gained widespread use, illness and paralytic episodes following vaccination became common knowledge…”
Edda West, Polio Perspectives, Vaccine Risk Awareness Network
“One soldier… told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of infantile paralysis and he wondered why a grown man should have an infant disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of vaccine Poisoning. those at home didn’t get the paralysis until after the world-wide vaccination campaign in 1918.”
Eleanor McBean PhD, author of ‘The Poisoned Needle’
A study published in 1992 validated earlier findings. Children who received DPT injections were significantly more likely than controls to get paralytic poliomyelitis within the next 30 days…”This study confirmed that injections are an important cause of provocative poliomyelitis.”
Sutter R.W., et al ‘Attributable paralytic poliomyelitis during a large outbreak in Oman’ Journal of Infectious Disease 1992; 165:444-9
The Polio Vaccine: A Public Relations Coup
“There was too much Hollywood, too much exaggeration and the impression given was that polio had been conquered.”
Dr. Albert Sabin, Developer of the Oral Polio vaccine
“A spokesman for Park Davis which made 50% of the Salk vaccine said ‘now that it’s been declared safe’ we can get back the millions invested I the Salk vaccine and make a profit out of it. Our company will make over $10,000,000 on the Salk vaccine.”
‘Drug Companies Expecting Big Profits on Salk Vaccine’, Boston Herald, 4/18/55
Polio Stats: Vaccine Miracle of Medical Manipulation?
From 1923 to 1953 before the Salk killed virus vaccine was introduced, the polio death rate in the United States and England had already declined on its own by 47% and 55% respectively.
International Mortality Statistics
“Official data shows that large scale vaccination has failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection.”
Dr. Albert Sabin, Developer of the Oral Polio vaccine
“Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospitalization… two examinations at least twenty-four hours apart was all that was required… In 1955 the criteria were changed …residual paralysis was determined ten to twenty days after onset of illness and again fifty to seventy days after onset…This change In definition meant that in 1955, we started reporting a new disease… Furthermore, diagnostic procedures have continued to be Re-defined. Cocksackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis have been distinguished from poliomyelitis…Thus simply in the Change of diagnosis criteria, the number of paralytic cases was pre-deterrmined to decrease.”
Dr. Bernard Greenberg, Chairman of the Committee on Evaluation & Standards of The American Policy Health Association during 1950s testifying before Congressional Hearings, 1962
“After vaccination was introduced, cases of aseptic meningitis were reported as a separate disease from polio, but such were counted as polio before the vaccine was introduced. The Ministry of Health admitted that the vaccine status of the individual is a guiding factor in diagnosis…If a person who is vaccinated contracts the disease, the disease is simply recorded under a different name…Those who contracted polio after the first inoculation were placed on the non-inoculated list…It’s obvious that this practice of screening statistics, apparently in order to suppress facts unfavourable to immunization, invalidates most of the evidence brought forward by the supporters of immunization.”
Maurice Meadow Bayly MRCS, LRCP, ‘The Case Against Vaccination’
“Go to your library and ask to see the United States Poliio Surveillance Unit’s bulletins from 1955 to 1970. They will be ‘missing’. Every single medical library in the U.S. that were checked out for me and in New Zealand (and possibly other countries) has them listed as “missing.” There is only one place you can see them, as far as I know and that’s at the MMA’s library , and they are listed as having top security clearance requirement to see..Why might this be? When he was alive Dr. Ratner had copies of them at this home. He gave me many of the years’ data I wanted. They clearly showed from the inception of the Salk vaccine, to its discontinuation, the vaccine had a MINUS efficacy and was actually causing more polio in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated… Any studious person looking at government stats in retrospect, would be able to easily see that the political and media canonization of Salk and his vaccine was a mirage of duplicity upon duplicity.”
Hilary Butler, Immunization Awareness Society
The Polio Vaccine- The Unreported Disasters
“The U.S.P.H.S. reported that more children who received the Salk vaccine made by Wyeth Labs suffered polio than could normally be expected.”
Washington Bureau of the Detroit Free Press, 6/13/55
“In 1957, a spokesman for the North Carolina Health Department made glowing claims for the efficacy of the Salk vaccine, showing how polio steadily decrease from 1953 to 1957. Hi figures were challenged by Dr. Fred Klenner who pointed out that it wasn’t until 1955 that a single person in the state received a polio vaccine injection. Even then injections were administered on a limited basis because of the number of polio cases resulting from the vaccine. It wasn’t until 1956 that a single person in the state received a polio vaccine Even then injections were administered on a limited basis because of the number of polio cases resulting from the vaccine. It wasn’t until 1956 that polio vaccinations assumed inspired proportion. The 61% drop in polio cases in 1954 was credited to the Salk vaccine when it wasn’t even in the state. By 1957 polio was on the increase.”
Dr. Walene James, ‘Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth’
“Doctors and scientists on the staff of the National Institutes of Health during the 1950s were all aware that the Salk vaccine was causing polio. Some frankly stated that it was ‘worthless as a preventative and dangerous to take.’ They refused to vaccinate their own children. Health departments banned the inoculation. The Idaho State Health Director angrily declared ‘I hold Salk vaccine and its manufacturers responsible ‘for a polio outbreak that several killed Idahoans and hospitalized dozens more…”
‘Vaccines: Are They really Safe and Effective’, N. Miller citing ‘The Poisoned needle’ and data taken from government statistics as reported
“Where compulsory vaccination was practiced as in North Carolina and Tenesse, Bealle’s investigations report a 400% increase in paralytic and non-paralytic polio during 1959 over 1958.”
William Frederick Koch MD, PhD
“I got a phone call… This was the health officer of the city of Los Angeles and he said they just got two reports of polio in sime children who had been vaccinated days earlier.”
James Shannon, then Associate Director, National Institute of Health
“English authorities have cancelled the Salk vaccine program as too dangerous.”
Herbert Ratner MD Editor, Bulletin of Public Health Officials
“The Salk vaccine failed completely and the Sabin vaccine was a disaster. It caused many cases of polio and showed no relationship to the disease except for an increase in polio during the early 60’s caused by the vaccine itself.”
William Douglass MD, (The Douglass Report)
“When you inoculate children with a polio vaccine you don’t sleep well for two or three weeks.”
Dr. Jonas Salk, Developer of the Killed Virus Polio Vaccine
“In 1976, Dr. Jonas Salk, the developer of the killed-virus vaccine testified that the live virus vaccine was “the principal if not the sole” cause of polio in the U.S. since 1961”
Washington Post 9/ 24/76
“According to the CDC, 133 people contracted polio between 1980 and 1994. A total of 125 of those cases or an average of eight per year were caused directly by the oral polio vaccine, which consists of a live but weakened virus, the CDC said.”
Associated Press, 1/ 20/97
“When WHO officials discovered a polio outbreak in Nigeria was sparked by the polio vaccine itself they assumed it would be easier to stop than the natural “wild” virus. They were wrong…The virus in the vaccine can mutate into a deadlier version that ignites new outbreaks.”
‘Polio Surge in Nigeria after Vaccine Virus Mutates’ Associated Press, 8/14/09 (also see: Vaccines: Helping or Harming The Third World)
The DDT Factor… Why No Publicity?
“We have heard of localities where the polio incidence rose after DDT spraying.”
Rodale Encyclopedia of Common Diseases, 1962
“Some medical people began to link paralytic polio-like illnesses as a response to the increasing use of serious neuro-toxins like DDT, lead and arsenic compounds.”
Edda West, Polio Perspectives, Vaccine Risk Awareness Network
“It is quite clear that the authorities are keeping certain information secret. They do their best to hide their contributing role concerning the production and misuse of DDT behind a polio-virus and a supposed miracle-vaccine.”
Gerhard Buchwald MD, citing ‘Polio: An Illness caused by pesticides?’ by Vlado Petek-Dimner
“In 1983, via new legislation, DDT was allowed back into the U.S. marketplaces but only in pesticide blends. Within only a few months of this re-entry, a new kind of polio epidemic re-emerged labeled “post-polio”…this correlation is not even a whisper in the mainstream media…Central nervous system diseases continue: acute flaccid paralysis, chronic fatigue syndrome, encephalitis, meningitis, muscular sclerosis.”
‘Environmental Aspects of post Polio Syndrome’
The SV 40 Cover-Up
“Many here voice silent view that Salk and Sabin polio vaccines made from monkey and kidney tissues has been directly responsible for the major increase in leukemia.”
Frederick Klenner MD, FCCP
“In 1954 Dr. Bernice Eddy (bacteriologist) discovered live monkey viruses in supposedly sterile inactivated polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk. This discovery was not well received by the National Institute of Health and Dr. Eddy was demoted. Later, Dr. Maurice Hilleman ( then chief vaccine developer, Merck) isolated SV 40 virus from both the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines… It has now been identified in 43% of cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 36% of brain tumours…”
Dr. James Howenstine, MD, ‘Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines’
“Bernice Eddy lost her labs pursuing and espousing the truth. Her treatment scandalized the scientific community and resulted in a U.S. Senate investigation during which she warned legislators that unless the vaccine contamination problems was addressed, slow monkey viruses would simply deliver human cancer epidemics around the world.”
Thomas E. Stone MD Pediatrician – Photo is of Bernice Eddy
“I just think this virus may have some long-term affects…cancer. Three, four weeks after that we found tumours popping out of these hampers.”
Dr. Maurice Hilleman, Chief Vaccine Developer, Merck relating comments made to Dr. Albert Sabin, developer of the live virus polio vaccine, in interview with Edward Shorter, Medical Historian, 2/6/87
“I think to release certain information prematurely is not a public service. There is too much scaring the public unnecessarily. Oh, your children were injected by a cancer virus.”
Albert Sabin, Developer of the Oral Polio Vaccine
“Within a few years of the polio vaccine we started seeing some strange phenomena like the year before the first 300,000 doses were given in the United States childhood leukemia had never struck children under the age of two. One year after the first onslaught they had the first cases of children under the age of two that died of leukemia…Dr. Herbert Radnor observed that in a small area of this little town, in an area where no cases of leukemia had been expected or at the most one in 4 years according to previous statistics, they suddenly had a rash like epidemic within a few blocks.”
Eva Snead MD, San Antonio, Texas
Despite official denials of any correlation between polio vaccines, SV-40 and increased cancer rates, by April 2001, 62 papers from 30 laboratories around the world had reported SV-40 in human tissues and tumours.
San Francisco Chronicle July 15, 2001
“A study of 59,000 women found that children of mothers who received the Salk vaccine between 1959 and 1965 had brain tumours at a rate 13 times greater than mothers who did not receive those polio shots.”
New England Journal of Medicine 1988; 318; 1469
“It cannot be ruled out that two million New Zealanders cold be suffering in thirty years’ time from cancerous brain tumours as a result of vaccination.”
Dr. A. Malcome, Minister of Health, New Zealand, 1983
“Despite the polio vaccine’s long history of animal-virus contamination, today’s inactivated shot is manufactured in much the same way as earlier versions: ‘The viruses are grown in cultures of continuous line monkey kidney cells…supplemented with newborn calf serum…”The vaccine also contains two antibiotics (neomycin and streptomycin) plus formaldehyde. In Canada the inactivated polio vaccine is produced in human fetal tissue…”
‘Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective’, Neil Miller
The Polio Vaccine: Other Consequences
“Studies have shown that while the oral polio vaccine contains three strains of polio virus, a fourth strain can be cultured from the faeces of vaccine recipients. This indicates that viruses have recombined and formed a new strain in the process of vaccination.”
Virology, 1993
“A sixteen month old boy hospitalized for high fever and paralysis had never received any poliovirus vaccine … From playing and sharing a bed with his cousin, he apparently contracted poliomyelitis from the cousin who received Typ-2 oral poliovirus thirty-three days before. Virological and serological investigation revealed a vaccine-like strain of Type-2 poliovirus.”
‘Poliomyelitis associated with Type-2 polio virus strain. Possible tramsmission from an immunized child to an non-immunized child.” Lancet, vol. 1, 3/30/68
“Modern genetics has confirmed the genetic similarity between polio viruses, coxsackie and another group called the echol viruses. Before the advent of the Salk and Sabin vaccines, there were only three polio-like disease…When the coxsackie viruses first isolated from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, it wasn’t realized we were simply dealing with a new a new form of polio…”
William Campbell Douglas MD ‘Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Hidden Polio Epidemic’ Second Opinion Newsletter…
“And now we have the sensational findings from the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, which strongly indicate that polio did not go away at all, but now manifests itself as chronic fatigue syndrome…When Coxsackie viruses were first isolated from CFS patients, it wasn’t realized that we were simply dealing with a new form of polio. This new polio was caused by the replacement of the polio viruses with their brothers, the Coxsackie viruses. As the researchers didn’t get the connection at first, these new polio cases were labeled “post-polio syndrome”, “chronic fatigue syndrome” and myalgic encephalomyelitis.”
William Douglass MD, (The Douglass Report)
Vaccination: Helping Or Harming 'The Third World'?
Topics on this page:
- Helping or Harming ‘The Third World’?
- Susceptibility to Disease: Vaccine Deficiencies or Nutritional Deficiencies?
- Measles, Polio and more…
- Backward Priorities?
- Vaccine Guinea Pigs: Sticking it to the Poor
- Vaccines: Questionable Motives?
Helping or Harming ‘The Third World’?
“There has been a steady decline of infectious diseases in most developing countries regardless of the percentage of immunization administered in these countries.”
World Statistics Annual, 1973-76, Vol.2
“My mandate …is to make sure… that 100 million are immunized… this year and for many years to come…and that will have to be with thimerosal-containing vaccines.”
John Clements, Advisor, World Health Organization
“The American Academy of Pediatrics have remained silent as mercury-laden vaccine continues to be exported and used in all third world and second world countries.”
Kenneth Paul Stoller MD ‘My Open Letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics’
Susceptibility to Disease: Vaccine Deficiencies or Nutritional Deficiencies?
“Suffering Third World children have nutritional deficiencies not vaccine deficiencies.”
Lendon Smith, MD, Professor of Pediatrics,Oregon Health Services University
“Common sense informs us that health is chiefly a non-medical function based on factors such as nutrition, water, sanitation, housing and environment. Under conditions of abject poverty in the villages and slums, the health of 85% of our people has been converted into illness. This in turn has given rise to the health industry which is controlled by the pharmaceutical companies.”
Norshir Antia MD, Surgeon, India, ‘A Life of Change, The Autobiography of a Doctor’
“You cannot immunize sick, malnourished children and expect them to get away with it. You’ll kill far more children than would have died from natural infection…It needs to be appreciated that children in developing countries are at a much greater risk of complications from vaccination and from mercury toxicity…because poor nutrition, parasitic and bacterial infections and low birth weight.”
Archie Kalokerinos MD, PhD, AMM, MBBS, FACP
“Natural immunity is much more likely to be protective of the child than the much failed record of artificial immunization coming from vaccines.”
Senator Brown, former Medical Practitioner Tasmania
“…Those whose vitamin C status was low were at risk. Here, at last, was experimental evidence that supported my claims that stepping up immunization campaigns among Aboriginal children increased death rate.”
Archie Kalokerinos MD, PhD, FAPM, ‘Every Second Child’
Measles, Polio and more…
“They went through Africa, South America and elsewhere and vaccinated sick and starving children…They thought they were wiping out measles, but most of t hose susceptible to measles died from some other disease that they developed as a result of being vaccinated. The vaccination reduced their immune levels and acted like infection. Many got septicaemia, gastro-enteritis, etc. or made their nutritional status worse and they died from malnutrition. So there were very few susceptible infants left alive to get measles. It’s one way to get good statistics. Kill all those that are susceptible which is what they literally did!”
Archie Kalokerinos MD, PhD, AMM, MBBS, FAPM
“Unbelievably, the measles vaccine caused long-term suppression of the children’s immune system for six months up to three years. as a result, the immune-depressed children died from other diseases in greater numbers that children who had never recived the vaccine. tragically, African girl babies in the experiment were given twice the dose of the boys, and therefore suffered a higher death rate.”
Alan Cantwell Jr. MD, Cancer and AIDS researcher discussing the Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine
“We are now witnessing a disaster in African countries caused by the older live virus polio vaccines that has now produced an epidemic of vaccine related polio, that is, polio caused by the vaccine itself. In fact, in some countries polio was not seen until the vaccines was introduced! The WHO and “vaccinologist experts” from this country now justify a continued polio vaccination program with this dangerous vaccine on the basis that now that they have created the epidemic polio they cannot stop the program. In a recent article it was pointed out that this is the most deranged reasoning since more vaccines will mean more vaccine related cases of polio.”
J. T. Jacob, ‘A Developing Country Perspective on Vaccine-Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis.’ WHO Bulletin 2004, 82:53-58
“The IMA (Indian Medical Association) has a figure of 85,000- vaccine attributed polio victims – up to 2005… Doctors have been advised to keep quiet on these issues for the “greater good” of humanity. It is sad that no effort is being made to track, treat and compensate the unfortunate children. GAVI, UNICEF, Rotary and WHO do not reply to our emails making it plainly evident they aren’t the least bothered about the health of Indian children. Shame on those who wish to profit by killing and maiming little babies.”
Dr. Omesh Bharati ‘Politics of Vaccination II’
“…They started vaccinating and within four months had an outbreak of over 350 cases of polio.”
Viera Schiebner PhD citing stats from Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 1991 concerning polio vaccine campaign in several South American countries
“At the main hospital in Mbararay (Uganda) more than 600 children died following polio vaccination.”
Khua Nkuba, Nov. 2002 speaking to the National Vaccine Information Centre, former East African Radio World Broadcasters(who lost his job and had his life threatened for honestly broadcasting the affects of the live virus polio vaccine in Uganda)
“Some studies get published by tweaking their conclusions. For example, in an outbreak of paralytic polio in Oman in 1988-9 that started shortly after an immunization program…The actual state that the outbreak occurred “in the face of model immunization” and that the region with the highest attack had one of the highest coverage rates whereas the region with the lowest coverage had the lowest attack rate and that there was “no correlation between vaccine coverage rates and attack rates in the region.” By the time they get to the concluding paragraph, however, the authors are calling for more vaccines in the schedule, more mass campaigns…”
Jayne Donegan, MBBS DRGOG, DCH, DFFP, citing study from Lancet 1991, 338:715-20
“When WHO officials discovered a polio outbreak in Nigeria was sparked by the polio vaccine itself They assumed it would be easier to stop than the natural “wild” virus. They were wrong… The virus in the vaccine can mutate into a deadlier version that ignites new outbreaks.”
‘Polio Surge in Nigeria after Vaccine Virus Mutates’, Associated Press, 8/14/09
“The WHO estimates that there are 200,000 cases if yellow fever per year worldwide despite the official WHO statistics through 2004 showing an average of less than 1,000 cases per year for the past 35 years.”
Neil Miller, ‘Vaccination Safety Manual’
“Yellow fever vaccine had cancer viruses in it.”
Dr. Maurice Hilleman, Chief Vaccine Developer, Merck, Feb. 6, 1987
“What can one do with a news bulletin of how in Tobago…a typhoid epidemic was averted by mass immunization which “seems to have been successful”…This, only four days after the damage? We know that typhoid takes 7-14 days to incubate and the shots from 10 to 20 days to take properly…The BBC calls this kind of propaganda ‘news’.”
Lionel Dole, author ‘The Blood Prisoners’
Backward Priorities?
“In Africa polio is really very rare…If you want to help children why begin with diseases that they don’t have?…Uganda spent $9,000,000 of its meager resources marketing this European product…the money spent could have built 120,000 protected water springs giving 30% of the country clean water.”
Khura Nkuba, ‘Uganda Kids Die by Thousands.’
“Perhaps the greatest evil of immunization lies in its diversion of public attention from true methods of disease prevention. It ignores the part played by food and sunlight and many other factors…It exaggerates the risks of diphtheria (etc.) and works upon the fears of parents. The more it is supported by public authorities, the more its dangers and disadvantages will be concealed or denied.”
Maurice Bayly, MRCS, LRCP, author, ‘The Case Against Vaccination’
Vaccine Guinea Pigs: Sticking it to the Poor
“In 1989-1991 Kaiser Permanente and the CDC jointly conducted a measles vaccine experiment. Without proper parental disclosure, the Yugoslavian made ‘high titre’ Edmonston-Zagreb measles vaccine was tested on 1,500 poor, primarily black and Latino inner city children in Los Angeles… highly recommended by the WHO, the high-potency experimental vaccine was previously injected into infants in Mexico, Haiti and Africa… It was discontinued in these countries when it was discovered that children were dying in large numbers.”
Alan Cantwell Jr. MD, Cancer and AIDS Researcher
“Argentine authorities are exploring a possible link between the deaths of fourteen children and an experimental vaccine they were taking in a clinical trial run by GlaxoSmithKline…”They didn’t explain to the parents that this was an experimental vaccine, and a lot of parents who signed the consent forms were illiterate” said Marchesse, a pediatrician.”
Debora Rey, Seattle Times 8/14/08
“The government was last night accussed of a cover-up over the safety of its vast meningitis immunization program after the Observer obtained confidential documents that show at least eleven people died after injection to prevent diseases.”
Martin Bright, Miles Barter, 8/27/00 The Observer
“Polish doctors and nurses are facing criminal prosecution after a number of homeless people died following medical trials for a vaccine to the H5N1 bird flu virus… Authorities claim that the alleged victims received twelve British pounds to be tested with what they thought was a conventional flu vaccine, but according to investigators was actually an anti-bird flu drug.”
Matthew Day, The London Telegraph, 7/2/08
“At least twelve babies who were part of a clinical study to test the effectiveness of a vaccine against pneumonia have died over the past year in Argentina, the local press reported Thursday. The study was sponsored by the global drug giant GlaxoSmithKline and uses children from poor families, who are pressured and forced into signing consent forms by the Argentine Federation of Health Professionals, Fesprosa said.”
Buesnos Airies, 7/10/08
“We do not understand how ‘foreign experts’ dictate terms in matters of vaccination policy in India. Who are these experts and what influence do they yield to dictate terms? What are these experts doing to ensure compensation and treatment for millions of vaccine damaged children? What are they doing to educate the public regarding vaccine dangers?”
Dr. Omesh Bharati, ‘Politics of Vaccination II’
Vaccines: Questionable Motives?
While the vast majority of those working and volunteering in health care in the Third World are dedicated, well intentioned individuals, the following quotes are sure to elicit a wide variety of reactions including shock, outrage and disbelief. However, it was felt that the implications arising from these quotes were too grave to exclude, especially given the sources quoted. ‘Vaccines Uncensored’ should, after all, include quotes of all kinds including the “politically incorrect” that force us to confront issues we may find too disturbing to face. As such, these quotes are offered in the belief that we must never be afraid to question and keep questioning no matter where such probing may lead us. As always, it is up to the reader to investigate such matters further and come to their own conclusions.

Mary Pilar Veroza: “The government would announce… that only women from 14-45 years old should come to the health center for their tetanus shots… Fertility cycles were all fouled up, some had bleeding and miscarriages, some lost their babies. The symptoms could come soon after their tetanus vaccination.”BBC Television Horizon, ‘The Human Laboratory’, 11/05/95
“Before the vaccination, the baby moved everyday… At eight months she was vaccinated and the baby quit moving. A few days later a big baby came out but it was completely dead.”
Woman of the Akha Tribe in Thailand being interviewed by Human Rights activist, Matthew Mc Daniel re. pregnant Akha women forced to receive shots to get I.D. cards for their children. (Interview on
“I spent about twenty-three days in India, mostly in laboratory conducting analysis on the samples of oral polio vaccines. I took along some of the most sophisticated laboratory equipment in the world… I and some other professional colleagues … in the lab could not believe the discoveries… Some of the things we discovered in the vaccines are toxic, some have direct effect of human reproduction… When a fake drug is brought in disguised as a vaccine, we have an obligation to kick it out. Professor Emeritus Shehu himself will bare witness to this if he recalls the incidence of CSM (meningitis) immunization campaign in an area called Mayobelwa in the former state of Gongola State, Nigeria. The communities were given vaccine for protection against the CSM but what happened? After just a few weeks there was a massive outbreak unprecedented in the history of the country… The professor said at that time he could not explain the phenomenon, but we know now from recent discoveries that these vaccines were carrying a virulent that induced the disease in those vaccinated. There are other instances in other third world countries like the Philippines, Mexico and so on. This is what is casting doubt on vaccines brought for immunization on people in the third world… These manufacturers or promoters of these harmful things have a secret agenda which only further research can reveal.”
Dr. Haruna Kaita, Dean, Faculty of Pharmacheutical Sciences, University Ahmadu Bello Zaria, Nigeria, ‘Our Polio Test was Conclusive

A: “We could sit here for two days and discuss all the reasons… At different levels of the system people have their motives: money, fear of losing a job, the desire to win brownie points, prestige awards, promotion, misguided idealism, unthinking habit and so on. But at the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it’s true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them, to kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that he was well aware of this He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests.”Dr. Mark Randall, pseudonym, former NIH Researcher and Vaccine Developer for Major Pharmacheuticals, interviewed by investigative journalist John Rappoport
“Deliberate attempts have been made to allow (Aboriginal) infants under my care to die. The real authorities don’t want these infants to live.My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business (medical) is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organization is one of murder and genocide.”
Archie Kalokerinos, MD, PhD, FAPM, author of ‘Every Second Child’
“Vaccines made from: mucous of infected children (whooping cough), excrement from typhoid and until recently diseased kidneys of monkeys have caused leukemia, encephalitis, MS, and now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation to the explosion of AIDS.”
Advisor, World Health Organization, Times of London, 11/05/87 (The Times did not disclose the name of the Advisor)
“By use of the Freedom of Information Act, Dr. Robert Streckler was able to learn that the DOD (Department of Defense) secured Funds from Congress to perform studies on immune-destroying agents for germ warfare. Once produced the vaccine containing HIV was given to Africans in 1977… White homosexuals were given Hepatitis B vaccine that contained the HIV virus in 1978.”
James Howenstine, MD, ‘Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines’, 12/7/03
“Two separate epidemiological studies have shown a high correlation between the spread of AIDS with both vaccines against polio and smallpox.”
J. W. Hodge, MD author “The Vaccine Superstition’
“The goal of the elite is to diminish our population on planet earth…”
Dr. Rauni Kilde, Ret. Chief Medical Officer, Finland, 2009
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of the U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World.”
Henry Kissinger, National Security Memo 200, 4/24/74
“The commitment of governments to deal with the population issue is, of course, essential… There are many ways to make the death rate increase. In the thermonuclear age, war can take care of this very quickly. Famine and disease are the oldest.”
Robert Mc Namara, former Secretary of Defense, former President, World Bank, Board of Directors, Washington Post, 10/2/79
“Vaccines are used to test biological weapons… used to spread diseases. They are used for targeted genocide.”
Guylaine Lanctot MD, Author of ‘The Medical Mafia’
“And advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror into a politically useful tool.”
Project for a New American Century (PNAC), Rebuilding America’s Defenses, (Dick Cheney, Doanld Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, Elliot Abrams, Libby Lewis etc)September 2000
Given the barrage of headlines over the last few years predicting – almost promising – a pandemic, culminating with the latest nH1N1 story, a diverse sampling of quotes – including non-vaccine ones- have been included in this section to challenge the reader to question and keep questioning what the public have and haven’t being told re. H1N1. As with any issue of significant public impact, it is up to the reader to probe, ponder and invariably come to his/her own conclusions re. conflicting information concerning the H1N1 “pandemic”
Topics on this page:
- What Constitutes a ‘Pandemic’?
- H1N1 2009: Swine Flu or Human-Avian-Swine Flu?
- Experiments In and Out of the Laboratory
- Pandemics = Profit$
- Media Scaremongering?
- H1N1 Vaccine and Squalene : What Are The Long-Term Risks?
- Risks with Anti-Viral Medications
- A Recovery Case
- The Guise for Justifying Mandatory Vaccination: Herd Immunity and Efficacy?
- H1N1 Vaccine Producers… Immune from Liability?
- What about the Seasonal Flu Vaccine?
- The 1976 Swine Flu Debacle
- Looking Back: 1918
- A Coincidental Prediction?
- Repressive Measures
What Constitutes a ‘Pandemic’?
“There’s something noteworthy about the fact that the WHO has changed its definition of a pandemic. The old definition was a new virus which went around quickly for which you didn’t have immunity and which created a high morbidity and mortality rate. Now, the last two have been dropped, and that’s how swine flu has been categorized as a pandemic.” – Dr. Tom Jefferson, Epidemiologist, in interview with Der Spiegel Magazine (Germany), 7/21/09
H1N1 2009: Swine Flu or Human-Avian-Swine Flu?
“The virus continues to be an enigma to virologists. In the April 30, 2009 issue of ‘Nature’, a virologist was quoted as saying, “Where the hell it go all these genes from we don’t know.” Extensive analysis of the virus found that it contained the original 1918 H1N1 flu virus, the avian flu virus and two new H3N2 virus genes from Eurasia. Debate continues over the possibility that the swine flu is a genetically engineered virus.” – Russell Blaylock MD, PhD, ‘Vaccine May be Worse than the Swine Flu’
“This is a very unusual kind of flu. It looks like it’s the product of gene splicing. The flu contains elements of the bird flu, two forms of human flu and various forms of swine flu.” – Wayne Madsen, Investigative Journalist, Washington D.C.
“The new type A H1N1 influenza virus is unlike any that had been previously isolated judging from the first data released… It is a messy combination of sequences from bird, human and swine flu lineages from North America and Eurasisa. A senior virologist in Canberra, Austtralia told the press he thought that the virus could have been created in the laboratory…” – ‘Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine Under Fire’ Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Geneticist and Biophysicist, Director, Institute of Science in Society, London, England and Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus of Genetics, University of Western Ontario
“The so-called ‘Swine Flu’ grabbing headlines today is actually a recombinant, or ‘split-influenza’ virus consisting of A-Strain Bird Flu (H5N1) Swine Flu (H1N1) and multiple strains of human flu (H3N3)” – ‘Startling Evidence that the Swine Flu is Man-made’ True Ott PhD,’ 7/26/09
“It’s obvious that all these ’emerging viruses’ are emerging from laboratories…” “There are over 1088 bio-warfare laboratories just in the United States alone. Any thinking person should be asking themselves how can a bird from Asia fly over the sea.” – Rebecca Carley MD, General Surgeon, VIDS Expert
Experiments In and Out of the Laboratory
“It emerged that a virulent H5N1 bird flu was sent out by accident…as well as the risk of escaping into wild, the H5N1 got mixed with a human strain which might have spawned a hybrid that could unleash a pandemic.” – Times of India, 3/6/09
“Baxter (International) released a seasonal flu vaccine containing the bird flu virus to 18 countries…An astute lab worker in the Czech Republic discovered the deadly virus and blew the whistle before a worldwide disaster was unleashed.” – Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘Vaccine May be Worse than Swine Flu’
Baxter files swine flu vaccine patent US20090060950A1 August 28, 2008 a year ahead of the outbreak. –
“A number of homeless people (in Poland) died following medical trials for a vaccine (by Novartis) to the H5N1 bird flu virus… Authorities claim that the alleged victims received twelve British pounds to be tested with what they thought was a conventional flu vaccine, but according to investigators was actually an anti-bird flu drug.” – Matthew Day, London Telegraph, 7/2/08
“Novartis applied for a patent on Nov. 4, 2005 & the U.S. Patent Office accepted this application & granted US20090047353A1 for a ‘Split influenza Vaccine with Aduvants’ on Feb. 19,2009” – True Ott PhD, ‘Startling Evidence that the Swine Flu Pandemic is Man-made, 7/26/09
“Ways were sought to shorten the time between the emergence of a pandemic virus and the availability of effective vaccines… In Europe some manufacturers have conducted advance studies using a so-called ‘mock-up vaccine’. Mock-up vaccines contain an active ingredient for an influenza virus that has not circulated recently in human populations and this mimics the novelty of a pandemic virus.” – World Health Organization Website, Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 briefing note 6, 8/6/09
“The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will soon launch experiments designed to combine the H5N1 virus and human flu viruses and then see how the resulting hybrids affect animals.” – Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy, 1/14/04
“Indonesia’s Health Minister has implicated the U.S. government in an international conspiracy to develop the bird flu virus into a deadly biological weapon… Dr. Supari expressed alarm at World Health Organization laboratories sharing bird flu virus data with the United States National Laboratory in New Mexico where nuclear weapons are developed.” – Jeff Thompson,, 2/20/08
“An inventory of potentially deadly pathogens at Fort Detrick’s infectious disease laboratory found that more than 9,000 vials that had not been accounted for.” – Nelson Hernandez, Washington Post Staff Writer, 6/18/09
“This is the worst cover-up in the history of the military. It’s not the shot from the gun but a shot from a syringe that is leaving some servicemen and women on the brink of death.” – ‘Secret Shots’ Target 5 TV Investigative Report
Pandemics = Profit$
“It is obvious that vaccine manufacturers stand to make billions of dollars in profits from this WHO/government promoted pandemic.” – Russell Blaylock MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘Vaccine May be Deadlier than the Swine Flu’
“The prospect of a bird flu outbreak may be panicking people around the globe but it’s providing to be very good news for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other politically connected investors in Gilead Sciences, the California company that owns the rights to Tamiflu (manufactured and marketed by Roche, Gilead receives a royalty) Rumsfeld served as Gilead chairman from 1997 until he joined the Bush administration in 2001, and he still holds a Gilead stake valued at between $5,000,000 – $25,000,000 according to financial disclosures filed by Rumsfeld… Rumsfeld isn’t the only heavy weight benefitting from Tamiflu.” – Nelson D. Schwartz, Fortune Magazine, 10/05
“Sometimes you get the feeling that there is a whole industry almost waiting for a pandemic to occur. The WHO and the public health officials, virologists and the pharmaceutical companies. They’ve built this machine around the coming pandemic, and there’s a lot of money involved. And all it took was for one of these viruses to mutate to start the machine grinding.” – Tom Jefferson, Epidemiologist, Scientific Co-ordinator, Vaccine Section of the influential Cochrane Collaboration, an Independent group that reviews scientific research. 7/21/09
“The objective of Global Vaccine Advancement Program is to increase the supply of a pandemic vaccine…The first approach relies on countries establishing clear immunization policies to increase the use of seasonal flu vaccine…This will provide the vaccine industry with a solid forecast and stimulate its increase production capacity…” – ‘Immunizations, Vaccines and Biologicals Epidemic and Pandemic Alert Response’, W.H.O. Sept. 2006
“Critics point out that the ‘vaccination experts’ are dominated by the vaccine makers standing to gain from the enormously lucrative vaccine and antiviral contracts awarded by governments.” – Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario and Dr. Mae- Wan Ho, Geneticist, ‘Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine Under Fire’ 8/09
“Always ask your self who benefits…big pharma.” – Dr. Rauni Kilde, Ret. Chief Medical Oficer, Finland
“The Swine Flu outbreak is going to benefit one of the most profitable and successful venture capital firms: Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers.. Shares of the two public companies in the firm’s portfolio of Pandemic and Bio-Defense companies jumped on news that the swine fly killed a reported 60 people in Mexico…” – ‘Venture Capital Firm Set to Reap Rewards on Swine Flu’, A. Haislip, Reuters, 4/24/09
“Recognizing the need to address the threat of infectious disease, KPCB began a new investment initiative…with $200,000,000 KPCB Pandemic Preparedness and Biodefense Fund…We have built a global network of hundreds of key scientists, policymakers, government officials, foundations…executives and entrepreneurs” KPCB Pandemic Preparedness and Bio-defense Initative… “Engineering New Markets, We invest in early-stage and breakthrough ventures that have the promise to create new market opportunities” – KPCB ‘Initiatives: Pandemic and Bio-defense’
“Shares of VeriChip Corp. tripled after the company said it had been granted an exculsive licence to two patents which will help it develop implantable virus detection systems in humans.” – Verichip shares jump after H1N1 patent licence Win’ Reuters, 9/21/09
Media Scaremongering?
“They want to brainwash people into saying I better go get a flu vaccine. People have to ask themselves:’ Let me get this straight; you’re telling me this virus is so bad, you don’t want me exposed to it, so you’re going to put it in a syringe and inject it directly into my body’… Hello! That’s insanity!” – Rebecca Carley MD, General Surgeon, VIDS Expert, KTYM AM 1460 4/27/09
“Fear filled headlines herald the coming plagues-‘Chicken influenza Virus Escapes Asia to Threaten America’, ‘Chinese Swine Flu Hospitalizes Six and Coming Soon’, ‘African West Nile Arrives in New York’… For these and more we are persuaded to accept petrochemical intoxiactions and biological prescriptions effective at the molecular level. As with immunization all of this is done under the noble guise of “prevention” while failure to act implies death.” – Dr. L. G. Horowitz DMD, MPH
“No new emerging epidemics, maybe no CDC, no WHO, so we’ve got an infrastructure that REQUIRES the “discovery” of new threatening epidemics. And the media pick a new one every year.” – Dr. Daniel Duffy Sr. DC, Geneva, Ohio
“Severe constraints are placed on the media in the name of “responsible journalism” with the result that the American public very seldom hears both sides of the vaccination story, and comes to have an unquestioning faith in vaccinations as our greatest hope against future imagined disease plagues. In this fear based scenario, the questioning voice of reason is drowned out amid the hysteria surrounding the emerging “killer infections” which are such a favourite media topic. The propagation of fear by the media and by its sources in the public health industry has resulted in a growth of power in this industry far beyond the usual checks and balances of our democracy.” – Philip F. Incao MD, Denver, Colorado
“How does one discern “terror talk”… differentiate truth from propaganda? Pay attention to the words in the title, the assumptions and pure speculation made. Here are a few real examples from bird flu articles…’Mystery- Bird Flu Fails to Migrate’ (12-29-05) The word ‘Mystery’ is calculated to create fear in the reader…’Bird Flu: How Worried Should You Be?’ (10/11/05) Notice the term is assuming you should be worried…’Dangerous Unique H5N1 Mutation’ (12-10-05) Nothing in this article can be verified…The title beginning with the word dangerous is designed to put the question into the readers brain as though it were fact…’Bird flu could pose enormous threat to the economy’ (12-9-05) Bird flu COULD do anything in the world the author conjures up…” – Lorraine Jeanette Day MD 12/17/07
H1N1 Vaccine and Squalene : What Are The Long-Term Risks?
“A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter. The letter from the health protection agency…has been leaked to the mail on Sunday leading to demands to know why the information has not being given to the public before the vaccination of millions of people, including children begins.” – ‘Swine Flu Jab Linked to Killer Nerve Disease’, Jo MacFarlane, Daily Mail (England)
“What’s terrifying is that these pandemic vaccines contain ingredients called immune adjuvants (such as squalene)that a number of studies have shown cause devastating autoimmune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus… What most people don’t know, even the doctors who recommend the vaccines, is that most studies by pharmaceutical companies observe the patients for only one to two weeks after vaccination-these kinds of reactions may take months or years to manifest.” – Russell Blaylock, MD, Neurosurgeon, ‘Vaccine May Be More Dangerous than Swine Flu’, 7/17/09
“According to a recent review… most newer adjuvants including MF-59, ISCOMS, QS21, ASO2 and ASO4 have “substantially local reactogenicity and systemic toxicity..” – Dr. Mae- Wan Ho, Geneticist and Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario, ‘Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine Under Fire’
“Squalene is a natural substance found in most plants and animals. Your body uses it to help synergize cholesterol as well as vitamin D… However, when commerical squalene is injected the body identifies it as threat and creates antibodies to attack it… In fact, when scientists from Tulane University tested blood samples from vets suffering Gulf War Syndrome, they found that 100% of them had abnormal antibodies to squalene… Symptoms of GWS were subtle to start: headaches, fatigue, generalized aches and pains… this is what worries me about the H1N1 vaccube… Reactions can take years to appear making it difficult to connect the dots.” – Allan Spreen MD, Senior Member, Health Sciences Institute Advisory Panel, Baltimore MD, ‘Serious Reasons to Skip the H1N1 Vaccine Part II.’
“This adjuvant (squalene) contributed to the cascade of reactions called Gulf War Syndrome documented in soldiers in the Gulf War… The symptoms they developed included: arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus erythematosus, ALS, chronic fatigue, neuropsychiatric problems, seizures, chronic headaches,, memory loss, anti-thyroid effects, rashes…” – Viera Scheibner, PhD, Vaccine Researcher
“In animal studies of oil-based (vaccine) adjuvants in rats, the animals were rendered crippled and paralyzed. Squalene brought on severe arthritis symptoms in rats, and studies in humans given from 10-20 ppb(parts per billion) of squalene showed severe impact and development of autoimmune disorders.” – Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario and Dr. Mae- Wan Ho, Geneticist, ‘Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine Under Fire’ 8/09
“New vaccines never behave the way you expect them to. It may be there is a link to Guillan Bare Syndrome which is certainly not something I’d wish on anyone.” – Jefferson, Epidemiologist, Scientific Co-ordinator, Vaccine Section of the influential Cochrane Collaboration, an Independent group that reviews scientific research, 7/21/09
“Vaccines themselves can be dangerous especially live attenuated viral vaccines or the new recombinant nucleic acid vaccines. They have the potential to generate virulent viruses by recombination and the recombinant nucleic acids could cause autoimmune diseases.” – Dr. Joe Cummins, Professor Emeritus, University of Western Ontario, ‘Fast- tracked Swine Flu Vaccine Under Fire…’ August 2009
“The world and, in particular, its children appear to be at risk for stealth adapted viruses. The contribution of vaccines to the formation and dissemination of these viruses should be an open topic for scientific discussion. This is not occurring with those presently in charge of overseeing the safety of the nation’s immunization program.” – W. John Martin MD, PhD, Founder, Center for Complex Diseases
“It’s not the swine flu that is dangerous. It’s the injections especially… I hope no one takes this injection especially not pregnant women or children.” – Dr. Raui Kilde, Ret. Chief Medical Officer, Finland
“Female soldiers given the vaccine were advised not to become pregnant for at least eighteen months because of the risk of birth defects.” – ‘Gulf War Toxin in Swine Flu Vaccine’, Lucy Johnston, Daily Express (England), 8/23/09
“Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with this vaccine. It cannot be known whether the vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman OR CAN AFFECT REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITY” – Novartis Pharmacheutical, Swine Flu Vaccine Information Circular section 8.1
“Washington State health officials have temporarily suspended limits on the amount of mercury allowed in the upcoming H1N1 influenza vaccine for pregnant women and children younger than three.” – John Stucks, The Spokesman- Review, 9/25/09
(Studies show) a 7 to 1 increase in relative risk of injury for children born to mothers who got a thimerosal-preserved flu shot in the first four lunar months of their pregnancy over matched mothers who did not. – ‘Birth Defects and Drugs in Pregnancy, Heinonem, Slone, Shapiro, 1983
“Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Fluzone vaccine. It is also not known whether Fluzone vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity … Fluzone vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or for impairment of fertility.” – Sanofi Pasteur’s Fluzone Vaccine Package Insert
“Carcinogenicity – We have done no testing for the carcinogenicity of MF-59or any of our vaccines. We haven’t done it and we don’t plan to.” – Dr. Novicki, Scientist, Novartis Pharmacheuticals, F.D.A.-N.I.H. Meeting 12/2008
“Clinical trials will be limited due to the need to provide the vaccine to governments as quickly as possible. Additional testing of safety and efficacy will need to take place after administration.” – GlaxcoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Company Statement
“The vaccination made me ill… On the third day my kidneys and head were aching… I then had a coughing fit and the wash basin was suddenly red – it was blood.” – ‘Swine Flu Vaccination: An Injured Subject Speaks Out’ Nina Bautz, Global Research 9/16/09
“They want to brainwash people into saying I better go get a flu vaccine. People have to ask themselves:’ Let me get this straight; you’re telling me this virus is so bad, you don’t want me exposed to it, so you’re going to put it in a syringe and inject it directly into my body’… Hello! That’s insanity!” – Rebecca Carley MD, General Surgeon, VIDS Expert, KTYM AM 1460 4/27/09 (On September 18th reported an inhalable live virus vaccine would soon be available. How does releasing an inhaled live virus vaccine into the public curtail spread of the H1N1 virus?)
Risks with Anti-Viral Medications
(also note that while Tamiflu has been the anti-viral medication to receive the most media attention, there are other anti-virals of concern)
“Tamiflu has been linked to thousands of cases of abnormal behavior, neuropsychiatric problems like convulsions, delirium or delusions; and brain infections. The Japanese Health Ministry noted that fifty-four people had died after taking Tamiflu including cases of ‘Tamiflu suicides” – (Reuters 3/21/07)
“People with the flu, particularly children may be at increased risk of self-injury shortly after taking Tamiflu and should be closely monitored for signs of abnormal behavior.”
FDA warning, 11/06
“Canada has asked Swiss drug maker Roche AG to warn consumers of possible health risks linked to the influenza drug Tamiflu, the health department said. Ottawa took the step after receiving international reports of side-effects such as hallucination and abnormal behavior including self harm.”
‘Tamiflu Dangers Reported’, Reuters11/29/06
A Recovery Case
“The patient deteriorated further and was on life support. The family was told nothing could be done… The hospital was pushed hard to give him IVC…the patient continued to recover. He was now conscious.”
IV Vitamin C Used to recover Terminal Swine Flu Case’ Dr. Joseph Mercola,9/24/09
The Guise for Justifying Mandatory Vaccination: Herd Immunity and Efficacy?
Proponents of mass mandatory vaccination argue that herd immunity as an essential component to protecting the public from the spread of disease. However, historical documentation has shown otherwise. Please visit the Vaccines: Safe and Effective Section and sub-sections
H1N1 Vaccine Producers… Immune from Liability?
“Canada is protecting the drugmaker of the swine flu vaccine from lawsuits over potential side effects. Dr. David Butler-Jones told a media teleconference that Canada will shield GlaxcoSmithKline in the event there are problems with the vaccine but will not shield health practitioners who make mistakes in administering the shot.”
‘Canada will Protect Swine Flu Vaccine Maker from Lawsuits’ Theresa Boyle, 9/30/09 (i.e. blame the nurse not the vaccine)
“Now they have a law in the States that these companies are not liable – nothing in compensation if the patient is killed or the patient is sick for life.”
Dr. Rauni Kilde, Ret. Chief Medical Officer, Finland in interview on youtube.
“Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine.”
What about the Seasonal Flu Vaccine?
For information on the regular flu vaccine pleae see the following sections: Vaccine Induced Diseases; Vaccines, Safe and Effective? and Power, Politics and Public Relations
The 1976 Swine Flu Debacle
“President Ford had been told by his health advisors that there was going to be a huge epidemic of ‘Swine Flu’… and that the only way to prevent the epidemic was to vaccinate the entire population of America… People were dropping dead in the buildings where they received their shots. Others became paralyzed… I was the only practicing doctor to speak out against it and warned of almost certain consequences. Dr. Anthony J. Morris, (Chief Vaccine Control Officer of the Food and Drug Administration and Virologist) did try to speak out but was censored, and censored very hard.”: (Dr. Morris was fired)
Archie Kalokerinos MD, PhD, AMM, FAPM, ‘The Swine Flu Fiasco’
“The CDC was assuring everyone that the vaccine (swine flu) was perfectly safe…’ Just like water’… You know the disaster that followed; after a thousand cases of paralysis were reported, the CDC reluctantly admitted they were caused by the vaccine.”
Thomas E. Stone, MD, ‘Open Letter to Pediatricians on Flu Vaccines’
Looking Back: 1918
“I was an on the spot observer of the 1918 flu epidemic… When the flu was at its peak, all the stores were closed as were the schools –even The hospital, as the doctors and nurses had been vaccinated too and were down with the flu. We seemed to be the only family that didn’t get the flu…My family had refused vaccinations so we remained well at the time. We knew from the teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others that people cannot contaminate the body with poisons without causing disease… My parents went from house to house doing what they could to llok after the sick. Germs… had plenty of opportunity to attack my parents when they were spending many hours a day in sick rooms. But they didn’t get the flu – none of our gamily got the flu – not even a sniffle. It’s been said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20,000,000 throughout the world. But actually, the doctors killed them with their crude and deadly treatments and drugs. This is a harsh accusation but it’s nevertheless true judging by the success of drugless doctors in comparison with that of medical doctors. While the medical men and hospitals were losing 33% of their flu cases, non-medical hospitals such as Battle Creek, Kellogg and Mac Fadden’s Health Restorium were getting almost 100% healings.”
Eleanor Mc Bean PhD, ND, Author of ‘The Poisoned Needle’
“There were seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than the unvaccinated civilians and the diseases were those they’d been vaccinated against. One soldier… told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of infantile paralysis and he wondered why a grown man should have an infant disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of vaccine Poisoning. those at home didn’t get the paralysis until after the world-wide vaccination campaign in 1918.”
Eleanor Mc Bean ND, ‘Vaccination Condemned’
“Soldiers did die following the injections which contained mercurous chloride otherwise known as Calomel. There was a widespread campaign for mercury containing vaccines. There was also an outpouring of propaganda (such as present day SARS) to frighten the public…”
Dr. Dan Duffy DC, Geneva Ohio
A Coincidental Prediction?
June 17, 1996, the U.S. Air Force released ‘Air Force 2025’. In the unclassified study, The College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education put forth several “fictional representations of future scenarios”. In Chapter five, the authors present a timeline representing a plausible history in which in 2009 influenza will kill 30,000,000 people and it is not “determined if the virus was a natural mutation or bioengineered.” Many feared the latter.
“The group (WHO) will recommend that nations move away from confirming (H1N1) flu cases and just assume the virus is the culprit.”
WHO will urge most countries to Stop H1N1 testing’, Thomas H. Maugh ll, 7/8/ 09 Los Angeles Times
Repressive Measures
In November 2003 George E. Bush issues Executive Order 13295 on Bioterrorism making individual American citizens subject to “Unrestricted Apprehension and Detention” in the event of a major outbreak of disease.
“…public health officials may have to institute draconian measures to combat the disease.”
Time Magazine, 4/27/09
“There is an emergency authorization avenue that is available that would allow us to use the vaccine in an emergency without further testing.”
Rahul Singhvi, CEO, Novavax
“During a pandemic it may be necessary to overrule existing legislation of (individual) human rights.”
World Health Organization, Checklist for influenza, pandemic preparedness planning: Section 1.5.1 Legal and Ethical Issues
“Previously the WHO did not have the ability to force any government, it was only the recommendation but it was in the 1990s they signed that if there was pandemic, they could give an order. Now at the beginning of June, WHO has said that (level) 6 is the highest (level.) Go to any country in world, there are not millions who have swine flu. So this was done to prepare governments to give injections by force.”
Dr. Rauni Kilde, Ret. Chief Medical Officer, Finland (in interview re. the swine flu on youtube)
“Flu Plan needs a federal enforcer: provincial strategies ineffective unless someone yields a ‘big stick'”
Ottawa Citizen headline, 9/21/09
“Government plans to introduce compulsory vaccinations for swine flu and could see people jailed if they refuse to take it.”
Keith Falkiner, Star Sunday (Ireland) 9/13/09
“The reason vaccinations are promoted with such intensity is to prevent people from realizing vaccines do not protect and also in the event of an outbreak or epidemic that the vaccinated are as much at risk of being infected at the unvaccinated. The truth can be kept hidden if everyone is vaccinated, making comparing the unvaccinated people impossible… This is also the real reason for the relentless push to vaccinate as many children as possible.”
Gerhard Buchwald MD, Internal Medicine Specialist, Germany
“It’s hardly astonishing that in every major vaccine campaign, one finds the same players, The World Bank, financiers, governments,…”
Guylaine Lanctot, ‘The Medical Mafia’
Repression, Rights and Resources
Topics on this page:
- Repression
- Fear and Repression: Then and Now
- Vaccines on Steroids: When does the insanity stop?
- Vaccination: Mandatory or Not?
- Vaccination… For Prevention or Profits?
- The Needle Stops Here: Taking a Stand
- Links and Resources
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship… To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science.”
Benjamin Rush MD, Signatory to the Declaration of Independence, Physician to George Washington
“Mandatory vaccination ranks with human slavery and religious persecution as one of the most flagrant outrages upon the rights of the human race.”
Dr. J.W. Hodge MD, ‘The Vaccine Superstition’
“When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we in essence accept that the state owns our bodies.”
Ron Paul U.S. Congressional Representative
Fear and Repression: Then and Now
“To create fear among parents to strengthen their motivation to vaccinate is an important part of the publicity to promote vaccinations. A whole branch of research is examing the question ‘What level of fear needs to be created to appear as convincing as possible.'”
Dr. med Martin Hirte, ‘Vaccination – Pro and Contra’
“Francistown – Six residents of Semotswano …received varying suspended sentences for refusing their children to be immunized… The Court ruled that the children of those convicts were to be immunized that day.”
Republic of Botswana, 6/18/04
“Since 1930 many doctors have declared themselves opposed to vaccination. But the vaccination law continues to prevail. In many German States there is compulsory vaccination, although even the supporters of vaccination were originally against compulsion. In 1929 it so happened that a father abducted his own child three times so as to save it from the persecution of those who wanted to use force in order to vaccinate the child. For the fourth time the officials succeeded in taking the child for vaccination, they dragged it out of the car. After the vaccination, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) set in, and within eight days the child was dead! In this way vaccination has at times become a legally sanctioned judicial murder, committed by custodians of the law.”
Dr. med Steintel, Berlin writing in ‘International Medical Policy’ 1932, p. 153
“Following the State of Maryland’s threats against parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated, children were herded into a Prince George County Courthouse being guarded by armed personnel with attack with attack guards. Inside, the children were forcibly vaccinated, many against their will, under orders from the State Attorney General, various state judges and the local school board director, all of whom illegally conspired to threaten parents with imprisonment if they did not submit their children to vaccinations…The entire campaign against these parents is blatantly illegal. There is no law in Maryland requiring the vaccination of children…Instead Maryland health and school authorities are using Gestapo-like tactics threatening to charge the parents … The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons announced its strong opposition to the Maryland ‘Gunpoint Medicine’… and promised to do everything it can to support parents who refuse to immunize their children. ‘This power play obliterates informed consent and parental rights” said Kathryn Serkes, Director of Policy for The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, one of the few national physician groups that refuse corporate funding from pharmaceutical companies.”
Mike Adams, News Target, 11/19/07
“We are threatened with blocked access to schools and workplaces upon refusing vaccinations. Children are increasing being taken away from loving families for the parents’ failure to have them inoculated. Officials claim these children must be protected from who or what? The targeted population includes mothers and fathers who know the truth about vaccine risks and thus ask for waivers. Rather than waivers, many receive court orders. Threatened with the loss of child custody, parents typically cave in to officials demands … And we search Afghanistan and Iraq for terrorists?”
Dr. L. Horowitz, DMD, MPH
Vaccines on Steroids: When does the insanity stop?
“What if a ‘dirty bomb’ exploded over a large segment of the U.S. population exposing citizens to Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria, three strains of polio viruses, three strains of influenza, measles, mumps and rubella viruses, two types of meningitis, four strains of herpes viruses, the chickenpox virus, seveus bacteria and four strains of rotavirus. We would declare a national emergency. It would be an extreme act of bioterrorism. The public outcry would be immense and the government would react accordingly. And yet those are the very organisms we inject into our babies and our small children in multiple doses with immature underdeveloped immune systems, many at the same time. But instead of bioterrorism, we call it protection. Reflect on the irony.”
Sheri Tenpenny, D.O., Board Certified Emergency Room Specialist, ‘What CDC Documents and Science Reveals’
“Today, a child may be deprived of his liberty to associate with others, or even his supposed right to a public education simply because of being unimmunized. Yet, if a child is unaffected, his status is not a threat to anyone else. On the other hand, immunizing of a child whose already infected or becomes infected in spite of (due to?) the vaccine is of no protective value to anyone.”
Dr. Jane Orient
“They are already talking about mandatory HIV vaccines and planning to vaccinate children with it – when does the insanity stop? How much longer will children be human sacrifices?”
Dr. Howard Urnovitz, Microbiologist
“A radical scheme to vaccinate children against future drug addiction is being considered by ministers… Under the plan, immunizing children at risk of becoming smokers or drug users with an injection…. Prof. David Nutt, head of psychopharmachology said, ‘People could be vaccinated against drugs at birth…'”
‘Children to Get Jabs against Drug Addictions’ Sophie Goodchild & Steve Bloomfield, The Independent, 7/26/04
“There are about 200 more vaccines in the pipeline. Scenarios for the future even include consuming vaccines in nosesprays, ointments, food and vaccines… I call it vaccine mania…Pumping more vaccines into the body without understanding such basics ashow they’ll affect immune system function over time borders on the criminal.”
Nicholas Regush,
“We do not know what future generations are going to suffer because we have not been brave enough to question mass vaccination.”
Barbara Loe Fischer, Presidant, The National Vaccine Information Center
Vaccination: Mandatory or Not?
“How did organized medicine get to such a point where informed consent, a basic tenant of ethical medical practice, get thrown out the window under the guise of “disease prevention”… State legislators have granted three types of exemptions from compulsory vaccination, with the availability of each type varying on the state. Such exemptions are not absolute in that if the local department of health declares a public health emergency, the exemption can be cancelled.”
Carolyn Dean MD, ND
“Many people believe that vaccinations are safe and ‘mandatory’ for school and/or workplace attendance. They are clearly deceived in most cases. Vaccines are not mandatory in most American states that allow for personal, religious and or medical exemptions.”
Dr. L. Horowitz, DMD, MPH
“Unlike some countries, immunization is not mandatory in Canada; it cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution. Only three provinces have legislation or regulations under their health-protection acts to require proof of immunization for school entrance. Ontario and New Brunswick require proof for diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps and rubella immunization. In Manitoba only Measles vaccination is covered. It must be emphasized that, in these three provinces, exemptions are permitted on medical or religious Grounds and reasons of conscience; legislation must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization.”
Immunization In Canada – Vol. 23S4 – May 1997 – Canadian National Immunization, 1996, Health Canada website

A: On a political level yes. On a scientific level, people need information… It’s one thing to say choice is good. But if the atmosphere is full of lies how can you choose?…. If the FDA were run by honorable people, these vaccines would not be granted licenses. They would be investigated to within an inch of their lives.”Dr. Mark Randall (pseudonym) former NIH researcher and vaccine developer for a major pharmaceutical firm in interview with investigative journalist, Jon Rappoport
“The L.A. Times stories were “fear based’ …Unvaccinated children do not pose a threat to vaccinated children.”
Jay Gordon MD, FAAP, FABM, IBCLC Emeritus, 3/31/09
Vaccination… For Prevention or Profits?
“The burden of proof for vaccine reactions should not rest on parents, as it does now in our medical-legal system. The burden of proof for the safety of vaccines, that is, that the vaccines are NOT causing adverse genetic changes, should rest on the manufacturers, federal and state government health agencies, and the schools who are now mandating the vaccines. Until this matter is settled, does anyone at any level truly have the right to force vaccines in ever growing numbers on a generation of children?”
Harold Buttram, MD, FAACP, ‘Vaccines and Genetic Mutation’
“Instead of the government spending on immunization, we may get far better health outcomes if we spent on nutrition… When you have an expenditure on getting your community healthier, then the resistance to many childhood diseases is stronger.”
Michael Moore, Health Minister, Hansard, England, 1997
“Every state in the union has been encouraged to pass compulsory vaccination laws to force to shoot up their children with close To two dozen doses of vaccines in the name of preventing them form catching diseases that most of us had when we were Kids without ill effects… It is important to mention that in Switzerland no such coercive laws exist. Since that country is noted for having the finest health care system in the world (at half the price of ours), and includes recoqnizing the value of homeopathy, naturopathy, herbalism and a string of other natural healing arts and no plagues exist there. The idea that we have to force people to take shots here in the U.S. flies in the face of everything America is supposed to stand for… To say our current compulsory vaccination policy is flawed is an understatement. It is not only a major cash cow…history will eventually show how barbaric and oppressive it truly is. In essence, forcing healthy people to use sometimes lethal medical products they don’t need, to diseases that are much better handled by health practioners who offer us safe and sound means of maintaining and /or restoring our health.”
Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, ‘U.S. Infectious Disease Policy Based on the Wrong Germ Theory’
“If we look closely, we realize that health for all according to the WHO means medicalization and vaccinations for all. That is to say sickness for all.”
Guylaine Lanctot MD, Author of ‘The Medical Mafia’
“The prerequisite for today’s medical policy is naturally the currently dominant system of medicine. The sick are the source of income, therefore it is necessary for sick people to be there, yes, if it proves advantageous if one makes the people artificially sick…Hundreds and thousands of perjuries have been committed via scientifically false reports. I say this because I can prove it by means of these high standing of the doctors is forced on the public. Damage thus comes about as a result of vaccination, and is constantly proven. But it is portrayed in a very toned down form by official sources.”
Dr. M. Steinel 1932, Berlin
The Needle Stops Here: Taking a Stand
“Whereas: Safety testing of many vaccines is limited and the data are unavailable for independent scrutiny, so that mass vaccination is equivalent to human experimentation and subject to the Nuremberg Code, which requires voluntary informed consent; Be it Therefore Resolved that The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons calls for a moratorium on vaccination mandates.”
Resolution Passed The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, November, 2000
“How many children need to be potentially harmed before we invoke the precautionary principle and the Hippocratic Oath – First do no harm? We need specific proof of safety for all vaccine ingredients and their interactions and we need parents, scientists and practitioners To stand up and demand nothing less before we make matters worse.”
Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD, FAAP, Pediatrician
“Vaccines by their very nature with or without mercury are inherently dangerous… We must prevent our corrupt government from forcing These poisons down our “throats”. This is simply socio-pathetic control and greed by the cash-fed revolving door… We must stop this insanity by every means necessary.”
Arthur Evangelista, former FDA Investigator, Public Health and Medical Fraud Research
“I think we have to call for a boycott of the entire vaccination procedure to make the political mandarins sit up and take notice. It is dastardly and heinous act to continue with the vaccination process without making provisions for informed consent, introducing a physicians’s warranty of vaccine safety, compensationin case of adverse effects and without any studies on the long-term effets of vaccines, specially when the so-called “misinformation about vaccine dangers circulationg amongst dissentersm, even within the medicalcommunity is turning out to be fact rather than rumour.”
Dr. Omesh Bharati (India) The Politics of Vaccine II
“They make it seem a crime to refuse the vaccine. They equate it with bad parenting. You fight that with better information. It’s always a challenge to buck the authorities. And only you can decide whether to do it. It is every person’s responsibility to Make up his mind. The medical cartel likes that bet. It is betting that the fear will win.”
Dr. Mark Randall, (pseudonym)former vaccine researcher, NIH, and major pharmaceutical houses in interview with investigative journalist, Jon Rappoport
“Moms and dads are standing firm, resisting pressure from White Coats to vaccinate. They have done their homework and they are not frightened by the so-called “vaccine preventable diseases”. They are finding caregivers who support their decisions, leaving behind the pediatrician whose primary purpose is to give shots on a schedule decided by medical bureaucrats. Parents are embracing the fact that children can be healthy with plenty of sleep, ample exercise, clean hands, fresh water, good quality food and vitamins.”
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny D.O. ‘The MMR Vaccine is Not Holy Water’
Links and Resources
This website was compiled independently by a concerned professional who has witnessed too much vaccine damage and subsequent denial and dismal of vaccine harm. Those wishing to further investigate this critically important issue are encouraged to visit the following websites ( a sampling of many) and to access books and DVDS available there.
WEBSITES to get started include:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
The Vaccine Risk Awarenss Network (Canada):
The National Vaccine Information Center:
World Association for Vaccine Education:
Vaccination News:
Vaccine Liberation:
(below Websites are primarily Autism focused)
Cry Shame:
Fourteen Studies:
Age of Autism:
Generation Rescue:
BOOKS: (Please see websites for a wide selection of books etc. re. vaccination, natural healthcare for children)
The Vaccine Safety Manual by Neil Miller
Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective by Neil Miller
The Poisoned Needle: by Eleanor McBean PhD (available online in chapters)
A Shot in the Dark: Why the P in the DPT Vaccination May Be Hazardous to Your Child by Harris Coulter PhD
Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality, The Medical Assault on the American Mind by Harris Coulter PhD
Immunization: History, Ethics, Laws and Health by Catherine Diodati
‘Vaccination: The Hidden Truth’
‘Vaccinations: What CDC Documents Reveal’ by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
‘Vaccination Nation’ by Gary Null PhD